South Africa is at top in Top 10 Worst Educational Systems in the World list due to its total score of students in different educational activities is 58.9%. Other countries with lowest education expenditures as part of GDP are Zambia (1.3%), Monaco (1.6%), Sri Lanka (2%) and Georgia (2.7%). Pakistan stands alone as the only entry on this list that is not an African country. With the highest Adult Literacy Rate (ALR) on this list of 70.1%, Angola still clearly stands head and shoulders above its continental compatriots on this list. Hopefully the project is successful and Ethiopia can find its way out of the bottom rungs of international education rankings. 5.1%. There is no civil war, a minimal influx of refugees from neighbouring countries and a relatively stable political system in comparison to many African countries. The former Ethiopian province is currently going through a bit of a scandal as the government has been forcing Eritrean expatriates living in Britain to pay a 2% “Diaspora tax”. The report noted that in the US, the public education system is primarily funded through federal and state property taxes, while the country is home to eight of the top 10 Best Global Universities. by on January 25, 2021 January 25, 2021 Leave a Comment on worst education system in the world list on January 25, 2021 January 25, 2021 Leave a Comment on worst education system in the world list The Indian school system may be one of the world’s worst, but that only makes it easier to improve it — and there are ideas from elsewhere about how we can do it. Their 56.6% adult literacy rate only makes them 19th last in the world, but their education levels may be taking a back seat to the mass exodus taking place within the country that some are calling an “ethnic cleansing”. The country with the lowest education expenditures relative to GDP, according to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) World Factbook, is Equatorial Guinea, with an educational budget of only 0.6% of GDP. Though the education system … To determine the best and worst schools in Washington DC and America’s 50 states, WalletHub considered 29 factors related to student safety and quality of education. Without doubt, a high emphasis on making expenditures for education indicate foster socioeconomic growth, as it enhances the development of all aspects of society and contributes to the lessening of social inequalities. The blood diamonds funding the rebels in Sierra Leone is just one stark example. In 2019, more students are attending and graduating from high school than ever before. Which country has the world’s worst education system? Investing in education will guarantee a better future for countries as a whole, as respecting fundamental human rights often best begins from the bottom working up, wherein improving the position of children, in school and elsewhere, is a great place to start. More troubling still, entrenched poverty represents another great barrier when it comes to accessing even primary and secondary schools. The education system of Mexico is worst in the whole country. Education plays a significant role in the performance of countries primarily because without literacy, development can never be realized. Luckily, Malala survived the attack, has been given a book deal to recount her story, and has even been nominated for a Nobel Prize. The Best and Worst States for Education 2019 Education matters more now than ever before, according to findings from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The ranking of Hong Kong in the educational sector has impressively improved in the last few years. In states riddled with much larger problems, such as child soldiers, civil wars, genocide, corruption, and widespread tribal conflict, it might seem understandable that education falls by the wayside. Hopefully, the sacrifices made by Pakistan’s young students will help bring about major changes to their education system. According to the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) tests taken in 2012 by 15-year-olds in 65 countries, the South American country of Peru was at the bottom. Rentier states are countries wherein the government’s lucrative sales of national resources mean they forego tax revenue - revenue that would normally fund national social programs and policies. However, literacy rates in this country are extremely low because less than a third of adults in Niger can write and read. Perhaps once national education is given a higher priority on the national agenda, the country’s leaders could find themselves more enlightened to the blight of oppressed groups in their country. It gets even worse when their stats are scrutinized a little further – their gross enrollment ratio is a concerning 3.3%. With some of the lowest educational statistics in the world, the system in Ethiopia looks bleak for the country’s schoolchildren. Iowa ranked fifth, both the higher education and Pre-K-12 were ranked eighth. The 10 Worst US States For Education - WorldAtlas. Even though school attendance is compulsory for all children between 6 and 18 years old, the laws regarding compulsory education are not enforced by the government. 5. Protestors are looking to achieve a full democracy by ousting their current leader Zephirin Diabre. These factors have contributed to very low attendances rates among students as well. My academic writing experience has awarded me with a number of published articles and I am working towards a career as an independent political analyst. Niger is located in West Africa. The index measure education on access, quality, and human capital within a country. Scroll below to see WalletHub's ranking of states with the best and worst public education systems. Due to the poor conditions of the public schools, the number of private schools tends to increase, but problems with the funding still persist, and the expanding youth population is only increasing the burden. 