Again, wonderful work you have here. A thread for keeping track of OOC information for our Curse of Strahd solo game. Take the magic initiative feat and see if dm will allow choosing from paladin spell list for one of the 1st level smite spells. Currently running the formation below: I am a big fan of having BBEGs remove the thumb from a sword hand and subsequently imposing disadvantage if the PC continues to use that hand or loss of bonuses if the PC switches to their non-dominant hand. What you get is impressive hi-def versions of my maps to be used in your RPG games (these have lower resolution), and the satisfaction of helping the rpg community grow bigger and stronger. I am a little confused about the whole Rudolph Van Richten backstory. It’s a big stat block. Reply, Your content here is good for this edition of Strand. This is the important part about encounters with Strahd before the main confrontation in the castle. This subreddit serves as a helpful place for anyone running the Curse of Strahd module for D&D 5e. I understand why it is like that, it’s trying to convey what spells he has prepared at any given day, but just like any wizard, if he expects to go fighting then he will prepare the spells more likely to be used. A human was never meant to have such a long lifespan. All the maps in this website are registered under the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC. There is a sneaky strategy I used with a group, it involves the elevator trap in area K61 (page 75). Re: How would you make a Fighter/Warlock for Curse of Strahd? Reply, December 18, 2019 at 6:49 pm Remember that Strahd is probably more intelligent than any in the party. Another classic nobody mentioned to go alongside the wall phasing thing is that he knows his castle and his minions full well. He is described in the book in page 240. That being the case, how does he die? We also have to take into account the way action economy works in 5th edition (and other editions as well), 4-5 player characters with an action and possibly a bonus action will always have a lot more to do in a round than Strahd, even with legendary actions. Have him have minions (werewolves and vampire spawn if needed). The battle follows him, other minions can come into the PCs way but they will follow Strahd on whatever route he takes. Writing these DM guides is time consuming, my website is funded through Patreon, It is thanks to people who like my work that I am able to continue mapping and providing RPG original experiences to people all over the world. Stake to the Heart. Strahd takes 10 radiant damage when it starts its turn in sunlight. I’d say there are two main reasons not to kill visitors outright, the first one is his motivation to find a successor. The entire land of Barovia feels evil, as the PCs arrive. Curse of Strahd is a roleplay heavy campaign and can have 1 or sometimes even multiple sessions without combat, so make sure you are ready for that. 2021 Elven Tower Cartography. And also If the party includes a paladin because after level 7 the whole party gets a buff to all saves as long as they are close to the paladin. Later, this character and his world would be explored in followup modules, novels, and a campaign setting called Ravenloft. While exercising, make sure you keep proper form by working out in front of a mirror. So after centuries of magic learning, boredom, thinking and talking to Rahadin, a group of adventurers arriving to Barovia is a welcome sight. I will be using roll20 for maps, since it's a little more accurate than MS Paint. Reply. You would do well by scanning it, taking a picture or taking good notes of all the info in that page for fast reference in game. Although it can be mistaken for a zombie and end up as a regular battle. To get stronger, start a resistance or weight training regime with exercises like bench presses and shoulder presses, or bodyweight exercises like push ups. Reply. While Strahd is really strong and an accomplished spellcaster, he is NOT stupid and understands that if he gets mobbed up by 5 PCs he won’t stand for a long time. Fighting Strahd should always feel dangerous, like the conflict will go sour from one moment to the next. In fact he can even lose a battle and eventually be turned to mist. If you really want to go all-in, this is a buffed up version of Strahd created by James Plunkett (dave2008@enworld). He has a score of 20 Intelligence, which is higher than the average mind flayer if you want to compare it with a race that is considered highly intelligent. Strahd is always protected by the Heart of Sorrow which equates to 50 extra HP. He is resistant to necrotic and non-magical weapons.