St. Thérèse could have said, “You know Sr. Marie, you’re a big girl now, what’s your problem! mail carriers. SIGN UP AND GET 15% OFF YOUR NEXT PURCHASE. Due to COVID19 there may be delays with some Quite frequently, an elderly lady visited him with questions about religion. Her eldest son, Augustine, was the most wayward of her children and caused her the most pain, and for his conversion she prayed fervently for years. Bede is an artist with a long time interest in the lives of the saints. During the hour of meditation, she knelt near a nun who could not stop fidgeting, especially with her rosary. Free standard Do you need to grow in patience? She took it into her head to go to Lisieux, and she would not stop screaming.” Again, “If only one could succeed in getting the better of her stubbornness, and rendering her character more flexible, we could make her a good daughter…She has a will of iron.” She wrote to her sister-in-law, “I am very satisfied with my two eldest children, but it saddens me deeply to see Léonie as she is. Let this famously impatient saint help you. St. Zélie’s correspondence has many references to this problematic child; “Léonie gave us a terrible time all day yesterday. . What does the patience of a saint expression mean? Patience is something I have to learn. He wrote books that are now spiritual classics, particularly, An Introduction to the Devout Life. Through sorrow and pain, you constantly devoted yourself to God. Moreover, she learned the secret of patience from her mother, St. Zélie. Prayer to St. The noble was so touched by … St. Francis tried to use calm words but received even more insults. And yet, with what patience and resignation she is bearing this dreadful disease. Léonie Martin: A Difficult Life, by Marie Baudoin-Croix, 1993, Veritas. I will pray so hard that I know He will relent.” Indeed, God gave in and answered her persistent prayers beyond imagining. “Ever since I took over the noviciate, my life has been one of war and struggle,” she wrote to her Prioress. Even as a child my father cautioned me about my desire to immediately have things done or finished. . St. Philomena’s cult didn’t begin until the nineteenth century, when her remains were discovered in the Catacombs of Priscilla. While I am certain I will be praying for patience and confessing my lack of it for many years to come, I can look to her and know that her years of patient longing included days of frustrations and even crying out to God for help, Just like the vision I have in my head, we often think of patience as something that only comes with a calm and serene countenance. She learned the art of lace-making known as Point d’Alençon, and operated successful business. Louis and Zélie Martin. She was born in 331 A.D. in Tagaste, which is present-day Algeria. Beer has just one patron saint, an Austrian bishop who was known for extolling the benefits of drinking beer. Patience may spring from constitutional fortitude . *Must type in code at checkout to receive 15% off However, her third child, Léonie, was a problem child par excellence. I tried hard to enjoy being splashed with dirty water, and by the end of half an hour, I had acquired a real taste for this novel form of aspersion. Due to COVID19 there may be delays with some So far the only one I am missing is Patience. As an artist, I understand that only patience brings forth something of enduring value. ... Life is full of obstacles, and patience is the key to remaining peaceful and … In her youth, St. Zélie received a sharp bruise on her breast. List of Male Catholic Patron Saint, Protector and Namesake in Alphabetical Order. Father Paul Duffner, O.P. Her patience and kindness became a source of encouragement to other unhappy housewives with whom she came in contact. Updated Mar 28, 2019; Posted Dec 18, 2007 . The more difficult she becomes, the more I become convinced that the good Lord will not leave her like this. orders already placed. St. Sebastian. MoMu - Fashion Museum Province of Antwerp,, C. Mothers accomplish one of the most important tasks on earth. He was baptized shortly before her death, but not before they had spent peace-filled, joyous days together, discussing the mysteries of God, whom they loved so much. order subtotal of $50 or more. The homeless and downtrodden can turn to St. Benedict. However, she did not become a saint simply by being busy; she gave high value to her spiritual life, for example, attending 5:30 am daily Mass with her husband, Louis. At what a cost!”, By Strook in Alençon naaldkant, 1750-1775. But why be foolish enough to refuse treasures offered so generously? of $75 or more after discount has been applied. Let us know in the the comments below! Yet