she also seems to lose interest in teething toys and likes to bite clothes. In general, I don’t like euthanasia, but what are my choices? I'd not worry - just clean the area and use antiseptic and you'll be fine. Can You Keep a Dog After It Bites a Child? There’s a Lump Under My Skin After a Dog Bite. He's quite smitten with trousers, hanging down stuff like dressing gowns, dresses etc and wants to bite them and play tug of war. Your puppy is likely "mouthing", that's like teething in babies. He has repeatedly “nipped” at my ankle. Get rid is the only advice I could give you here. But last night my two year old was laying on the bed next our dog and she let out a bark and then bit my daughter hear. I have a 12 week old male poodle that goes straight for my hands, arms or legs every time I try to touch him. Anyone who doesn't know that and seriously thinks that a twelve week old puppy that nips out of excitement and just happens to draw blood should be rehomed because it is a problem really should never own a dog. Rabies break outs are extremely rare in dogs now. She has been snappy with him lately. I feel I can’t pet him very much because he’s always tense and biting. Clicker training is also a really good way to wear puppies out and leave them with less energy for nipping and biting. Posted by 5 years ago. He bites the leg my pants and ankles also but I usually wear socks so its not so bad. Close. The bite drew blood or was a significant bite You think your dog could have an illness/disease or perhaps rabies Your gut is telling you that the victim has intentions to press charges The police contact you Children’s first reaction to being nipped or mouthed by a puppy is to push the puppy away with their hands and arms. I agree with what's been said about crating - don't use it as a punishment. Fil reluctant to serve niether myself nor dh nice champagne? If she got too bitey and overexcited we were told to hold her muzzle closed and squeeze it gently (it sounds a bit barbaric writing it down ) with a firm No Biting. I have never had a puppy bite...some puppies nip which is totally different and would certainly not draw blood. I just shot my 7 year old Dane that cost 5 grand for biting one of my children in the face. If the bite doesn’t break the skin, your chances of developing serious health complications are low. How does your DS feel about what happened?I wouldn't write off a 12 week old but maybe he needs a home without children. OP - your puppy was excited and nipped you out of excitement, not through aggression.Crating should never be used as a punishment - you want the crate to bea safe secure den that the pup can retreat to when he wants, not a place with bad associations. If the bite is less severe — or more of a nip — giving the dog away might not be the most popular option. Animal bites and scratches, even minor ones, can sometimes lead to complications. To all of you telling the OP to 'get rid' - how ridiculous. this is a twelve week old puppy fgs - all puppies bite. My doggie had to go the other week because he bit me for telling him to get off the sofa! Sometimes he lets go when we say LEAVE IT or NO but no matter how we try to distract him with proper chew toys, he won't leg go of things he is not supposed to bite.We brought him straight back from walk and crated him for 15 mins. If he hasnt had a shot for rabies and has been outside other than your garden it would be safer to get it checked out. As I remember back when,all kids who played with their pup always got bit..The pup is just playing with you..We never got shots from a puppy bite and we are still here..But,do get the shots your pup needs A.S.A.P. I've been nipped by more puppies than you've probably had hot dinners over the years, and I'm still standing (just about). Tetanus might be, but if you've had one in the last 10 years, you are still current with that. Wil i have to get injected an anti.rabies injection . Nah, she is right 100 percent. Even a fluffy litle hamster can bite and draw blood, an unfortunate side effect of having a pet with teeth!I agree with what's been said about crating - don't use it as a punishment. Both of my labs (now 12 months and 3 years old) went through awful bitey phases at this age - in fact with the youngest, we really started to worry that she was going to be an aggressive dog. He'll learn mouthing means the end of playtime -- takes a while sometimes, but be consistant and he will learn. If I had experience of a nipper drawing blood and everything turning out to be OK then my advice would have been different, I don't so my only advice can be get rid. is this normal and is this considered a part of their teething stage? Most animal bites to your finger won’t cause symptoms other than swelling, redness, or pain. We do NOT play any tug of war games with him. I didn't see what