Lv 7. Answer Save. Rhino vs elephant started in a delicious buy per slice pizza stop in no other city than New York City. Round 1: 1 African Elephant Bull vs. 1 Black Rhino Bull. Anonymous. The rhino is faster and does have armor. It would be somewhat of a close thing which is probably why they almost wont clash head to head in the wildlife. The elephant is the largest and the strongest land animal on the planet. Both of these animals are extremely territorial; however, the hippo is more aggressive compared to a rhino. And of course a single lion would never take one on by it's self - they hunt as a team. Hippo vs Rhino fight- who will win? Relevance. 0 0. 3 years ago. The rhino hears it, gets scared and turns to acknowledge the new threat. Round 3: 1 of each, but they're being telepathically controlled by a human saddled on the back - the humans aren't used to their new mounts. Here is a gorrila Here is an elephant: Notice a bit of size gap? Reply. After a single drink, enough to get the pair sufficiently drunk, the conversation of course turned to the age old debate: who would win in a battle, elephant or rhino. Bobby. Who would win out of rhino vs. hippo vs. elephant? The elephant knows this and tosses the stick. The elephant takes this moment to trumpet and puff himself up. 1 0. This fight is easily a 50% for a rhino and 50% for a hippo. 9 Answers. January 4, 2021 at 3:10 am. If it can beat everything IT COULD BE Wild rouge males have been known to kill rhinos. Watch the Elephant vs Rhino in the video below : Elephant. The male white rhino seems small in comparison with an average height of A mature bull elephant could beat any rhinoceros or hippopotamus! Since the rhino has poor eyesight and is already locked on the primary elephant threat and can't find the other threat (since it's a stick) it begins to back down. The largest African bush elephants may stand more or less as tall as did the giant Columbian one, but the biggest mammoths probably normally outweighed elephants because of thicker leg bones. Why are you asking this? Studies have swung backward and forward on the issue of which current elephant is more deeply related to mammoths, although 3 years ago. An adult bull elephant is on average 3.2 metres (10.8 ft) tall and weighs approximately 6 tonnes (12,228 pounds). Of course this is hypothetical as this fight wouldn't really ever go down unless the elephants calf's safety was endangered. A hippo would put tough challenge but will slowly lose. African Elephant: This is obvious, an elephant is over 3 times bigger than a hippo, they can weigh 15,000lbs, which makes them the strongest and largest herbivores as well as the largest land animal. rhino would win. Elephant are much bigger and heavier. The rhinoceros skin is much harder as compared to that of the African bush elephant. 3 years ago. Round 2: 1 African Elephant Bull vs. 3 Black Rhino Bull. 16 thoughts on Compare African Bush Elephant vs White Rhinoceros Sydney Russel October 3, 2015. Elephant vs Rhino Animal Face-Off. 1 0. Anonymous. a croc would win in a elephant fight , a rhino in a elephant fight and a lion in a elephant fight would surely win. Mammoths and present-day elephants overlap considerably in frame mass. Is this an alternative to rock/paper/scissors? 0 0? Any kind of Rhinoceros (White, Black, Indian, Javan) will be more than a match for any grizzly (Kodiak, Peninsular, Mexican, Californian), even smaller female rhinos. An elephant will most likely win although their skin is 3x less thick. Hence, even though the African Bush Elephant will try to crush the rhino with its 5.5-ton feet, it will be difficult for it due to the agility of the Rhino. Raymond says. 3 years ago. But lets just speculate.