Dogs are known to ‘inhale’ their food quite a bit, and if a dog were to inhale pieces of sweet potato, and not chew well, the dog could choke on the potato. Although candied yams or sweet potatoes are possibly very popular among your family members, they are terrible for your dog. Depends on the size of your dog. Sweet potatoes contain beta carotene which helps in neutralizing harmful free radicals and reducing the threat of cancer for your dog. Well, do not serve raw sweet potato as it can lead to upset and inflamed stomach. Sweet potatoes, in particular, are very good for dogs. 3 years. Are Sweet Potatoes Good For Dogs? If your pup will be eating table food on occasion, it is best to offer only healthy food and use it as a part of their diet to reduce the begging and reduce stomach upset from occasional eating. Yes, they can, and they are so healthy that you could feed your dog sweet potato every day! It is common knowledge that fiber helps the digestive system to function more effectively for people and the same is true for dogs. My dog ate a raw potato by accident, will he be ok? You may be pleasantly surprised how safe and nutritious some of your foods may be for your pet! How To Serve Sweet Potatoes To Your Dog? Sweet potatoes, while high in sugar, have such good anti aging aspects, that as long as the sugar levels of your dog are where they need to be, your dog should not have any negative side effects. In both cases you get healthier and less expensive dog treats in comparison to ready-made treats. I don t want if it will make her sick! But, why not cook it for him? 0 0. If you read this and thought, “But my dog loves sweet potato and he’s not itchy!” … then you may be OK. Disclaimer: This website contains … A birthmark. Their bodies need more care than humans at times because their bodies age faster. The offering of human food to your dog is especially beneficial, particularly if you are giving them healthy foods. Cooked potatoes in small amounts will not harm your pet, but raw potatoes are a whole different story. Dogs should never eat raw sweet potatoes. Leaving it raw can make it harder to digest and chew. White potatoes have large amounts of carbohydrates that may cause high blood sugar and obesity. So maybe that's just - um. Got your own question? You can change your choices at any time by visiting Your Privacy Controls. You can add other vegetables, including carrots, peas, leafy greens, pumpkin, yams, squash or broccoli to sweet potato to make a vegetable mix for your dog. 0 0. I think you are over reacting. Dog: By people who starved me. In conclusion, while you may need to cautious, potatoes are generally alright to be fed to dogs. Cooking a potato helps reduce the amount of solanine so that it’s safe for dogs. I dropped a raw potato on the ground while I was peeling it for dinner and my dog ran right at it and got ahold of it and ate the whole thing. While the sweet potato vine (Ipomoea batatas) is considered mildly toxic to our canine companions, the sweet potatoes and their skins are not. No signs yet it just happened a few minutes ago. There is common sense like no fruits with pits. Raw sweet potatoes can cause digestive upset in dogs. If they don't chew them up properly it can cause problems, but otherwise it is fine. Are potatoes toxic? Sweet potatoes are full of nutrition both for humans and animals. The reason why you shouldn’t give your dog a raw sweet potato lies in the fact that sweet potato contains a toxin called solanine, that’s based in green peels. My dog just ate a piece of raw potato? High sugar intake can also lead to diabetes and other obesity related diseases. Consuming foods containing beta carotene will help it to fight the negative effects of aging. Bringing in foods that promote health and neutralize free radicals will benefit your pup in the long run. Her partner is now 12 and still going strong. My Dog Ate A Whole Sweet Potato What Should I Do Now? All food should be enjoyed moderately, but especially human food and the foods high in sugar. So I called the vet - yes, raw potatoes are safe for dogs to eat. This is because the cooking process breaks down the starch and dietary fiber, making it easier for your dog to digest them. Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin E, A, B, and C, as well as fiber and make the perfect veggies for your dog to snack on occasionally. Ate a piece of raw potato skin. This is toxic to dogs, and therefore, they should never eat raw potatoes. After thoroughly rinsing and scrubbing, cut the ends off the sweet potatoes and discard. Know the answer? Answer Save. A little raw potato should be digested easily. All together, sweet potato is great for your dog. Answer (1 of 2): Considering that my neighbor's dog ate a good portion of a garden hose and a mop, I would say, of course. You should never feed your dog a raw sweet potato. 4 years ago. So don't worry!