motherhood is also a great school of patience. This is why patience is one of the moral virtues that comes under the general virtue of Fortitude. automatically applied at checkout for subtotals He received an excellent education as his father destined him for worldly success. And it's one of the things I mention in the confessional just as often. All medals are made in the USA or Italy by Bliss Manufacture, Creed Jewelry, HMH Religious, Jeweled Cross, McVan Inc., … The patron saint of patience knew how to wait and can give you prayer support when you need the same. “Another time,” she explains, “washing handkerchiefs in the laundry opposite a Sister who kept on splashing me with dirty water, I was tempted to step back and wipe my face to show her that I would be obliged if she would be more careful. Thank you for sharing some interesting stories about saints. Did St. Zélie despair of this child? Oftentimes, when daily annoyances nag us, or we are faced with seemingly unanswered prayers, it is easy to lose patience. Why is it that you have not heard me, and why is my soul disquieted with thoughts of anger and impatience?”. Does God allow persons to experience vexations in life for some purpose? With limited time and such a culturally packed city, I had to keep my to-see list short. Jean-Pierre de Caussade illustrates this well in his classic, Abandonment to Divine Providence. Monica became friends with the Bishop of Milan, Saint Ambrose, who eventually led Augustine to convert to the Christian faith. When the man left, St. Francis’ acquaintance wondered how he held back his anger. She is the patron saint of grieving mothers, difficult marriages, victims of abuse, and conversion of relatives. An Introduction to the Devout Life, By St. Francis de Sales. Yet rich in patience I am not. The quick-tempered man accused him of duplicity and even threatened him. information. 5) She is the patron saint of wives, mothers, conversions, alcoholics and abuse victims. She suffered from intense thirst and became a skeleton through an inability to hold down food. By Guy Turner Counsels and Reminiscences of St. Thérèse. The Patience of St. Francis The most patient are often those who have to struggle most against impatience. Here are a few gems, “Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. St. Zélie possessed great energy and intelligence. Mother of Saint Augustine (333 - 387) Also known as: Monica of Hippo, Monnica. Popular Christian legends recall Saint Monica weepingevery night for her so… The 1st collage Image of St. Phillip Neri is from the Wellcome Collection. Your faithfulness to prayer brought you and your son so close to God that you are now with him in eternity. Léonie Martin as an elderly Visitation nun. Through her persistence in prayer and good example, her husband became a Christian shortly before his death. God, “the source of all patience,” (Romans 15:5) thus grants this virtue more abundantly after He sees our effort to practice it. I believe God is the supreme Artist, and as such wants to bring His ultimate creation, the human person, to perfection. There are so many models of this virtue, such as among the martyrs, that to find just four was an exercise of patience in and of itself! said, "There is a close connection between Christian patience, and awareness of and trust in the Providence of God; an awareness that there is nothing that happens in our life except that God foresees it, allows it, and can bring good out of it if we trust in His loving and all-wise concern for each of us.". By resisting the impetuosity, annoyances, and tedium of … image of St. Francis de Sales, By Nheyob - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0. . When there is trust in Him, patience becomes much easier to practice, knowing that He is the Artist, and “we are His masterpiece.” (Eph 2:10). While we know patience is necessary, it is also a difficult virtue because it requires control over our emotions and passions. By nature, St. Phillip was an agreeable person, but he stirred the envy of three persons associated with the hospital- two were sacristans and one a cleric. Saint Monica (322-387) was raised in a Christian home in Tagaste, North Africa. information. Memorial: August 27 (formerly May 4) Saint Monica was born in 333 of Christian parents in Tagaste, North Africa, some forty miles from the port city of Hippo, in the department of Constantine. shipping (Contiguous U.S. only) will be Please see shipping page for more Saint Monica (c. 332 – 387 AD) was an early African Christian saint and the mother of St. Augustine of Hippo. Other restrictions may apply. Early in life she struggled with alcoholism, sneaking draughts of wine from the family cellar, before being caught and subsequently giving up the habit. She is revered because of her holy life, her continued persistence in the practice of the virtues of patience and faith. Free shipping on orders over $75* | Possible Carrier Delays, 15% off orders over $35* with code: FEB15, $10 off orders over $50* with code: YEAREND10, By using this site, you agree to the terms of our updated, A Patron Saint for Finding Patience: St. Monica. Aug 26, 2016 by I am grateful for the story of Saint Monica. It doesn't necessarily mean that it comes without sweat and tears. 