By the Magic item crafting rules, if the purpose of the item is to be a +5 weapon, it should be priced as such, and thus be 50,000gp. Refer to Table: Estimating Magic Item Gold Piece Values and use the ring prices in the ring descriptions as a guideline. Critical Success Resonant power revealed. When this happens, adjust the timing of challenges accordingly. If none of these applies, choose a fitting challenge from the previous section (such as illegal ingredients for a rogue or rare reference for a wizard). Before attempting the first challenge, the PCs purchase the initial materials by spending 25% of the item’s market price. The act of working on the rod triggers the prepared spells, making them unavailable for casting during each day of the rod's creation. Hey r/Pathfinder_RPG!. You don’t even have to account for what specific items were crafted using this method. The price of horseshoes of speed is 3,000 gp, increased by 50% for the multiple different abilities rule to 4,500 gp. Critical Success Incredible surge. The cost to create these items is the magic supplies cost plus the costs for the components. To create magic items, spellcasters use special feats which allow them to invest time and money in an item’s creation. Upon touching or examining the item, any creature that does not possess the item must succeed at a DC 20 Will save or covet the item, seeking to gain it by whatever means is most expedient and advantageous, though it need not do so immediately. A character can work on only one item at a time. Choose an appropriate entity or choose randomly from among outsider subtypes. Creating a few staves may entail other prerequisites beyond spellcasting. Critical Failure Series of missteps. Success Instructions elucidated. Success Meticulousness pays off. –5% cost, 1 quirk. –10% cost, 1 perk. This factor should reduce the cost about 10%. The number of tasks attempted and their success or failure determines the outcome of the challenge, as detailed below. For instance, when faced with a sesquipedalian elucidation challenge, a wizard might pull out his dictionary and attempt a Linguistics check, while a rogue might choose to make up her own big words and attempt a Use Magic Device check. GMs who wish to allow some of these sorts of alterations should consider using the original item as a talismanic component for the final item. Staves are always fully charged (10 charges) when created. Hallucinogenic: The bearer sees and hears mild hallucinations. In folklore, a major part of any magic item's mystique is the tale of its creation. Material components are consumed when work begins, but focuses are not. Downloads | d20 Anime SRD (A focus used in scribing a scroll can be reused.) The entity can communicate with the bearer to serve its own ends. No adjustment. Otherworldly beings are tampering with your item’s creation in an attempt to assist you. Example: The Character Wealth by Level table states that an 8th-level character should have about 33,000 gp worth of items. If spells are involved in the prerequisites for making the item, the creator must have prepared the spells to be cast (or must know the spells, in the case of a sorcerer or bard) but need not provide any material components or focuses the spells require. Preparing the vessel is always the first challenge, and completing the item is always last. Procure Inexpensive Replacements Appraise DC 25. To create a magic ring, a character needs a heat source. The GM determines which creatures this applies to, but it usually … Singing: The item constantly sings in a loud belting soprano or tenor. Crafting a staff requires 1 day for each 1,000 gp of the base price. | FateCoreSRD Creators can’t take 10 or 20 (even with bardic knowledge or skill mastery) or benefit from aid another on item creation tasks. You uncovered a reference that a rare book located in a large library will help with the item’s creation. The formulas only provide a starting point. For items that take up a space on a character's body, each additional power not only has no discount but instead has a 50% increase in price. Failure Tepid emotions. Only a masterwork weapon can become a magic weapon, and the masterwork cost is added to the total cost to determine final market value. Creating magic double-headed weapons is treated as creating two weapons when determining cost, time, and special abilities. (That is, those spell slots are expended from the caster's currently prepared spells, just as if they had been cast.). Therefore, the only caster level requirement for a pearl of power is the character has to be able to cast spells of the desired level. If this would cause a wand or staff to fall below the minimum required caster level, reroll this flaw. | d20PFSRD Destruction: A few challenges can, if critically failed, destroy the in-progress item, which costs the PCs their current investment. If an item has both an enhancement bonus and a special ability, the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met. –1 day, –5% cost, 1 quirk. Lightweight: The item weighs half as much as normal. You suddenly realize that you don’t have enough stock of an important ingredient. Most of these loopholes stem from trying to get unlimited uses per day of a spell effect from the “command word” or “use-activated or continuous” lines of Table: Estimating Magic Item Gold Piece Values. If you are using the piecemeal armor rules, only a piece of armor that grants an armor bonus can be spellscribed. Failure Construction proved costly. One way is to create magic items via the various item creation feats. These guidelines assume a setting with an average level of magic. The imbiber of the potion is both the caster and the target. Slimy: The item is covered in putrid slime, which seeps out to cover the bearer as well. | 13th Age SRD This process can be accelerated to 4 hours of work per 1,000 gp in the item's base price (or fraction thereof) by increasing the DC to create the item by +5. As part of the final challenge, the PCs must pay the remaining amount, accounting for any adjustments. –1 day, 1 perk. If the GM is using the downtime system, both you and the other character must use downtime at the same time for this purpose. Set the base cost at 100% of the market price, set the item’s creation time to 1 day per 500 gp of the item’s market price, and add one flaw. This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Critical Failure The vessel is destroyed. If it has some daily limit, determine as if it had 50 charges. FULL: My campaign is in an unusual setting where the players are quasi-unique in their ability to travel between nine different planes. (That is, those spell slots are expended from the caster's currently prepared spells, just as if they had been cast.). If the caster is out adventuring, he can devote 4 hours each day to item creation, although he nets only 2 hours’ worth of work. If he uses his feat to craft items for the rest of the party, any excess value the other PCs have because of those items should count toward Patrick’s additional 8,250 gp worth of crafted items. Part 2 of the basics of Crafting in the Pathfinder (2nd Edition) RPG from Paizo! +5% cost, 1 flaw. The size change takes 1 minute. (That is, those spell slots are expended from the caster’s currently prepared spells, just as if they had been cast.). 