Answers. This storm is wreaking havoc on the ship. What does this passage add to the story? In addition, epithets serve as a mnemonic device reminding listeners that they have, indeed, already heard mention of the character. Answer. Answer by completing the sentence. Galarza compares the words to trapezes in full swing to explain that. Check all that apply. A. a description of the Cyclops’ home B. a comparison between Odysseus and his men C. an image of helplessness D. a visual image of the Cyclops’ pets E. a comparison between the men and innocent animals. Answers: 1. I can't answer unless those are provided. We’ve grown with up the distinction between similes and metaphors, but in a technical sense, all comparisons are metaphors. SURVEY . 8. iroma iroma Well, what is the metaphore, and what are the options? Skim reading (Read passage to get a sense of time, place, topic, genre, tone and atmosphere.) What does the sluggard long for? Finally, although he admits it is a “bad time” for the news (she is pregnant), he hopes that there will be no “fuss” because it would not be “very good” for his job. Add your answer and earn points. 5. Explanation: A simile is a figure of speech that consists in making a comparison between elements that aren't obviously related, this comparison is made using the words "like" and "as." What does the simile add to the passage. nelsonwgpsmius nelsonwgpsmius 02.11.2018 English Secondary School What does the metaphor add to the passage? What IS … Highlight the simile in this passage. In chapter 3, scout criticizes her classmate, walter cunningham, for asking for molasses and then pouring it on his vegetables and … e. lack of control over their progress. The number of marks tells you how many points to make. Metaphor and Simile. This passage is a Simile type of passage because. Think of a good thinking question about the passage. Sophistication? Write it down along with the answer to the question. The author uses similes, eg ‘he flew like a butterfly’. Now add two sentences which amplify the first sentence. English, 21.06.2019 23:30. Of all the instruments of modern technology, only the computer brings people closer together. 0. marks for copying straight from the passage. An image of helplessness leothedrifter. A writer will often choose a simile when he wants to add greater significance to his text. 1. a. desperation to escape. Examples . Tom shut the window and the wind stopped." 2. A simile expresses a figurative meaning that literal words do not. English, 22.06.2019 01:30. What does the simile add to the passage? Find all of the examples and explain this extended metaphor in the passage. The wind was a torrent of darkness. What does the simile at the end of the passage mean? Photo by A Guy With a Camera. You will be given a non-fiction passage, perhaps a piece of journalism or an extract from a book. You would write: The author uses the simile of the boy flying ‘like a butterfly’ to convey the impression that he is light and graceful. In context, the simile in the final sentence of the passage (“Bands . give sentences about the past simple and past continuous tense (not less than 5 sentences) … b. ultimately futile movements. 30 seconds . Not only does Fitzgerald's use of simile convey Nick's astonishment at the extent of the Buchanans' wealth, but it also enlivens what might otherwise have been an unremarkable description. 2. 6. Scanning and Selecting. What was the poet’s reaction? c. blind allegiance to an ideal. 5. Check all that apply. The Witch’s Broom is the wind. The simile is Silversides’ fur was as white as snow. 10. 4. What effect does this have on the overall impact of the passage? What does the simile at the end of the passage mean? The Sluggard protested against being woken up from sleep too early. What kind of a housekeeper is the sluggard? s. the simile "like squirming puppies" adds the following to the passage: an image of helplessness; a comparison between the … Answer. In terms of theme, the simile centers on the key ideas of furor and pietas , characterizing them in ways that both resemble and differ from their force as the poem unfolds. Are the figures of speech metaphors or similes? What does the simile add to the passage? During this time, the author gives no indication of the motivation for leaving, adding to the sense of ambiguity of the situation. brinicole1011 . Similes are far more common than metaphors. It is a simile because the author compares Silversides’ fur color to the color of white snow. What does the Varsouviana music (the Polka) symbolize? How can we make the world a better place, specifically towards discriminated people (lgbtq+ community, people of … How does the figurative language help Mailer convey his claim? How do you know the language is figurative? Related Questions in English. Contrast your sentence with the original. What does the metaphor add to the passage? what is … Personification. A: I think that it means she doesn’t fit in. d. insignificance in the landscape. Asked By adminstaff … The simile … Fitzgerald's similes bring the room to life. It’s the story of Hank Morgan, a 19th century Connecticut man, who suffers a blow to the head and is transported back centuries to the time of King Arthur. Answers: 2. Report an issue . This is a perfect comparison because the wind is so wicked! Interpret the poem into your own words. Galarza compares the words to trapezes in full swing to explain that We always started with the easy [words] I had already learned, and which I wrote down and read from the slate. What does the simile add to the passage? “No, Smee, she’s a witch of a storm, and this here”—he waved at the wind—“is her broom.” p. 146 last paragraph . Talk about it: Start with following sentence. Do you know the better answer! Scan for key words in the passage then read carefully to find the information to answer the question. What does the phrase “trails off” suggest about the speaker’s feelings when the neighbor stops calling the cat? . 