01/01/21. Patron saints are chosen as special protectors or guardians over areas of life. The following saints are masterpieces of patience. Especially in a time where conversion is needed in our world and we see the tragedy of abuse in our Church, St. Monica is a great example of faith and hope. He was not an entirely bad man, but was licentious and had a violent temper; Monica had to endure this daily as well as live with his similarly ill-tempered mother. The Patron Saint of Patience. Amen. St. Sebastian was a favorite of Emperor Diocletian, … restrictions may apply. The most patient are often those who have to struggle most against impatience. The doctor administered difficult treatments such as having her drink creosote, along with the application of mustard plasters, and pointes de feu, or hot needles applied to her back. mail carriers. Without the help of medicines to alleviate her pain, she suffered very keenly. Good Catholic digital subscriptions. How about turning to Saint Monica, who is a perfect patron for this virtue. July (1) March (9) About Me. Ethereal theme. I journeyed to Rome about fifteen years ago. Often invoked as a patron of the virtue of patience, she never wavered in praying for the conversion of her husband and son. 02/05/21. He compares God to a sculptor creating a stone sculpture. Article by The Catholic Company. orders over $35. *Must type in code at checkout to receive $10 off Each stone was carefully fashioned and fitted into place with an eye toward a comprehensive plan. A holy bishop comforted her, saying, "The child of those tears shall never perish.". Dear Saint Monica, you were once the mournful mother of a prodigal son. Is there another saint that you turn to as an example of patience? Learning from good examples is a help towards this goal. All Rights Reserved. Let us remember that her continual and persistent prayer for her husband and for her son ultimately paid off. Though she excelled at it, she also found it taxing; “I have much trouble with this wretched Point d’Alençon,” she laments, “it is true that I gain a little money, but, oh dear! Several persons suggested that Philip simply go to another parish. In the end, I tried to find some way of bearing it peacefully and joyfully, at least in my inmost heart; then I even tried to like this wretched little noise. Saint Catherine of Siena. Pray for me that I might join you in such a deep faith in God’s goodness and mercy. Facebook Share. February 2021. “By your patient endurance you will gain your souls.” (Luke 21:19), In order for God to make a masterpiece of our soul, then, He needs our patience and our trust. The worst of her physical sufferings was the experience of suffocation, as her lungs were disintegrating. St. Zélie gave birth to nine children. Saint Monica (AD 322–387), also known as Monica of Hippo, was an early Christian saint and the mother of St. Augustine of Hippo. Rather than respond with impatience he simply diverted his attention to other matters and so remained calm. Are you familiar with Saint Monica's story? When she was very young, she was married off to the Roman pagan Patricius, who shared his mother's violent temper. A person may think he’s patient until someone touches the wrong button. Here are 10 powerful prayers for self-control, including images you can print to use and share. restrictions may apply. St. Zélie is a good example of 19th century multitasker; she was a busy wife, mother, businesswoman, and letter writer. She wanted to turn around and simply impale the culprit with one look. Far more than enduring boredom with a calm spirit, true Christian patience is founded upon faith and is a vital part of spiritual development. Her beads never leave her fingers; she is praying constantly in spite of her sufferings.” St. Zélie is an excellent example for all who have tedious work to accomplish, a difficult child, or a battle with physical suffering. orders already placed. She was later given in marriage to a pagan Roman man, Patricius. We are asked to pray always, persistently, despite the apparent silence. Instead of continuing my crying, I could no longer keep from laughing.