Here’s how otters do it. Research done on bear relocation in PA showed the relocated animals A large male may consume as much as 11 kg (25 lb.) A forum community dedicated to survivalists and enthusiasts. Prohibitions against eating meat do not include fish. check on your season and the situation in your state. An otter stayed one week in a neighbors pond until the fish were gone. In winter,harvest and skin and sell or use the hide.However,otters The Polecat (Mustela putorius) is a member of the weasel family (Mustelids) and is also known as a ‘Fitch’ relating to its fur. They thought the monkeys would stay up high and the otters down below. Activity: Muskrats are active year-round, and they feed at all times of the day. -- (, December 25, 2000. Otter are nothing but big weasels. They will raid your chicken coop when given the opportunity. Well, two more times during the summer the otters showed up for a day or two- and there were FOUR of them. Sea otters eat 25 percent of their body weight in food every day. Trim or clear away bushes close to your hen house. North American minks eat only meat but are attracted by the smell of dead animals. Muskrat Behavior. They’re smart and wily often times figuring out how to scale fences or dig under them to get inside. I was in the kitchen at the sink and my wife and kids and my dad were outside near where the chickens were free ranging near the creek bottom. Fish and Wildlife Service. However, I always feel like crap after eating it. A fox is opportunistic, he will visit your garden regularly (a little tip, if it snows, go out and have a look for paw prints to see if foxes are visiting and how close they get to your chickens – you might be surprised!) Controversial News and Alternative Politics, Second Media Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 901, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. GS was flipping out on his chain all morning. There are a bunch of aquatic mammals that live in my area. -- sharon wt (, December 25, 2000. Otters will initially target eggs and young birds. The otter died with the hen still in its mouth. If your wife was packin too maybe ya could have saved the chicken. The size of the litters varies with the seasons, with larger litters being born in spring and summer, and small litters being born in winter. whales, dolphins, seals, sea otters and sea lions is emphasized yet again in Yasna 42.4, (See also Vendidad Chapter 14.) Everyday Relationship Matters. There was a big trail of feathers where it was dragging it towards the woods. Although they live in similar habitats, there are basic differences in their habits and appearance and knowing these basic differences will help in identifyin… Otters. I heard a hen make a painful noise and then heard my wife through the open window say a weasel had one of the chickens. But if you keep chickens, your ears should perk up, and you should be on high alert.Among the savvy, wiry members of the mustelid family are martens, ferrets, fishers, minks and, of course, weasels—so common and conniving that this whole family of hunters is often referred to as the “weasel family.” Giant otters often hold their prey in their paws while eating it. This includes frogs, crayfish, and even crabs. River otters possess long, muscular bodies suited to their life on both land and in water. Climate change is the result of a buildup of heat-trapping gases in our atmosphere. of food daily. The tests were supposed to mimic shellfish that otters eat, with the hypothesis that juggling might allow the otters to practice using their … Until one day the otters started eating the monkeys in front of kids. I carry this piece every waking moment and am getting darn good with it! otter, fishers, ermine, Marten, Wolverine, Weasel, Mink. -- sharon wt (, December 25, 2000. often did poorly anyway bc they were in unfamiliar territory and in Anyway,sounds like you found a great solution. They are the biggest animal in this family and excellent climbers. Yep, an otter is just a bigger mink. Yes, river otters are responsible for damage in this situation. Their body shape aids in helping them make sudden turns to catc… Never heard of an otter killing chickens. And otters do like eating ducks. jim Otters do kill ducks . They are generally solitary animals except during mating season. I wouldn't relocate … Hen was still alive but suffering so my boy went and got me some more rounds and i put it down to end its misery. Photo by U.S. A rescued sea otter pup is taken to Alaska SeaLife Center to be treated. In fact, they sometimes hunt more prey than they can consume at once, so weasels may store extra food near their dens. Kennesaw Marketplace (470) 588-3305. There's enough feed in each bag for 3 animals.To feed the hungry animals drag a sack of feed from the bottom panel across all of them. They view domestic cats and rabbits as prey and often prey on squirrels. Polecats were once widespread and common throughout mainland Britain. In other areas,they may be listed as furbearers, so starvation & disease.Just an aside. I have Otters up here, and when they are hunting, they are