~ Lv 4. Dogs can eat raw sweet potato in small amounts, and will likely enjoy it as a tasty chew. So you need to serve sweet potatoes to your dog in moderation. Lv 7. Sweet potatoes contain vitamin B6, vitamin A and vitamin C, all of which are essential for your pet’s health. Anonymous answered . Once the sweet potato is boiled or baked then in this form it is easier for dogs to eat. Raw sweet potatoes can cause digestive upset in dogs. Are they good or bad for dogs? 1 decade ago. During the cooking process, the dietary … Many dog owners use this food to supplement their pet’s diet because of how potentially beneficial it is. Scroll down for detailed answers. As a general rule, a medium sized dog can eat one medium cooked potato per day. I recently made tater tots, one fell from my plate, and my pup caught it mid-air and ate it. My dog ate a whole raw potato!!? Information about your device and internet connection, including your IP address, Browsing and search activity while using Verizon Media websites and apps. People often confuse sweet potato with yams. If you decide to feed your dog part of a white potato, it must be well-cooked with no added butter or seasoning. Find out more about how we use your information in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. What happens if a dog eats raw potatoes? Potatoes and sweet potatoes are rich in carbohydrate so most of the dog foods include these ingredients. I need full source citations and contact information. How Much Sweet Potato Can My Dog Have? They’re in the family of plants that includes morning glories and are in a different family than yams. So, dogs shouldn’t eat too much of them. Whether you're eating them baked, roasted, or scalloped, potatoes are one staple food you and your pet can enjoy together. Sweet potatoes … The large quantities of sugar in them will upset your dog’s digestive system. No signs yet it just happened a few minutes ago. But be sure to feed him sweet potatoes in moderation because there are more reasons not to overdo it … RELATED: How Hidden Sugars In Your Dog’s Food Are Making Him Sick … Glycemic Load Of Sweet Potatoes. Potatoes are safe food for canines to eat, according to Dr. Danielle Bernal, a veterinarian with Wellness Natural Pet Food.In fact, this healthy vegetable is packed with several essential vitamins and minerals that are good for pups. Whole foods without toxins or choking hazards seem to offer such a plethora of nutrition that any perceived negative aspect of the food should be outweighed by the extreme positivity of the food. It was about the size of a dice. My American Eskimo loves raw potatoes, is this okay?-Doug. Me: *exits the room, bearing sweet potato* [There is a pause.] Yes. my old Gordon Boy Corey used to go help himself to a … In addition, make sure to take the skin off to making it easier to digest as well. Some people believe that people food is not good for pets at all and should never be offered. Cooked potato is actually easier for your dog to digest, (assuming it is not too hot) and they will be able to absorb the dietary fiber much more efficiently. Here is her blog Meaty bones, organs, fruits and vegetables that are rich in nutrients … these are all important for a happy and healthy dog.. Carbohydrates like sweet … My 1 year old husky mix broke into our bag of potatoes and ate one! Potatoes, and sweet potatoes, have been looked upon as a food that we should do without. My Dog Ate A Whole Sweet Potato What Should I Do Now? A root cellar or cold room, where your dog cannot access them is good. I’m sure she will have more insight for you. We lost one to lung cancer at 11 years old. Whole sweet potato is not appropriate for dogs as they cause choking hazards. Female. Is it bad for dogs too? If you are unsure, use regular proven dog food. And both raw white potatoes and raw sweet potatoes can cause intestinal blockages. Raw sweet potatoes are extremely difficult for your pup to chew and digest, this can cause more issues down the line. And do not feed your dog too much sweet potato. They also contain the minerals iron, copper and manganese. Sugar and carbohydrates also irritate the digestive system of your pet. Sweet potatoes don’t normally make the list of “normal” dog foods but they are a great addition to your dog’s bowl. Sweet Potatoes are one of nature’s healthy foods that you can safely share with your furry pal. Now that we know how bad raw potatoes are for dogs, we can discuss the proper way to prepare them. DoreensKitchen. Can A Dog Eat A Raw Sweet Potato? My dog ate a whole raw potato!!? You can pick them up at the grocery store, slice them thinly, and dehydrate them for dog and human treats. They are more difficult to chew and may cause a blockage if swallowed in whole. And both raw white potatoes and raw sweet potatoes can cause intestinal blockages. Some type of carbohydrate is essential for making dog food. No matter what food you give your