happened but I think he was trying to show her who is boss by shouting rather than 'yelping' and walking away like we do and the puppy sank her teeth into his finger . I was wondering with your exsperiance you thought that she will do this again and worse. Need advice. This is page 1 of 4 (This thread has 84 messages.). Dogs may bite in defense of themselves, their territory, or a member of their pack. Ours did it a couple of times as a tiny pup. Me Basset Hound puppy keeps picking his nose. These may not go away by themselves, so if they are causing you any pain or discomfort seek the advice of a healthcare professional, as a surgeon may be able to drain the impacted area. All puppies bite; I have 2 that used to bite me until they stopped teething. Now, he has bitten my grandson, and I have had enough! He's still really young and learning so being very consistent and using a firm NO will be effective in time. When my dog was a young puppy, he was a nipper. Even a fluffy litle hamster can bite and draw blood, an unfortunate side effect of having a pet with teeth! And have a look at his teeth and gums, if he's teething he's likely to be very nippy at the moment, and the pain can make them act a bit crazy (you know what tooth ache is like - imagine what that's like when you're only 12 weeks old and don't understand why you're in pain!). It’s also dangerous if your puppy tries to bite your face or if your puppy tries to bite other dogs or other people, especially children. Can't believe people are saying get rid over a 12 week old puppy .He is 12 weeks old. That way we could more easily quietly remove her and put her out for a couple of minutes which I guess might work with an over excited nipping pup as well, it does have to be immediate though she stressed. He was obviously not amused.Its getting less of an issue now we can take the dog to the woods and get rid of some of her energy. Do you per chance think that the dog knew he was going to draw blood? Popped her on the spot there is no middle ground you hurt my children and you are dead, dog, person, etc…. Enjoy your puppy.. He is still a baby, so I don't think you need to panic just yet. Please help . If the bite causes deep puncture wound with slight skin breakage, you need to let the wound bleed. Well, it was for ours! Dog bite does not usually leave any debris, so that this will be enough for a cleansing purpose. Not one single puppy has ever drawn blood on me any of my six siblings, or with any of my children and plenty of them have nipped.Sorry if thats isn't what others are used to but those are my standards and what I gave my advice by. "I wouldn't write off a 12 week old but maybe he needs a home without children." why is it the little dogs that are the most aggressive seeming often times? 1. Just wash it with water and put some antibiotic cream on it if it needs it. Phoebe also loves anything trailing such as dressing gowns, scarves etc. All puppies DO bite/ nip- have you ever seen them playing with their litter-mates? I think it's a bit uncomfortable for them so it jolts them out of the loopiness. he is a baby. Lab puppies are known to be very mouthy anyway, so I doubt a labradoodle would be any different. He has teeth like needles. If this was a strange dog, apart from the rabies and tet. They learn very quickly with training that that sort of behaviour isn't acceptable. Puppies bite-and thank goodness they do. To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to new features see fewer ads, and support Mumsnet. You need to be patient, persistent, and consistent. Mother dogs will fiercely protect their puppies as well. 4y old dog attacks puppy sometimes... today he drew blood. Also worth remembering that crating him so long after the event will have no impact as dogs don't associate a punishment that is given later with the action they have done now iyswim. He got me and I went to A & E where they gave me a 10-day course of penicillin just in case. Dogs have very short memories. Our dog is now 5 and the loveliest, least nippy thing you could imagine.However, for what seemed like an interminable time she would jump up and nip whenever she got any attention, or when someone was passing with flappy trousers.I don't think she ever drew blood but it was pretty painful at times, and I think we occasionally had (teeth) scratch marks.It's a matter of training and time - they do eventually calm down naturally but they do need to be helped along, and ours definitely didn't like being spoken to harshly.I had a friend with a big, slow, old dog who used to bring him round sometimes and I think his example helped as well. if your dog doesnt run off leash and has no contact with wild animals or suspect domestic animals you should be ok.a vet could tell you more,possibly quarantine your dog for a couple weeks and watch for symptoms of