magnificent.. they keep the. He nearly made it back to the woods but was stopped by lead. Some other common items that they will eat include invertebrates, birds, and small sized animals. Otter Nuisances River otters are known for destroying the foundation that your home or business sits on and they often carry diseases that can be transmitted to you and your pets. I should have paid more attention to the hens and our german shepherd. They also use their agile front paws to find and grasp their prey. Had me flabergasted! One of the most significant contributors to this phenomenon is carbon dioxide (CO2), a gas emitted by coal-burning power plants and automobiles, among other things. It caught the hen when i hit the back porch. Mustelid: The name doesn’t sound very intimidating. The sauces leave something to be desired. 2 for Cookies inBakery 3 for Bagel inBakery 4 … are being re established in some areas,and would have special We've had lots of trouble with the mink and our coop, and we live no where near a lake or creek. The notion of sacredness, hence prohibition against consumption of sea mammals e.g. I came off the back porch charging down the hill like a crazy man trying to catch up with the bad guy dragging the hen along. Otter eating chicken. regulations. They are excellent helpers around the chicken house, as long as the rodent population is thriving because they normally prey on a species that is regularly available. They are most active at twilight. What I saw was from a distance, a very dark, black/brown coloured creature, about two to three times the size of a feral cat, inch-worming it's way from the pond to the woods. The River otter is associated with river, lake, pond or marsh habitats, but may make extensive overland excursions from one such habitat to another. Well it looks like I have to include one more predator in my list since I live on a creek bottom that has some ponds on it with fish. Well for a long time the monkeys terrorized the otters. In the United Kingdom, the number one predator for chickens is of course the fox but did you know that some people also have badgers killing their chickens? These predators sometimes raid poultry coops with easy entry. It was a long shot with that gun. What They Eat Because there are 13 species of otters, diets may vary from otter to otter. In Oregon, River otters are mostly found west of the Cascade Range but have been found in eastern Klamath County and in Deschutes, Wallowa, and Malheur counties. BEAUTY & HEALTH TIPS; FOOD & DIET; WELLNESS & FITNESS; RELATIONSHIP MATTERS Otters eat crayfish more frequently throughout the spring, summer, and fall. I shot the last four rounds hitting it at least twice more. They are a member of the Mustelid family that includes weasels, minks, otters and skunks. River otters belong to the weasel family. Not a lot of choices for healthier/lighter options. Had an adult otter attack and try to drag off one of the laying hens today. Are you sure about Beaver and Porcupines going after chickens to eat? Housing for an Asian small-clawed otter … They will also consume lizards and other items they can find on land when they need to. They eat rodents, fish, birds, and frogs, as well as eggs. This will help to protect your chickens from not only minks but other predators by eliminating their hiding or perching spots. ... For a time, otters were not around to eat urchins. An outer is about as aquatic as a beaver is. I've had serious problems with wild mink attacking my coop, these weasels are land-lubbers as I'm quite a distance away from larger water sources. otter, fishers, ermine, Marten, Wolverine, Weasel, Mink. ... otters will take there food to a regular place and eat it there. Otters eat an average of 2.5 pounds of meat daily. JavaScript is disabled. Minks are members of the weasel family and look very similar to weasels and otters. HOME; LIFESTYLE. you will find clear otter signs around the remains of the duck . Come join the discussion about collections, gear, DIY projects, hobbies, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! I should have let him out to investigate earlier. Otters chicken is really tasty and good. a otters a big tough critter ,,the dog might kill it but its going to get some pretty serious injurys in the fight,,,if your lucky it will bay up and the dog could keep it from running off till you get there,,,if it catches it in the water[if its deep enough to slow dog]the otter would put a real hurt on the dog. It made it to the open yard after she called it with the otter right on its tail. Do take extra care of cleanliness outside and inside your pond for prevention of otters getting inside your pond in the future. If you keep chickens, quail or pheasant, otters will try to take advantage of young vulnerable birds. Named a Top 25 Small Business by the AJC FIVE years in a row, Otter’s Chicken has plans to expand throughout the state. The last four of my ducks to die were killed immediately after the neighbouring farmer had (as I reported last … Despite the name ‘fisher cat’, it is not related to ‘Fluffy’ or ‘Tom’ – nor does it eat fish! It's so, so