dog, moderation is crucial. DoreensKitchen. As white potatoes are less expensive than sweet potatoes, some companies choose them for their carb content in dog food products and you need to beware of that. Pros and Cons of Sweet Potato for My Dogs. 7/8lbs. Me: Did you seriously eat a whole sweet potato? The high sugar and carbohydrate count can make your dog gain too much weight, ultimately leading to obesity. Relevance? Actually, the number of people that can distinguish these two is extremely small, … However, you should still peel and cook a sweet potato before giving it to your dog. Never give them unripe or raw potatoes. Aside from the hazards mentioned above, another reason raw sweet potatoes are a no-go is that they can pose a choking hazard. Should I give her something to try to make her throw up like salt or something? White potatoes may be cheaper than sweet potatoes but sweet … Healing and caring for one’s body from the inside out is a good way in which you can prevent the development of disease, or at least prolong health. Cooking also makes the sweet potato taste sweeter. Sweet potatoes are somewhat more expensive than white potatoes, but contain a greater variety and quantity of nutrients. The method of cooking doesn’t really matter, as long as it is thoroughly cooked. Me: You have sweet potato parts all over your snout. You should never feed your dog a raw potato. White potatoes belong to the nightshade family of vegetables, which includes tomatoes. My dogs have been eating raw potatoes for years with no bad effects. A Healthy Alternative. Dog: I am not eating a raw sweet potato. Source(s): Although they have plenty of vitamins and minerals to offer, they also impose certain health risks. No, your dog should never eat raw potatoes. If your dog does not seem to tolerate the sweet potato well, removing the potato from the diet will not cause any harm. Namely, they contain solanine, a compound that can be toxic to your dog. Your dog is receiving the majority of his/her nutrition through his/her dog food, however, adding human food to their dog food on occasion can help boost their overall vitamin intake. my old Gordon Boy Corey used to go help himself to a raw tater as a treat on occasion and eat it peel and all. Here are some facts about sweet potatoes you probably don’t know: Sweet Potatoes Originated in the Americas. The containing trypsin inhibitors will give your dog a hard time digesting protein. Can Dogs Eat Mashed Potatoes? Whether offered as a treat, or mixed into their food, your dog is going to eat human food from time to time. My dogs have eaten raw potatoes and potato peelings for many many years and none of them died. Most pups enjoy a nibble of a tasty cooked sweet potato and these root vegetables are a healthy snack for pups. Offering sweet potatoes to your pup may help boost the immune system of your dog over time, keeping him/her healthy for a longer lasting life. So, Should Dogs Eat Raw Potatoes At All? Boiled, baked, and mashed sweet potatoes work very well because it softens the potato, making it easier for your dog to swallow. 1 decade ago. Too much of one thing is never good, and this rule applies to sweet potatoes. We didn t find out till after she devoured it all! Dog: You don't listen. Whether it is sweet potato or white potato, these foods should be only given to dogs as occasional treats. Green potato poisoning in dogs occurs when a dog consumes too much solanine, which is a glycoalkaloid naturally produced in green or raw potatoes, potato skins, and the foliage from the potato plant. Divide the entire meal into portions and store in the refrigerator up to 2-3 days. I was peeling potatoes last night and a few pieces of the raw potato skin were on the floor in my kitchen Raw, unripe potatoes are a different story as they can be toxic to dogs. What if a dog eats a chocolate chip cookie? However, be sure to verify with your vet that your particular dog is able to eat, digest, and benefit from the sweet potato before you incorporate the food into his/her daily food intake. The starch, sugar, and carbohydrate combo of the potato leaves a lot of people disbelieving the necessity of potato in the diet. Female. The fiber component will help your dog feel full, thereby allowing your dog to eat less and may even lose weight, if this is a goal for your dog. When giving your dog his first serving, you can mix the sweet potato into his regular dog food. In fact. In the event your vet has recommended supplements for your dog, or you know in advance that your pup has an upcoming surgery to prepare for, adding sweet potato to his/her diet may allow him/her a stronger body and healthier blood level than if you had depended solely on dog food nutrition. If I can should it be raw or cooked? The presence of these nutrients makes sweet potatoes a healthy alternative to commercial pet meals. Dogs are at risk of these developments just as their