rabies. Year 1 child had accident at school and they had no spare clothes - AIBU? What a load of drivel on this thread. Appropriate medical care can help you minimize the chances of long-term health problems due to a dog bite. Lawsuit? You can find out what you are facing by contacting animal control for your county, or looking on line at your county ordinances regarding whether they have a … To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Jeez calm down some of you. Also remember that he is just a puppy and his actions won't have been intentional, he's just playing. This is a question I hear on a daily basis in my practice. thing, I might consider going to the Doc. Most dog bites occur while interacting with familiar dogs thus the need to educate people and their children on how to avoid dog bites. As long as you know where he's come from and that since you've had him he's not been in contact with a rabid animal, rabies isn't an issue. To send only one of two DC to private school? Some bites barely break the skin; others are deadly serious. A child who bites a child who has hepatitis B may be exposed to the virus if blood from the bitten child enters the biter’s mouth. Now he goes and gets a toy or blanket on his own accord as a matter of habit, even though he does not nip any more. Put a pressure on the skin around the wound to encourage bleeding. Taking puppy out for a walk (12 weeks) and he jumped up and bit his leg. People and dogs … Edit: It is possible for an animal to be a carrier of rabies and not display any symptoms. She is esp excitable with ds2 (8) and bit my dad this weekend and drew blood. Your puppy likely has some immunity still from his mother in any case, so you're in no danger. Can I just say that my Golden does the same sometimes (14 weeks). My instincts tell me to get rid of her because next time it could be worse but we all love her very much and I want to make sure I am making the right choice. When he got excited, I would pop a chew toy into his mouth. She would also bark and growl if you tried to take something from her, it was a very worrying time and we wondered what we'd done to cause it - our oldest dog had gone through a bitey phase but was never aggressive, just playful nipping. Dr. Morgan Callahan, VMD at the Center for Animal Referral and Emergency Services (CARES), a 24-hour emergency veterinary care hospital in Langhorne, Pennsylvania, says that if you see a dog bite your dog, the first thing you should do is remove your dog from the situation. beagle puppy biting & drawing blood hello! If a two year old child bites another child then it needs to learn that biting other children is wrong, but at no point would people consider the child to have behavioral issues probably until that child was about four/five years old. You're trying to get them to stop biting … If I lie down with dogs will I get up with fleas? I can understand those poster concerned for the dog but some seem to forget that there was a child involved, a mothers first concern should always be her child therefore for me it would depend how my DC reacted to the dog afterwards. Contact your local public health unit or a doctor right away if you are told that: your child bit another child, or; your child was bitten, AND the skin was broken, and Dog Possessiveness Can Cause Dog Bites Her dog has a lovely temperament and it doesn't happen now she's older as she's learned to play appropriately and has bite inhibition and can regulate the pressure she applies to things.Our trainer recommended leaving a light lead on as we had problems with jumping up on the sofa and not getting off. Dog bites also can cause medical problems that aren’t immediately obvious, such as rabies. While puppy biting is a normal part of their development, it’s important that you manage the behavior appropriately. Which I did some years back now when I stupidly approached a puppy tied up outside a store with an older dog. for a course of antibiotics. When I went to correct her she snarled at me. That's silly. Prey drive When a dog bites because of their prey drive, it’s frequently accidental — the dog was aiming for the rope toy and missed, hitting your hand, for example. To expect DH to collect me from hospital? Some bites, especially from cats, can get infected by bacteria from the animal's mouth. Woman donated billions, then the scammers appeared, UFC 261 fight ends instantly with horrific injury, Gronk sets crazy world record ahead of spring game, LSU to ban ex-star, scrub him from record books, Danger lurks for growing number of delivery drivers, Alabama gov. They play, they jump, they nip, and sometimes they can be a bit rough because they don't know their own strength. Thankfully the aggressive stage passed very quickly and at 12 months she is now the daftest, softest dog you could imagine - she was just