heavy. Their toes are webbed, they have short legs and they boast a tapered tail ranging up to 15 inches long. Baby otters for sale is 1 of 5 different otter species that is native to Asia. Otters occurs just about anywhere in the tropical and temperature america that has significant water. Look for an Otter’s coming soon near you. Otters are tremendous travellers and a male can move over a 20-mile territory in as little as two nights. Their diet in the wild is crustaceans, mollusks, and small fish. Feed for animals is produced at the Feed Mill. I stopped about 12 yards away, steadied myself and shot hitting it and knocking it down. We have most of these on our land, all of them will … We have them here in northwest florida. They catch prey with their teeth. May have saved a good hen! Fish and crayfish are their favorite food items. A taurus model 85 5-shot revolver. They knew something was up earlier in the day. This is the smallest otter species being only about 11 lbs. Once inside, weasels may eat chickens, chicks, or eggs. 5. Do Weasels Eat Chickens? Most inexperienced people will think a fox has visited however this isn’t always the case. posted 4 years ago We are in otter and mink country - both of which have been known to break into henhouses and eat chickens. It is related to stoats, otters, weasels and minks. Of course they could kill them if they wanted to. Glad to here you had no further problems. When attempting to identify the animal by sight, if you don’t know the basic physical differences between the species, the animals can be mistaken for each other. Figure i have 2500 rounds thru this gun now. BUT my money is on his american mate ! This tail serves to propel the otters through water. They also eat frogs, salamanders, snakes, turtles, and muskrats. There are a bunch of aquatic mammals that live in my area. This separates them from raccoons, which tend to leave uneaten chickens in coops. Oh and i am glad i practice with this snubbie .38. The chicken coop has 3 chickens after the building is complete. There are a bunch of aquatic mammals that live in my area. But they never bothered the ducks or chickens, just searched for frogs and fish I guess, then they were gone again. I've also watched mink climb 1" steel poles set 8 feet off the ground, around a pond, to access wood duck houses. Sea otters eat about 25% to 30% of their weight. some other bear's territory and thus were more susceptable to Reproduction: Females give birth to 2-3 litters per year, each time yielding an average of 4-8 pups. Along with non-aquatics that still live near swamps like: wharf rats, porcupines, and skunks. Sea otters in the United States received additional protections with the passage of the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act in the 1970s. I hate to nitpik too, but fisher, ermine (weasel), martin, and wolverine are not aquatic mammals, but land lubbers. Beaver, otter, fishers, ermine, Marten, Wolverine, Weasel, Mink. Otters still show up at Slide Ranch, but the coop has been fortified, so the chickens are safe. There are real big ones in latin america in the tropics. Fish as a “brain food” is a food favorite. Cumberland Pointe (470) 377-4931. West Cobb (770) 428-8333. Sea otters are one of the only mammals that are been known to use tools to obtain and eat their prey. and the one night yo… Well that was the last day for that display. They can use a rock to dislodge mollusks and urchins from the rocks where they are attached. They do live in large family groups. It is an energetic creature which is superbly adapted to living and hunting in and around the aquatic environment. What kind of animal would do this? The otter is a large, predominately nocturnal predator, with an adult male weighing approximately 10-12kgs. LIVE, LOVE & LAUGH. Will post a pic when i get back to a normal computer. You can buy 3 more chickens with coins for a maximum of 6 chickens in each coop. I can remember when they put the big otters in the Portland Zoo in a display with the monkeys. National Park Service aquatic biologist Darren Fong says that surveys and tests of otter scat confirmed it. Wife said the chicken was in the woods and saw it fly way up a couple times. The whiskers on the face of the Otter are very sensitive and they pick up vibrations. Some fried chicken doesn't have the same effect, perhaps it's the oil that it's fried in? Do the wharf rats kill only the young? River otters and giant otters hunt by using their vibrissae to detect movements of prey in the water. A fisher cat (Martes pennanti) is a member of the weasel family – along with minks, otters and pine martens. Not to mention, there have been a attacks on humans reported. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. This site is intended to provide otter education and information about how to kill otters with poison, so that you can make an informed decision if you need to deal with a otter problem. River otters are smaller than their cousins, the sea otters. In 2006 and 2007, river otters started taking out brown pelicans at Rodeo Lagoon in the Marin Headlands. Methods of Collecting Food.