owners; therefore it is important you moderate their intake of sweet potatoes. Plus, sweet potatoes are rich in carbohydrates, like regular potatoes. My dogs have eaten raw potatoes and potato peelings for many many years and none of them died. If choosing to offer the sweet potato, you must make sure that you use them in small amounts. Ensure that your pet cannot get to the plants by fencing off the area. I am not doing this again. To sustain this free service, we receive affiliate commissions via some of our links. Whole sweet potato is not appropriate for dogs as they cause choking hazards. Sweet Potato Vs. Yams. You can pick them up at the grocery store, slice them thinly, and dehydrate them for dog and human treats. Losing a bit of weight and having a better functioning digestive system will allow your dog to have a stronger immune system. A dog does not need carbohydrate, but for dog foods or kibble, it is one of the necessary ingredients. Highbread Dingbat. 7/8lbs. However, you are totally correct in that raw potatoes are not poisonous to dogs at all if they are the correct color. Whether you're eating them baked, roasted, or scalloped, potatoes are one staple food you and your pet can enjoy together. Tips for Giving Your Dog Potatoes. Can I feed my dog sweet potato? My 1 year old husky mix broke into our bag of potatoes and ate one! All in, it will give your puppy more energy. In this situation you have to rush to your vet immediately. Update: The reason I though potatoes are bad is because I was watching a documentary on marijuana and the guy in the video said "A raw potato can kill you and they aren't … Me: Yes. He lived to 14 and a half, which is very old for a Gordon Setter. I was peeling potatoes last night and a few pieces of the raw potato skin were on the floor in my kitchen If so, what are symptoms of sickness? It’s easy to cook and tasty.I always have potatoes in my house. Not only are they difficult to chew, but they can upset your dog's stomach and potentially cause intestinal blockage. In fact. Raw sweet potatoes are not good for your dog, therefore, you must always ensure that they are well-cooked before your feed them to your pet. To enable Verizon Media and our partners to process your personal data select 'I agree', or select 'Manage settings' for more information and to manage your choices. right now he's eating a few banana slices. Ate a piece of raw potato skin. Dog. Maltese shih tzu mix. Plus, they contain very little fat. Hi, you can contact dr. Dodds who seems to be expert in pet nutrition. Can dogs eat sweet potatoes and yams? When the … Sweet potatoes are delicious and carry with them a lot of health benefits. Sweet potatoes do contain substantial amounts of sugars and carbohydrates, but less than the amount contained by white potatoes. In fact, many pet food manufacturers include sweet potatoes in their dog food formulations. Do not use any salt, butter, or other seasonings when giving it to your dog. Lv 5. My dogs have eaten raw potatoes and potato peelings for many many years and none of them died. With people beginning to incorporate the potato back into their diets, one may wonder if the potato may be shared with their pets. Dog, sadly: I was badly brought up. The prevention of diseases and the lower risk of obesity related health concerns are reasons enough to avoid the white potato and only use the sweet. You can also add some white rice and ground meat to make a balanced meal. Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potato – The Precautions It is best not to feed your dog raw sweet potato. If you want to feed your pup potatoes, you have to make sure that they are properly prepared. Even if he ate the potato raw and the half piece without chewing I really would not expect any problems. Well, my puppy, 6 months and 65 pounds just ate a whole raw sweet potato, I thought he was being too quite. Sweet Potatoes for Sweet Pooches. Can Dogs Eat Cooked White Potatoes? Lv 5. Yes, you were. Potatoes are a whole food, full of nutrition, and relatively cheap and easy to make. Do not get mixed up between white potato and sweet potato. Your dog can have some potatoes. The amino acids in sweet potatoes help … But they have evolved to being omnivorous, eating plants and meat both. The versatility of the potato is a benefit that dissuades from the seemingly negative aspect of the potato family-carbohydrates. Dogs require care of the immune system like people do, since dogs become sick and develop disease as well. Sweet potato dog treats are vitamin rich, easy to make and affordable. All foods that contain these beneficial ingredients should be deemed safe for your dog and verified by your vet. Green potato poisoning in dogs occurs when a dog consumes too much solanine, which is a glycoalkaloid naturally produced in green or raw potatoes, potato skins, and the foliage from the potato plant. i guess, if your dog attacked the raw sweet