an especially horrible puppy. It's best to get to the doctor and get shots just on the offchance. And any corrective action must be carried out within 2 seconds of the deed, otherwise pups and dogs do not associate the two. No blame, just saying don't panic!Puppy training classes sound imperative to me, and a bit of added vigilance about keeping the two physically apart when puppy is jumping around for a while. But I'd be more worried about parasites than contracting rabies in this case (a household pup). Our "Lovable Labradoodle" just bit and drew blood on 11 yr old DS... Talk widget showing discussions of the day & trending threads, Subscribe to Mumsnet emails direct to your inbox. training and time is the answer- they grow up, learn to control their mouths, and get calmer. Allowing your dog to wrap their teeth around your hand will only cause confusion. Yahoo Answers is shutting down on May 4th, 2021 (Eastern Time) and the Yahoo Answers website is now in read-only mode. ! You need to take action immediately when a puppy won’t stop biting and can’t be distracted from doing so with treats or … I love dogs, infact there has been a dog in my life since the age of 3, I am now 32. I would also consider having the dog put to sleep, as you would not want this happening to anyone else worse still a child. the fact you don’t share that opinion makes you a piece of shit!! Not all of them will work with every puppy, a lot on your individual puppy's temperament, his breed, how old he is and how persistent or stubborn he is about nipping. Still have questions? does puppy retrieve a ball? Relocation? About to go out again now.Any other useful advice on how we deal with this please? He is a 3 month old lab and has not got his rabies shot. 7 steps to treating a dog bite. I certainly wouldn't be giving up on him right now. You don’t know the dog that bit your child (in which case, a rabies shot may be in order). No, rabies in the U.S. is in feral animals, bats, foxes, raccoons --- almost unheard of in domestic animals unless they have been bitten by a feral animal with rabies. To think you shouldn’t allow a child to behave in this way? It's a very different thing to having a dog who aggressively bit a child. 10. Lol , No offence but you can just get rabies if the animal that bit you had Rabies its self So Unless your puppy had rabies you cant get it. If has a trouser fetish, then clearly that's going to be an added attraction. Your puppy likely has some immunity still from his mother in any case, so you're in no danger. It is important to understand that any dog has the capacity to bite and that by understanding the common reasons why dogs bite it is possible to prevent them. Cleanse the wound under running water. Share with Fujfiilm - £200 voucher to be won, Do you have questions about your dog or cat’s health? Your pup thinks he was crated for 15 minutes as a result of walking home with you . Puppy biting is a normal, natural, and necessary puppy behavior. Get your answers by asking now. Supervise all interactions between your puppy and children to ensure that play doesn’t get too boisterous and to prevent play-biting mistakes. If you're worried about your pet, please speak to a vet or qualified professional. If a dog bites you, take these steps right away: Wash the wound.Use mild soap, and run warm tap water over it for five to 10 minutes. If you are frustrated by your puppy’s behavior, seek professional help from your vet or a vet behaviorist. Jeez, if it had rabies it would be foaming at the mouth and stumbling around or falling like it's drunk. Puppies are very much like children. If your dog had rabies, you would know it by now. Your dog will associate you with pleasant things, and so become far less likely to react with fearful aggression. When a dog bites its owner, there are often a gamut of feelings: shock, disbelief, anger, hurt and sometimes guilt.Often, your first thought or fear is that your dog might have to be given up. Agree with others who have said that crating after the fact won't make a difference. Reply. Each year about 4 million Americans are bitten by dogs. Don't hit or punish, just ignore him, that's what his mother and littermates would do --- refuse to play with him or give him attention if he tries to bite you. After this has happened once, it’s time to adjust the game. get him a halti collar or a canny collar so you have better control over him when he's out on walks. NB. ball games can be easier to keep puppy occupied on walks and being obsesssive about any dangling bits on your clothes. I have 2 small chidren, so my first thoughts were for them. Are you doing puppy training classes? Writing off a 12 week old puppy because of one incident is absolutely idiocy. They just need to learn that it isn't acceptable- and I'm sure this one will! .op tbh I would have this thread