10 Worst National Education Systems. Which country has the best education system in the world? The poor education levels don’t stop there for Burkina Faso with only 2% of the Adult Population having a secondary education. The government expenditure on education as part of GDP is an indicator of the importance nations place on education in their budgetary considerations. Developed countries around the world have well-developed educational systems and opportunities for higher education, which helps the citizens of that country obtain higher paying jobs and a better quality of life. The education system from class one to higher degree includes poor quality work and due to the bad quality of the work all education organization sand corporation have quitted their work with this country and the level of poverty in education system falls more. In Gambia, there is only a 4.1% Tertiary Enrollment Ratio for the national education system which consists of a whopping 574 schools. Burma (Myanmar) ranks second among the countries with the lowest education expenditures as part of GDP, with an educational budget of 0.8% of GDP. Louisiana had the highest dropoutrates, while Alabama had the second-lowest math scores. Budget cuts performed by the government for social purp… Fluent in both English and Spanish, I am looking to build my writing skills and a portfolio to pursue my goals of being a full-time author. worst education system in the world list. The following list of European countries with the worst education systems is based on their overall world ranking on the UN Education Index. The ministerial task team submitted its … While many Latin American countries struggle to achieve high education standards, Panama uniquely pairs a booming economy with its inadequate education system. Starting with them, we can go far — unless we believe that all that is best was invented in India and all that is in India is always the best. It is one of the poorest states and it has the worst national education system globally. The project will receive US $550 million of investment towards their goal of increasing educational quality in the country. Now let's talk about our beloved country, Indonesia. Tenth on the list with an Education Development Index of 0.685 is Angola. Despite the country's high adult literacy rate of 99.7 percent, the educational system has been criticised as being outdated and irrelevant to the needs of the changing labour market. 1.5%. Though private school studies are considered expensive in Hong Kong, but there is no difference between the qualit… The country seems to fall short primarily in the areas of Mathematics and Science. The United Nations' Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) Educational Development Index (EDI) tends to attract most attention for the countries that perform at the very top. Its low rating is due to the long years of internal violence and high rate of refugees leaving the country. The World’s Largest Oil Reserves By Country. Monaco and Liechtenstein are notable exceptions among the countries discussed in the article, in that these country actually have strong education systems focused on student success. Just as other countries have demonstrated, the countries making our list can better their global standing by increasingly diverting resources towards the education of their populaces. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for Aitazaz Hassan Bangash, a 14-year-old Pakistani boy who was killed while stopping a terrorist bomber from entering his school. This explains why countries with poor educational systems are the poorest in the world. While education is free, and basic education is nine years, the cost of supplies such … Half the population lives below the international poverty level, which is USD $1.25 per day. According to the survey, the great increase for education systems in countries across Asia is a result of the close cooperation between families, students and teachers, as well as the respect shown towards education staff in those countries. The Gambian president Yahya Jammeh was recently quoted as stating that ‘Gays are vermin’ while at a recent UN address, a comment which might serve to illuminate the current state of the country's development. 4th last in UNESCO’s Education ranking is the Central African Republic. Schools are notoriously under funded, and teachers often go unpaid. In addition to this, there is a rampant discrimination against women regarding educational opportunities, which contributes to an illiteracy prevalence of 27% among women above 15 years old. The situation with women is even worse since only one quarter of young women is literate … Utah ranked third with the second best higher education after Florida and 20 th Pre-K- 12. The religious clash has killed thousands and displaced millions since the beginning of the violence in 2012. Malala continued to attend school despite Taliban threats and was shot in the head by Taliban militia for her troubles. More troubling still, entrenched poverty represents another great barrier when it comes to accessing even primary and secondary schools. Yes, Hong Kong got 10th position with a power ranking score of 70. Louisiana ranked the second last. Not all of us are privileged enough to be born in countries with the best education systems. The overall average score for all countries in Math was 494, Reading 496, and Science 501. Uncategorized worst education system in the world list. Education helps an individual to grab a basic understanding of civilization and their role as a civilian. Notably, it managed to improve its ranking from 14th to 10th position among the best education system in the world. Mali Worst Systems. The dictatorship in Eritrea has caused a massive diaspora to flee the country, and it was recently reported that many Eritrean refugees have been found in slave and torture camps while in Egypt and Sudan. The United Nations' Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) Educational Development Index (EDI) tends to attract most attention for the countries that perform at the very top. This figure is achieved by summing the total of all government expenditures for educational purposes, both public and private. Niger is located in West Africa. New Jersey ranked second, its Pre-K-12 ranked 3 rd while the higher education ranked 28 th. Ethiopia brings us to number 5 with a 0.622 EDI – barely nudging out Eritrea by 0.001 – and an ALR of 39%; the 5th lowest in the world. A ministerial task team has concluded that South Africa has one of the poorest-performing school education systems in the world. This thoughtful book unfolds against the backdrop that Shanghai students … Source: US News & World Report. Currently, the country is witnessing protests throughout the capital city of Conakry following a series of power cuts that affected the poorest sections of the population.