3. Without simile, the passage would read something like, "The wind blew through the room. How does the word choice add to the image created by the phrase? 1 See answer nelsonwgpsmius is waiting for your help. add to the Aeneid , or even whether such allusions are genuinely present at all. What meaning about Blanche is created through the use of this music? Questions vary from 2 marks up to as much as 6 marks. Write it down along with the answer to this question. He wanted to sleep some more. Tags: Question 4 . Why? Similes also make writing more concise. The unusual simile Othello adopts in this passage should give us pause and should, I would think, peak out interest to which “Arabian trees” Othello refers. 4. The second sentence uses the metaphor of "stub-winged cargo planes" to describe the movements of the seabirds. Starting with this extract, how does Stevenson present Mr Hyde to be an evil, unforgiving criminal? The new ones I had to listen to first, putting them together as well as I could from the sounds. a description of the Cyclops’ home a comparison between Odysseus and his men an image of helplessness a visual image of the Cyclops’ pets a comparison between the men and innocent animals. Check all that apply. what point is the author making by comparing a sea star missing an arm to a human losing a limb? Writers use similes when they want to express a comparison. What does the simile in stanza one imply? . Find an answer to your question What does the metaphor add to the passage? Anticipation? What does the description on this page tell you about Silversides’ attitude and characterization? What does the cat’s home represent in this poem? a description of the Cyclops home a comparison between Odysseus and his men an image of helplessness a visual image of the Cyclops pets a comparison between the men and innocent animals. grass”) is best understood to emphasize the travelers’ answer choices . Q. Students will be given 10 minutes to read a short passage and to answer the accompanying questions on the handout ... What does the colon add to the tone of the sentence? Look for METAPHORS and SIMILES -- Try to determine WHY Mailer chooses the metaphors and similes he includes -- What significance does the figurative language add to the passage? Clinical objectivity? You will have 1 hour to read the passage and answer 30 marks’ worth of questions about it. The epithets, generally compound adjectives, are picturesque, which certainly helps make the assignment of character to epithet memorable. 2 See answers You provided no passage. A comparison between the men and innocent … Check all that apply. What does the sluggard do in his waking hours? any figurative language. What does Blanche's husband represent? Think of a good thinking question about the passage. By heaven! Metaphor-a direct comparison between two or more unlike objects. Once there he has many adventures while he struggles to apply 19th century American ideas to medieval England. After reading the question on writer’s effects (paper 2 question 2), and underlining the key word in each part of the question, return to passage and highlight (possibly in two colours for the two different aspects) the relevant material. Answer by completing the sentence. Question: Read the passage from The Odyssey - Penelope. It ruffled the women's clothing. Check all that apply. Modern scholarly editions almost invariably gloss the reference as “myrrh.” I would like to propose an alternate possibility—that the reference can also be glossed as acacia, valued for its production of the Gum Arabic or What does the figurative language add to the passage? After identifying this, look at how the music is used throughout the passage. But let’s stick to this separation of powers, and think about the problem with similes and why metaphors may be better for your writing. English, 21.06.2019 18:50. Give evidence. Similes allow for interpretation and layer meaning in text. 9. mayra31 mayra31 Please Mark me branlist New questions in English. Chapter VII passage: Mark Twain published "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court" in 1889. LOGIN TO VIEW ANSWER. The essay sea stars by barbara hurd. Learn how to do … Because its a comparison using the words like or as. Complete the imagery chart. Epithets add a bit of color and also fill out the meter when the name on its own doesn't quite fit. 2. Check all that apply. when she vomited, all the sea was like a cauldron seething over intense fire, when the mixture suddenly heaves and rises. Why did the poet visit him? How does the length of the last sentence affect the meaning of the passage? The first sentence above contains both a simile ("a roar like that of cannonballs") and a metaphor ("their bellies open") in its dramatization of a thunderstorm. The Problem with Similes. Submit your answer. without. Answers: 3 Show answers Another question on English. You get . Now you try it: Rewrite the passage from Dr. King’s speech . For example, the following is a passage that demonstrates the use of simile and metaphor: All day yesterday they had read in class about the sun. About how like a lemon it was, and how hot. New questions in English. “Feel like a bug under a microscope.” Q: What does it mean to be a bug under a microscope? So if you write profusely in si Literary devices such as similes and metaphors are used in "The Highwayman" to establish an ominous mood.The first stanza relies heavily on the use of metaphors. "My lady, never a man in the wide world should have a fault to find with you. And all this time, in travail, sobbing, gaining on the current, we rowed into the strait - Scylla to port and on our starboard beam Charybdis, dire gorge of the salt sea tide. The light, here, is a metaphor. Answer: 1. Look at SYNTAX (sentence structure) -- How does Mailer's syntax "capture" the action of the fight and help Norman Mailer convey his claim? How does this passage contribute to your interpretation of Gatsby? What literary devices, such as simile, metaphor, and personification, add to your interpretation of the scene? fordguyF550 fordguyF550 Answer: the answer is 1 &2.