deleted and seek advice from your vet wrt getting your puppy trained because this thread is just going to bring out the hysterical all-dogs-are-child-killing-monsters-just-waiting-to-devour-your-child brigade. puppies have v. sharp teeth and do indeed nip - especially when excited and in 'play' mode - and they are (like children) not really in control of their mouth/body very well, it is really easy for them to catch their teeth on someone completely unintentionally.although crating can calm an overexcited dog, it's not something worth doing after the fact. They should learn this in other ways, like with a chew toy. Puppies will teethe the same way as babies from around 12 weeks old up to about six months of age. My english bulldog just bit my 2 year old son and he wasn''t even bothering her. It does sound more playful than malicious. Writing off a 12 week old puppy because of one incident is absolutely idiocy. Share with Seresto - £200 to be won. It moved past playful nipping - she would stare you right in the eye, and if you didn't look away immediately she'd bark and launch herself at your face like a snapping alligator - she drew blood a couple of times because her teeth were like needles. He's not automatically going to turn into a rabid biter as a result of 1 episode of overexcitement at 12 weeks old, fgs. Dogs can also carry parasites so if you notice you're feeling any different in the future then get to the docs for that also. It’s very difficult for children under eight or nine years old to practice the kind of behavior modification outlined here. Conscientious animal shelters and rescue groups try to evaluate the behavior of the dogs they place, and will generally not adopt out dogs who show signs of aggression. Well did he bite your son's leg, or did he bite your son's trousers and (accidentally) catch his leg, big difference really.All puppies mouth and bite, they just need to be taught not to. Similar thing happened with my friend's puppy and her 10 year old. my child was bitten today by my chihuahua he drew blood alot we went a&e they said it jus looked worse then it? rusty. Unless the bite is infected, you don't need anything. Just wash it … Puppies bite anything when they are getting teeth -- don't let him. She left two teeth marks that drew blood. I am not a dog hater. Blood 2: The Chosen is the series next to FPS blood and set a hundred years after the original. I don't understand why all the excitement over a puppy bite. If he hadn't drawn blood then people wouldn't be encouraging the op to rehome him. Should I pee on him. My In-laws have an out of control “herding” dog who continues to nip the heals of visitors. Unless the bite is infected, you don't need anything. All puppies bite -- You are kidding aren't you? Startling a dog, such as waking one up or a child suddenly approaching from behind, can provoke a dog bite. While dogs do need to learn when they're biting too hard, this shouldn't be done on your hand. The wound looks very deep or is on your child’s face (according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly two-thirds of animal-induced injuries among … Download the Canine Bite Levels Poster as part of Dr. Sophia Yin’s Resources poster bundle here.. As the 75-pound male shepherd mix squatted to urinate on the floor just 10 minutes into our consult, I hinted to the owners who were seated between the urinating dog and me, “The paper towels are hanging on the post right next to Ferdinand.” no surveys, no scams, just the full game! Whether the animal is a family pet (in kids, most animal bites that are reported are from dogs) or a creature from the wild, scratches and bites can carry disease.. inBy Dr. Sophia Yin 1966-2014 R.I.P. You can download Blood 2 The Chosen for free here: The first two things Carrie should do are (1) call the shelter from which she adopted Hugo, and (2) think long and hard. You can find more information about the Yahoo Answers shutdown and how to download your data on this help page. The top of my hands and wrists are full of puncture marks that drew blood. Make a sharp sound like "ouch" and turn away, absolutely ignore the puppy. Again, the puppy didn't suffer any permanent damage, but he's going to have a scab on his face. Puppies of that age do draw blood very easily because their teeth are so sharp. What are your most treasured memories? Training classes are a good idea, and I agree with removing him from the situation when he gets excited and bitey, although as wannabe said, if it isn't immediate he probably won't understand. i'm a new beagle owner and my 13 week puppy has started biting me hard enough to rip open my skin and draw blood. I've raised more than my share of puppies of all different sizes and breeds, and have found that there are several different puppy biting corrections that are simple and effective.