His actions with General Flynn’s case and now with the US Postal Service prove it. Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, the presiding federal judge in the trial of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, said Tuesday that President Donald Trump’s decision to pardon Flynn did not mean that the retired general was actually innocent. US District Judge Emmet Sullivan of the District of Columbia. Postal Service to restore high-speed mail sorting machines at postal facilities unable to appropriately handle election-related mail in the final days before Election Day. According to The Hill, Sullivan gave the DOJ until Monday to attest to the evidence which includes handwritten notes from disgraced former FBI Peter Strzok. Emmet G. Sullivan Trump Reportedly Planning To Pardon Michael Flynn, Start Of Spree The president could issue a series of pardons and commutations during his final weeks in office, according to reports. In a new Thursday ruling, D.C. Federal Judge Emmet Sullivan has ordered the U.S. Judge Emmet G. Sullivan says he’ll allow outside parties to weigh in on the Michael Flynn case Posted at 7:06 pm on May 12, 2020 by Brett T. Emmet Sullivan’s Kangaroo Court By John Leonard A kangaroo court ignores recognized standards of law or justice and has no legitimate authority because due process is often ignored. [2] Contents. U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, a trial court mainstay in Washington who presided over the politically fraught prosecution of Trump National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and litigation over Hillary Clinton’s email server stemming from her days as secretary of state, is retiring. Emma Sullivan, Director: After Tomorrow. After more than four years of corrupt investigations and indictments and the government finally acknowledging their crimes in setting up General Michael Flynn, the government decided to drop its case against General Flynn based on a review within the DOJ. Washington Democrats, much of the major media, and other “Trump haters” have a new hero — the once very highly respected U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan in Washington, D.C. Sullivan wrote, “Not only is the Judicial Branch ill-suited to review prosecutorial decisions — given the complex factors involved — but judicial […] Judge Emmet Sullivan just ordered DOJ to comply with the order he already issued, that it certify all the exhibits submitted in this proceeding. Now That Joe Biden Is President, Judge Emmet Sullivan Has Decided to Open Up a Judicial Vacancy Matt Naham Feb 4th, 2021, 4:43 pm U.S. District Judge for the District of Columbia Emmet Sullivan is going to assume senior status, a semi-retirement role that will still allow Sullivan to handle some cases while also giving President Joe Biden and Senate Democrats an opportunity to fill a vacancy. Sullivan, a … This order will create a whole heap of problems for DOJ. Judge Emmet Sullivan is corrupt or crazy or both. U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan gave the government until Monday to verify that every piece of evidence the Justice Department has relied on is “true and correct” or face a penalty of perjury. Sammy Finkleman’s comment set off alarm bells in my head based on my experiences in having taken maybe 1000 guilty pleas in my time as a federal prosecutor. (DOMINIC BRACCO II/For The Washington Post) Sullivan is now dragging the case out into December with no end in sight unless another mandamus case is filed by the DOJ or Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell. Dropping the charges against Trump’s former national security adviser involved a shocking rewriting of history—but Judge Two days ago he posted a comment (No. Fact Check: The image appears to be an old photograph of Obama and another man wearing sunglasses while standing in front of an unnamed body of water. The easy call should be no, which makes all the more bizarre federal Judge Emmet Sullivan’s decision Tuesday to invite outside briefs in the Michael Flynn case. “This is Barry with Judge Sullivan,” reads the caption. President Trump recently pardoned former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, the victim of sabotage and witch-hunts by Democrats for the last five years.The pardon meant that a federal judge, Emmet Gael Sullivan, had to end his case against Flynn. https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/13/politics/judge-emmet-sullivan-flynn-case Judge Emmet Sullivan of the DC District Court on Tuesday dismissed Michael Flynn's criminal case as moot, following Flynn's pardon by President Donald Trump. Emmet Gael Sullivan (born June 4, 1947) is a United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. Judge Emmet Sullivan is still presiding over the case, and I somehow doubt he’s impressed with the government’s current shenanigans. In response, Emmet Sullivan scheduled a status conference for September 10, a date Flynn’s lawyers had said they could not attend. Opinion: Emmet Sullivan’s handling of the Michael Flynn case is vindicated U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan in April 2009. He added a nearly impossible deadline and a requirement that DOJ transcribe hand-written notes and provide the author and date. Corrupt federal judge Emmet Sullivan finally, at long last, dismissed the frame-up case against General Mike Flynn, but not before he had compiled and submitted a petulant, 42-page rant smearing the General one last time. Flynn’s judge, Emmet Sullivan, said in 2015 that judges are “ill-suited to review prosecutorial decisions.” Techno Fog, the anonymous Twitter user who uncovers documents and puts them online, found the document from 2015. Emmet G. Sullivan, the judge overseeing the government’s case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn, has a reputation for operating sometimes in unorthodox ways. There’s been a nationwide rush to get ballots to and from voters amidst concerns about in-person voting […] Emmet G. Sullivan, a D.C. native and champion of the government disclosure rule, will step back from full-time duty on April 3. Judge Emmet Sullivan is desperate to keep Flynn from freedom and is clearly working with the corrupt FBI and DOJ. Emma Sullivan is a director and writer, known for After Tomorrow (2009), The Watch (2020) and Doctor Who (2005). 32) in which he included an excerpt from the transcript of the first sentencing hearing in the Flynn case before Judge Emmet Sullivan, which took place on Dec. 18, 2018. Because that’s the kind of raging asshat Emmet Sullivan truly is. [End] So, at this point we have a rogue judge who has ignored the outright dropping of this farce of a case by the Department of Justice and an outright presidential pardon.