The game is played in a village-like setting with players taking on different roles such as villager, werewolf, or a special character. After the other werewolves are asleep the Alpha wakes up again and switches one werewolf card from the middle to any other player that isn’t a werewolf already. |. The drunk must not look at their new role card. There may be none as both werewolf cards may not end up with any player. The player with the troublemaker card opens their eyes and exchanges cards between two other players without viewing the cards. The announcer begins with the werewolves by announcing “Werewolves, wake up and look for other werewolves”. For a 5-player game, add 2 more villagers to the 3-player setup. Werewolves: They form the werewolf team. The doppelganger will perform actions associated with the role they transformed into during the night phase. Since you need about seven people to play Werewolf, you’ll run into the time limit using Zoom’s Free Plan. Hook it up to a speaker if possible. The villagers lose the game if no werewolf was killed but other players (including the tanner) died. The Tanner is not on the werewolf or the villager team. Check out their entire game library and pick up a copy of Werewords at . The Werewolves don’t know who the Minion is. He/she may say “Everyone, open your eyes!”. The Tanner only wins if he dies. The villagers win the game if at least one werewolf dies. If the doppelganger viewed the insomniac card, the doppelganger must open their eyes after the insomniac closes theirs to check their card to confirm if they are still a doppelganger. Home Join a game Games One Night Ultimate Werewolf Codewords Secret Hitler Spyfall Love Letter Avalon Enigma About Settings Help Support and Feedback Subscribe Buy me a coffee :) Auto-detect. Also, players must keep their eyes closed all through except their role is summoned to perform its special action. Minions: Minions belong to the werewolf team. Werewolves are on the werewolf team. For 3 – 10 players. If the game is played with a tanner, then the werewolves win if at least one of the players is a werewolf and no werewolves are killed, including the tanner. Masons: Both mason cards must be used if the mason role is introduced to the game. Note that on a typical night the wolves eat a villager and during the day there is a chance the villagers kill a wolf. The game set-up differs depending on the number of players. WINNING | You Are A Villager and Slay the WerewolfTeams win as a whole, depending on your role you are either part of the Villager team of the werewolf team. Details of how to play one night ultimate werewolf are provided below. 4. Players are allowed to interact and discuss freely during the day phase but must not show their role cards. The game starts in the night phase. He/she may say “Robber, wake up. Here is the full list of roles and the order that they should be called by the announcer. HUNTER ROLEIf the Hunter dies, the player he is pointing at dies as well (regardless of how many votes his target receives). Buy the One Night Ultimate Werewolf game by Bezier Games. Trouble is they do not know if you are lying. . Insomniac will wake up when called to check their card one last time to confirm it hasn’t been changed. He/she may say “Seer, close your eyes”. Is the game enjoyable/really functional with smaller numbers? Players may not be aware that their role has changed during the night phase. When the minions are called by the announcer, the werewolves must put their thumbs up for the minions to see. Next, the announcer calls on the robber. . If multiple players tie for the most votes, all the players that tied are killed off and must all show their cards. In the course of a single morning, your village will decide who is a werewolf...because all it takes is lynching one werewolf to win! Play together with the original One Night Ultimate Werewolf Cards to add some magic to the game. Shuffle the role tiles, deal 1 face down to each player and put 3 face down in the middle of the table. Start with 10 minutes per … All you need are your friends and your phones. Set them to the side, their point is to be used in the player discussion in between rounds. This is a fun deduction party game that is built for a big group. Place the role tokens (face up) in the middle of the play area for each role card that is being used in the game. For example, with 3 players, only 6 cards will be in the game and 2 of those will be werewolves. The game moves into the day phase. Zoom has a Free Plan that provides all of the features necessary to play Werewolf. 2. But it is not that critical. If the Minion dies and no Werewolves die, the Werewolves (and the Minion) win. The last action of the night phase is performed by the announcer. The Tanner is considered a member of the village (but is not on their team), so if the Tanner dies when all werewolves are in the center, the village team loses. The player with the most votes dies and must reveal their card. For a 3-player game, 2 werewolves, 1 each of villager, seer, robber, and troublemaker are used. It doesn’t matter the number of other roles that died. One player is chosen as the “Announcer”. It is possible for there to be no werewolf as both werewolf cards could end up being part of the 3 cards in the middle. Shuffle the role cards and deal 1 card to each player. The doppelganger will perform actions associated with the role they transformed into during the night phase. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Wakes up when called to swap their card with another player’s card. Based on the knowledge you received during the night phase you want to share that with everyone. Not all roles have actions to perform during the game. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The following are some One Night Ultimate Werewolf Rules. Each player gets one and it is a secret. One Night Ultimate Werewolf plays 3 to 10 players so not all roles will be in every game. However, for meetings with one host and two or more participants, the meeting will end after 40 minutes on the Free Plan. GAMEPLAY | Day Phase (Discussion)This phase is all about communication and is where the token discs come into play. One Night Ultimate Werewolf is a fast-paced game for 3-10 players where everyone is dealt a secret role. Secret Hitler makes the list of games like One Night Ultimate Werewolf because it is all … This is a fun deduction party game that is built for a big group. Only use the Insomniac if the Robber and/or the Troublemaker are in the game. ! Villagers, Tanner, and Hunter have no action to perform during the night so they must sleep throughout this phase. Yes! But the addition of roles to One Night Ultimate Werewolf adds even more wild fun to this already enjoyable base experience. When called by the announcer, they open their eyes to identify themselves. This quick party game of deduction is great for a large group of people of all ages. The villagers also win the game if no one is a werewolf and no one dies. Furthermore, in Werewolf the beginning of the game can be boring if you’re a villager because you have almost no information. You may exchange your card with any other player’s card and then view your new card”. Remember that certain roles change other players’ cards. Each player then points to another player. Werewolves will claim to be a different role so they don’t get killed. A doppelganger that transformed into an Insomniac will not view their card one last time to confirm it hasn’t been changed. If the Tanner dies and no Werewolves die, the Werewolves do not win. I am compelled to buy ONUW given my groups past adoration for Werewolf, but the number of participants now hovers between 3-6 (maybe 7, rarely). When the minions are called by the announcer, the werewolves must put their thumbs up for the minions to see. Lone Wolf: If there is only one werewolf, then that wolf may be allowed to view one of the three cards in the middle. A doppelganger that transformed into an Insomniac will not view their card one last time to confirm it hasn’t been changed. To begin the night phase, the announcer asks everyone to close their eyes. The player with the robber card then opens their eyes and does as the announcer said. The werewolves win if at least one player is a werewolf and no werewolves were killed. One night Ultimate werewolf daybreak is a fast game for 3-7 players (up to 10 when combined with the original one night Ultimate werewolf game) where everyone gets a role: the cunning Alpha Wolf, the powerful witch, the helpful apprentice seer, or others, each with a special ability (no plain "villagers" Here!). One Night Ultimate Werewolf is a fast-paced, bluffing card game for 3-10 players in which players each take on a role very different to each other! The rules are very simple but the outcome can vary dramatically. The Drunk is now the new role in front of him (even though he doesn’t know what that new role is) and is on that team. The same applies to the other roles, seer, hunter, drunk, troublemaker etc. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. For anyone who has a lot of experience with One Night: Ultimate Werewolf, what are some recommendations for roles to use in 5-10 player games? The players will all open their eyes and be suspicious of one another. Troublemaker: Wakes up when called to swap two other players’ cards without viewing the cards. 16 roles cards (with 12 unique roles; 3 villagers, 2 masons, 2 werewolves, 1 each of hunter, town drunk, seer, tanner, minion, insomniac, troublemaker, robber, and doppelganger). They also are the one who calls for a vote when a nominee to be killed off has arisen. . The game is played in phases. Find the Werewolves hiding amongst you, but you only have one night. These will be referenced for your convenience. For a 4-player game, add 1 villager to the 3-player setup. Role cards may be added or removed as the players want but if a mason role is to be introduced, then both mason cards must be used. Next, the announcer summons the troublemaker. The Werewords™ app is used with the word game Werewords to run … Both mason cards must be used if the mason role is introduced to the game. We hope you can now say you know how to play One Night Ultimate Werewolf. MASON ROLEWhen using the Masons always put both Masons in the game. When called by the announcer, they open their eyes to identify themselves. The village team tries to kill at least one werewolf to win. Players may often claim to be a Villager. If no player receives more than one vote, then no one dies and all the players show their card. It is quick, light, and all about being a vehicle for your group to emerge themselves in their character for a brief moment and have some fun. The balance between werewolves and good villagers is important. This, on its own, would be a pretty compelling hidden role game. You for, example, always need the villagers and werewolf, but as more people come in add roles like the Drunk and the Troublemaker. You could be an all-seeing Seer, with the ability to see what others cannot! The Villager is on the village team. Tanners: Tanners are on the werewolf team but do not wake up during the night phase. This is the final step of setup before gameplay in how to play One Night Ultimate Werewolf. Werewords is designed by Ted Alspach, the game designer of other popular games such as One Night Ultimate Werewolf, Suburbia, Castles of Mad King Ludwig, and many more popular games. Also, the insomniac role can only be used in a game if at least one of robber or troublemaker role is included. Note that interactions between players are forbidden during the night phase unless when performing special actions. A special role that can transform into another role. 1 Premise 2 Gameplay 2.1 Call Order 3 Roles that do not wake 4 Expansions: In ONUW, the Villagers must try to vote out Werewolves, while the Werewolves have to stay alive. Many of these roles have special abilities that will aid that player in gaining information. Hunter: Hunters do not awaken at night but will always kill any player they pointed at if the hunter themselves is executed. There’s no elimination and each game lasts about 10 minutes. A player reads this script or it can be read by the official companion app. Seer: Wakes up when summoned to view either one other player’s card or two of the three cards in the middle. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. TANNER ROLEThe Tanner hates his job so much that he wants to die. Count down and at the same time, everyone points to who they think is the werewolf. If the Mason doesn’t see another Mason, it means the other Mason card is in the center. These cookies do not store any personal information. Everyone on the village team wins if a werewolf dies. To accommodate more players, simply add more role cards. It is quick, light, and all about being a vehicle for your group to emerge themselves in their character for a brief moment and have some fun. Each player has two hitpoints, each kill removes a single hitpoint. The game is played with three more cards than the number of players. SETUP | Put Out Player TokensThe first step to how to play One Night Ultimate Werewolf is to put out the role tokens. All Rights Reserved. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Can you catch the werewolf before its to late? This is our definitive guide on how to play One Night Ultimate Werewolf. One Night Ultimate Werewolf is the first game of the One Night series, inspired by the social game Werewolf. DRUNK ROLEThe Drunk is so drunk that he doesn’t remember his role. . This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The game is fun and suitable for a social gathering. For a 4-player game, add 1 villager to the 3-player setup. Wakes up when called to swap two other players’ cards without viewing the cards. Step-by-step instructions on how to play One Night Ultimate Werewolf Board Game. The basic setup is for a game of 3-5 players. He/she may say “Robber, close your eyes”. Doppelganger: A special role that can transform into another role. This Minion is on the werewolf team. Play One Night Ultimate Werewolf online for free. The game may be expanded to include other players and more roles may be introduced. 3-10 players, plays in 10mins, 8+. Insomniac: This card can only be used if at least one robber or troublemaker is in the game. In the course of a single morning, your village will decide who is a werewolf…because all it takes is lynching one werewolf to win! It is silly and there is not much too it, but it is a fantastic primer for any get-together. Insomniac will wake up when called to check their card one last time to confirm it hasn’t been changed. You will need 1 per player + 3 more. Three cards will be left, place these face-down in the middle of the playing area next to the tokens. Required fields are marked *, Copyright © 2019 Halv Media. The announcer will then ask the robber to close their eyes. Each player must be able to reach all the cards, and also recognize which card is theirs. Uh -oh! One Night Ultimate Werewolf is a fast game for 3-10 players in which everyone gets a role: One of the dastardly Werewolves, the tricky Troublemaker, the helpful Seer, or one of a dozen different characters, each with a special ability. How To Play Golf Card Game: Golf Card Game Rules. During the day phase players are free to interact and converse but must not show their role cards to others, neither can they view their role cards. In the course of a single morning, your village will decide who is a werewolf... because all it takes is finding one werewolf to win! In the course of a single morning, your village will decide who is a werewolf…because all it takes is lynching one werewolf to win! The majority winner is who is chosen and depending on how that goes a winner is chosen. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. It is silly and there is not much too it, but it is a fantastic primer for any get-together. If they viewed a mason card, the doppelganger becomes a villager. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This is a step by step guide for how to play One Night Ultimate Werewolf the popular deduction party board game. Tanners are on the werewolf team but do not wake up during the night phase. The player who receives the Robber card is on the village team. If the player reaches 0 hitpoints, she is emiminated and the role revealed. They form the werewolf team. there should always be 3 more role cards in play than there are players. You could be a harmless villager, defending your village from the night-crawling terror! Pick the right number of cards for the number of players to be involved in the game and also gather the tokens that match the picked cards. The player with the seer card then opens their eyes and either takes a look at one other player’s card or looks at two of the three cards in the middle. When announced, the masons wake up to see each other. One Night Ultimate Werewolf is an imaginative quick & light 3 to 10 player game, for ages 8 and above that takes around 10 minutes to play. TROUBLEMAKER ROLEAt night, the Troublemaker may switch the cards of two other players without looking at those cards. Bezier Games publishes party games and strategy games. Wakes up when summoned to view either one other player’s card or two of the three cards in the middle. This action is optional though. Robber: Wakes up when called to swap their card with another player’s card. 8. Masons are on the village team. At this point, it would make sense for the Villagers to nominate the remaining player accused of being a Wolf and vote to eliminate thereby catching a Wolf. Each role is called upon to carry out its special action during the phases. Each player quickly peeps at their card and then places the card face-down near the three cards in the middle. During this phase, all Werewolves put their thumbs up so the Minion can see who they are. One Night Ultimate Werewolf is a fast game for 3-10 players in which everyone gets a role: One of the dastardly Werewolves, the tricky Troublemaker, the helpful Seer, or one of a dozen different characters, each with a special ability. If there is a tie for the most votes, all the players that tied will die and must reveal their cards. If you are on the villager team and the vote successfully happens to kill a werewolf, your team wins. The Insomniac is on the village team. All the players with werewolf cards will open their eyes and look around for other players whose eyes are opened. Day 3 now begins with 1 Werewolf and 2 Villagers (as the Village eliminated a Villager and the Wolf eliminated the Seer during the night) and the town is now reduced to 3 players. This role can be a very powerful ally for the werewolf team. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The drunk must not look at their new role card. One Night Ultimate Werewolf Set Up Choose the roles being used in the game. If this character is in play, then the remaining werewolf characters must be placed face down and perpendicular to the remaining 3 character cards in the middle. The basic setup is for a game of 3-5 players.