1 quirk. Otherwise, suits of spellscribed armor are treated as scrolls (except that using them doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity) and use the rules for spell-completion items. (A focus used in brewing a potion can be reused.) If spells are involved in the prerequisites for making the weapon, the creator must have prepared the spells to be cast (or must know the spells, in the case of a sorcerer or bard) but need not provide any material components or focuses the spells require. The magical auras of several components thrum with a strange resonance whenever they are near each other. Critical ingredients were infested by an exotic rot or colony of vermin, rendering them unusable. | Swords and Wizardry SRD Feat(s) Required: Craft Magic Arms and Armor. Creating some items may entail other prerequisites beyond or other than spellcasting. Spell Level: A 0-level spell is half the value of a 1st-level spell for determining price. Crafting & Treasure; Game Mastering Bestiary Resources Glossary License. The creator must have prepared the spells to be stored (or must know the spells, in the case of a sorcerer or bard) and must provide any focus the spells require as well as material component costs sufficient to activate the spell 50 times (divide this amount by the number of charges one use of the spell expends). Set the base cost at 85% of the market price, and set the item’s creation time to 1 day per 1,000 gp of the item’s market price. +2 days, +5% cost, 1 flaw. (Economies of scale do not apply.). +3 days, +10% cost. Vindictive: When using this weapon, the wielder can only choose to deal lethal damage, not nonlethal damage. The creator must have prepared the spell to be placed in the potion (or must know the spell, in the case of a sorcerer or bard) and must provide any material component or focus the spell requires. +3 days, +10% cost, 1 quirk, 1 flaw. The main points were that you need to be careful to 1) not allow any price reduction for recharging as opposed to crafting a new wand, and 2) impose a "minimum charges" value on recharging items, so the user can't … Creating a rod costs half the market value listed. +15% cost, creator attempting smuggling is arrested and sentenced to jail time or escapes custody and is on the run. Many invested items have constant abilities that function all the time or that always trigger when you use the item—but only when they’re invested. Staves follow the formulas closely, and other items require at least some judgment calls. Multiple Different Abilities: Abilities such as an attack roll bonus or saving throw bonus and a spell-like function are not similar, and their values are simply added together to determine the cost. (That is, those spell slots are expended from the caster’s currently prepared spells, just as if they had been cast.). If a creator takes on such a task, it must be completed before attempting a task that involves a check. The creator of a potion needs a level working surface and at least a few containers in which to mix liquids, as well as a source of heat to boil the brew. A character must pay the full cost for scribing each spell scroll no matter how many times she previously has scribed the same spell. Infested: The item is infested with vermin or other Fine creatures that do not interfere with its operation or harm the bearer. Creating some weapons may entail other prerequisites beyond or other than spellcasting. See the individual descriptions for details. Success Sufficient components. All ingredients and materials used to brew a potion must be fresh and unused. 1 quirk for harnessing the power; no adjustment for precautions. Since different classes get access to certain spells at different levels, the prices for two characters to make the same item might actually be different. The cost to add additional abilities to an item is the same as if the item was not magical, less the value of the original item. Critical Success Perfectly aligned. Inspiration for Magic Item Sets. Partway through the creation process, you notice a flaw in the item’s physical design. Magic armor or a magic shield must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus to have any armor or shield special abilities. Refer to Table: Estimating Magic Item Gold Piece Values and use the rod prices in the rod descriptions as a guideline. For most other items, GMs should use the multiple different abilities rule to determine the item’s new price: increase the cost of the new ability by 50%, add that to the total price of the item to get the new price. This doesn’t seem to square with the CLs listed for specific magic items; for instance, a belt of giant strength +2 has CL 8th, but the only spell required in its creation, bull’s strength, has a minimum caster level of 3. Staves are always fully charged (10 charges) when created. The cost for the materials is subsumed in the cost for creating the wand: 375 gp × the level of the spell × the level of the caster. Disassemble and Adjust Disable Device DC 30, Turn to Your Advantage Craft (item’s type) DC 20 + item’s caster level. In addition, you cannot create potions, spell-trigger, or spell-completion magic items without meeting their spell prerequisites. Failure Poorly aligned. If the item’s current and proposed abilities follow the normal pricing rules (particularly with weapons, armor, and shields), adding the new abilities is a matter of subtracting the old price from the new price and determining how many days of crafting it takes to make up the difference. To create magic items, spellcasters use special feats which allow them to invest time and money in an item's creation. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Equipment (OGL) © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Ross Byers, Brian J. Cortijo, Ryan Costello, Mike Ferguson, Matt Goetz, Jim Groves, Tracy Hurley, Matt James, Jonathan H. Keith, Michael Kenway, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Tork Shaw, Owen KC Stephens, Russ Taylor, and numerous RPG Superstar contributors, New Pages +2 days, +5% cost. If the creators decide to attempt both tasks for a given challenge, each task must be attempted by a different creator. However, game balance for the default campaign experience expects you and all other PCs to be close to the listed wealth values, so the GM shouldn’t just let you craft double the normal amount of gear. The only exception to this is the requisite item creation feat, which is mandatory. Tasks: These are the options a creator can choose from when trying to complete the challenge. –2 days, –10% cost, 1 perk. For these items, the market price equals the base price plus an extra price for the spell component costs.