potatoes, it's okay. Sweet potatoes are safe for most dogs in moderation, and they are definitely less detrimental than potato skins. As discussed before, though, be sure it’s not raw! Not only are they difficult to chew, but they can upset your dog's stomach and potentially cause intestinal blockage. Well, my puppy, 6 months and 65 pounds just ate a whole raw sweet potato, I thought he was being too quite. They are packed with nutrients which play vital roles in the overall health of your pet. Dogs were primarily carnivorous, designed to chew and digest only bones and meat. hey my dog likes carrots, but only raw ones. 0 0. if you have a potato patch in your home garden. He lived to 14 and a half, which is very old for a Gordon Setter. Cook your vegetable mix and mash it so that your dog will accept it. Whether you believe pets should eat human food or not, many vets agree that this is actually not true. Raw carrot is often suggested, but raw sweet potato should work as well. Me: Oh, for the love of GOD. Yahoo is part of Verizon Media. Your dog does not need a sweet potato to survive, but the potato is simply a treat and nutritional benefit when used on an as-needed basis. The skin, plant and leaves are dangerous for your dog so make sure that you remove all the skin before cooking. If this is what you are fearing, I would recommend relaxing. Preparation: Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and preheat your oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit. So, the best way you can serve your dog sweet potato is to bake it or boil it, with nothing added, so skip and stay away from fats, salts, herbs any of seasonings that can be harmful and toxic to your dog. A piece of undigested sweet potato can run a large risk for your dog, so be sure to cook the potato and make the potato soft and easy to pass through the digestive track. It might cause mild constipation in some pets but otherwise there should not be any issues As with any ingestion please monitor for vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, reduced appetite … This doesn’t affect rankings. Dogs do need carbohydrates in their diet; however, for a quality carbohydrate for your dog, review the ingredients carefully and choose the one with sweet potatoes. Reader Questions Updated: November 8, 2016 27 Comments. Just make sure that you don’t let your dog eat the vine of the sweet potato, as it is toxic for them. If your dog ate sweet potatoes and is reacting adversely, contact your local veterinarian immediately. This theory also works for dogs and animals in general. Both of these ingredients may also cause diarrhea or an upset stomach. Sweet potatoes, especially, are not only delicious, but also very healthy for you dogs. Dog: But you don't actually SEE a raw sweet potato, do you? This is because the cooking process breaks down the starch and dietary fiber, making it easier for your dog to digest them. i guess, if your dog attacked the raw sweet potatoes, it's okay. Can I feed my dog raw potatoes? Too much sugar in any type of food is bad for your dog. Raw sweet potato is safe as long as it is chopped into smaller pieces or slices. Unlike many treats, sweet potatoes for dogs offer chewy treats which are low in fats. 60lbs.) Considering that my neighbor's dog ate a good portion of a garden hose and a mop, I would say, of course. Ask it here. Sweet potatoes may cost a bit more than their counterparts, but this potato is worth the extra price. ... Cooked sweet potato will be easier for your dog to eat. If you’re going to feed your dog sweet potatoes, you’ve got a pretty easy job, since you can prepare it in a variety of ways. Our review process. There is a condition called green potato poisoning. You can also make thin slices and cook it in low-fat cooking oil. my dog (approx. Can Dogs Eat Coconut? In fact, most things said to be bad or dangerous don’t seem to bother my dogs. Can dogs eat raw potatoes? However! Are potatoes toxic? Meaning if they were given 50g every day, without adjusting their daily allowance of kibble, they’d soon become overweight. Many commercially produced dog meals include inexpensive filler grains such as wheat and corn, whereas others use sweet potato as the starchy carbohydrate. Remember to adjust your dog’s diet accordingly. at a slice of raw potato (about 1/2"x3") last night. If so, what are symptoms of sickness? 