Which of these was a corrupt business practice that Frank Norris exposed in The Octopus? In 1882, Rockefeller formed the Standard Oil Trust, which controlled upward of 95 percent of the refining capacity in the United States. Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. It is reasonable to assume that Irma thinks Lymie is finished eating because he is no longer Following drilling, Nature chooses oil with probability ,withthepayoffof $3 million (4 minus the initial investment). Unit 5 Test: Force and Motion 4. grade . the waitress, whose name was Irma, thought he was through eating and tried to take his plate away” (lines 34-38). 1. intelligent t i i e e g t l l n n hint: smart; brainy 2. camouflage m u a f c l o e g a hint: ability to blend in Back home I reported on the conference to the Labour Party caucus and stated as an aside that the US was going to war … The only thing not under control of the octopus is the White House. The massive and unprecedented profits of Standard Oil were made possible by (1) this control over prices (and the consequent ability to set prices at levels that would maximize profits), (2) the huge economies of scale attained from the control of almost all oil refined in the U.S. and (3) the ability to pressure railroads and other suppliers of goods and services into giving them bargain … Rockefeller’s combined companies, The Standard Oil Octopus is an example of the control that monopolies had over the economy and the government. . These methods of vertical integration allowed Standard Oil to cut prices and drive competitors out of business. 1. This simple worksheet includes a primary source political cartoon about John D. Rockefeller's famous F. The speed of the car … Page 33 Thomas Ladenburg, copyright, 1974, 1998, 2001, 2007 t.ladenburg@verizon.net Cartoon expressing popular feeling in 1890’s that trusts (the pirates in the picture) are about ready to throw democracy Chapter 8 The Sherman Anti-Trust Act and Standard Oil This political cartoon drawn during the Gilded Age depicts Standard Oil as an octopus which uses unscrupulous business methods to put the competition out of business. (a) Using to denote the likelihood that drilling results in oil, draw the decision tree of this problem. A safety quiz does not replace safety training but should be used to check employee safety knowledge. These Safety Quizzes are provided as a starting point for you to develop facility specific safety quizzes for your employees. Standard Oil's pre-history began in 1863, as an Ohio partnership formed by industrialist John D. Rockefeller, his brother William Rockefeller, Henry Flagler, chemist Samuel Andrews, silent partner Stephen V. Harkness, and Oliver Burr Jennings, who had married the sister of William Rockefeller's wife.In 1870, Rockefeller abolished the partnership and incorporated Standard Oil … Lesson Title: “Monopolies: More then just a game.” Lesson Author: Elizabeth Haberland & Kevin Bartell . Chapter 10 - Standard Costs and Variances 10-64 Chapter 10 Standard Costs and Variances Answer Key True / False Questions 1. The cartoon reflects a common viewpoint of many U.S. citizens in the late 1800s and early 1900s. 4. FORM 8.3 PUBLIC OPENING POSITION DISCLOSURE/DEALING DISCLOSURE BY A PERSON WITH INTERESTS IN RELEVANT SECURITIES REPRESENTING 1% OR MORERule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the “Code”) 1. Unscramble each word and write it on the line. . Start studying The Men Who Built America, Episode 2: "Oil Strike" - John D. Rockefeller. 4. 9Density, displacement volumes and displacement values Learning objectives By the end of this chapter you will be able to: express a liquid in either weight or volume using density values define and use the term 'displacement value' Define and use the term 'displacement volume' calculate the amount of base required when making suppositories and pessaries… Grade Level: 7. th. This cartoon was published in 1904 during Teddy Roosevelt's presidency. Purpose/Rational: The purpose of this lesson plan is to introduce students to economic concept Chapter 3: The Oil Monopoly Game Chapter 4: John D. Rockefeller in Cleveland Chapter 5: Empire 's Challenge to Standard Chapter 6: Business 0rganizations Chapter 7: Robber Baron or Industrial Statesman Chapter 8: The Sherman Anti-Trust Act and Standard Oil Chapter 9: Standard Oil on Trial Chapter 10: The Supreme Court Decides In Standard Oil …Ida Tarbell wrote in her History of the Standard Oil Company (1904), “You could argue its existence from its effects, but you could not prove it.” In 1892 the Ohio Supreme Court ordered the trust dissolved, but it effectively continued to operate from headquarters in New York City. Why was the Standard Oil Trust MOST likely pictured as an octopus with many tentacles in the cartoon? ExxonM obil is the only supermajor oil company in the world whose historical roots trace back to the United States of America (Yergin, 2008). Key Concepts: Terms in this set (10) Ida B. The materials price variance is computed by multiplying the difference between the actual price and the standard price by the actual quantity of materials used in production. When we remember that probably one-third of this immense annual revenue goes into the hands of 3. Standard Oil Company.” . If there is no oil, there will be no future pro fits. Please be sure each word is spelled correctly. If a car is moving on a road at 70 km/hr going due north, and then changes direction and starts traveling north-east staying at 70 km/hr, what happens to its speed and velocity? Get More for Less! The cartoon depicts Standard Oil Company as a giant octopus that has its tentacles around its workers and different U.S. government buildings. 2. Of all the subjects which seem to have attracted the attention of the public to the affairs of the Standard Oil Company, the matter of rebates from railroads has perhaps been uppermost. The company also led the way in horizontal integration, controlling businesses in the same industry. . B) The Standard Oil Trust killed many different types of wildlife with its drilling practices. BP has also undergone many transformations in the past century, beginning with historical roots in the United U.S. History End of Course Exam Answer Key Page 9 of 80 B. “The Trust Giant’s Point of View” (1900), Horace Taylor Background etween 1870 and 1911, John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil ompany and Trust dominated the American oil business. What does the octopus represent? Key Curriculum Words: monopoly, captain of industry, shareholder, national market . of John D. RockefellerÕs Standard Oil company, founded in 1870 (Yergin, 2008). Congress was able to function apart from the influence of companies like Standard Oil. KEY INFORMATION (a) Full name of discloser:OCTOPUS INVESTMENTS LTD(b) Owner or controller of interests and short … What does this cartoon suggest about the relationship between Standard Oil and the U.S. government? Read More President Roosevelt is using the Sherman Anti-trust Act to regulate the monopolies. Choice C is the best answer.The passage states that “when Lymie put down his fork and began to count . Each safety quiz has an answer key. finished, answer the questions that follow using complete sentences. This Worksheet is part of the Progressive Era Bundle (9 Worksheets for $4.5!) A) The Standard Oil Trust was seen as a danger to the traditional American way of life. Explain. PLEASE HELP ASAP!!! Written By: Mike Smith Date published: 7:00 pm, February 20th, 2021 - No comments In February 2002 I was at a union-NDP conference in Ottawa watching US television in my hotel room. Wells's book The Red Record. Which of these writers helped bring about the breakup of the Standard Oil monopoly? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. We must resist US pressure on China that could lead to war. This answer is not correct. the image of the OCTOPUS: six cartoons, 1882-1909* Nob Hill (neighbor-hood of the San Francisco powered elite) The Bancroft Library Frank Norris G. F. Keller, The Curse of California, illustration, The Wasp, 19 August 1882 1882 Wheat Export Mansion of Charles Croker (Southern Pacific Railway magnate) Wheat Ware Ida Tarbell. 5. Time Allotted: 50 min. It was considered to be a monpoly that harmed many small oil companies and dominated the oil industry for many years. The Standard Oil Company of Ohio, of which I was president, did receive rebates from the railroads prior to 1880, but Answer: Two decision branches: drill or not drill. The political cartoon clearly depicts Congress as being in the grip of one of the Standard Oil Company’s tentacles, Supposedly, John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company of the late 1800s gave substance to this perspective. ANSWER KEY Magician of the Sea Vocabulary Activity The scrambled words below are vocabulary words from the article. Describe what is happening in this cartoon. What message does this cartoon convey about Standard Oil’s power and influence? CORRECT ANSWER ONLY PLEASE!!! It is showing that trusts often sought to control the government and many other aspects of life. .