2 Answers. Potatoes are an essential in every kitchen.There’s just so many things you can do with the vegetable! I don t want if it will make her sick!, Beta carotene ensures fewer threats to health,,,,, and then broccoli but only BOILED ones. Solanine poisoning can cause heart problems, difficulty breathing, and gastrointestinal upset. One may grow potatoes at home or buy from the local market or farmer. The amount of sweet potatoes you can give your dog depends on a few … You should never feed your dog a raw sweet potato. If the potato was swallowed in one piece his stomachacid will begin to digest and break it down. should I take her to emergency, or is this maybe a symptom she will recover from without emergency visit. Dog. If you are not sure what is safe among table foods for your dog, read up on it. Please provide unbiased and scientific reference of data and research that proves/indicates that dogs, who are carnivores, can digest cooked sweet potatoes and absorb their nutrients. Just 50g of raw sweet potato is 5% of a 15kg dog’s daily calorie allowance. You can bake or broil a potato before giving it to your canine companion. and then broccoli but only BOILED ones. Pros and Cons of Sweet Potato for My Dogs. Me: Oh, no. Potatoes are safe food for canines to eat, according to Dr. Danielle Bernal, a veterinarian with Wellness Natural Pet Food.In fact, this healthy vegetable is packed with several essential vitamins and minerals that are good for pups. You must remember to never use raw or uncooked sweet potatoes. Then cut the sweet potatoes... Bake for 3-5 hours, flipping once halfway through cooking. If your dog seems to react more heavily against the sweet potato, leave the addition out of his/her diet and look for a different food to use a supplement. In fact, when potatoes were first discovered in the Americas and brought back to Europe, people ate them raw and got seriously sick, because exposure to sunlight makes potatoes green, which creates a poison in them. As with regular potatoes, preparing a sweet potato before giving small portions to dogs is the best approach. According to my vet the green part of raw potatoes is poisonous to dogs and the skin on the potato could cause indigestion or stomach upset. Use only a moderate quantity daily. Solanine poisoning can cause heart problems, difficulty breathing, and gastrointestinal upset. Cooking also makes the sweet potato taste sweeter. The amino acids in sweet potatoes help maintain healthy, strong and lean muscles. Once the sweet potato is boiled or baked then in this form it is easier for dogs to eat. Can dogs eat raw potatoes? Normal dogs don't steal raw sweet potatoes. Comment below! I told you, I wasn't eating a sweet potato. Sweet potatoes are high in dietary fiber which is great for digestive health. Skin them first, as sweet potato skin can upset some dogs’ stomach. 6 Answers. What about sweet potatoes or French fries? Because a raw sweet potato is big and hard, and some dogs have a tendency to wolf down their food, it’s recommended you always cook sweet potatoes and keep the pieces small. We and our partners will store and/or access information on your device through the use of cookies and similar technologies, to display personalised ads and content, for ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Potatoes can be boiled, steamed, mashed, baked, and pureed. This could lead to internal blockages and choking. In fact, many pet food manufacturers include sweet potatoes in their dog food formulations. Another risk of uncooked sweet potato is the risk for intestinal blockages. You may feed your dog the sweet potato in its whole form after cooking it in the microwave or oven. The effective antioxidant facilitates healing in case your dog is hurt or ill. As your dog gets older, it may start showing signs of aging and deteriorating health. and flat out turns his nose up at cauliflower. Relevance? Conclusion. But, why not cook it for him? In fact. I know raw potato's are bad for people but i dont know how dogs react to them. In this situation you have to rush to your vet immediately. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Can dogs eat potatoes? Luckily there is nothing in raw sweet potato that will harm Shaggy. Since we are still without a cure or prevention for cancer, many pet owners try to prevent cancer from developing in a natural way. It is never safe for your dog to eat raw potatoes. Today’s question: can dogs eat sweet potatoes and yams? You should also ensure that any potatoes in the house are stored safely in a cool dark area. Maltese shih tzu mix. As a nutritional treat, you can feed a small portion of sweet potato baked or boiled. Here are some great ways that dogs may enjoy potato: Boiled and chopped into small chunks Thin oven cooked slices on their kibble Plain mashed potato If your dog weighs less than 10 pounds, they should eat a portion equal to 1/4 cup of potato or less; dogs up to 30 pounds can safely eat approximately 1/2 of a cup of potato and larger dogs weighing up to 70 pounds can eat up to 1 cup of potato in one serving. The sweet potato itself is a good option, but not when the potato has been treated, caramelized, or sweetened in any way. Raw sweet potatoes are not good for your dog, therefore, you must always ensure that they are well-cooked before your feed them to your pet. Fiber will bulk up the waste in your dog’s system, allowing the stomach to heal and remove toxins easier.