The Cult of Khaine that includes the. Denzel Crocker is a bonafide Type 2 example, using his teacher job mostly to mentally torture children as well as keep tabs on them for any potential fairy godparents, which he wants to capture in order to rule the world. Favored tactics include kidnapping, misinformation, and total brainwashing. Mikami Teru and Kiyomi Takada are also of this alignment. Onaga, the previous ruler of Outworld, was full-on Lawful Evil as the realm was orderly under his (tyrannical) rule. No Lawful alignment is necessarily inclined to obey every law or any law. The Morag Tong has worked alongside the government of Morrowind to allow its members to murder with impunity, and the Dark Brotherhood is dependent on order and regulation of its members to preserve its secrecy. Raistlin's sister Kitiara is loyal to her family and Tanis Half-Elven, and appreciates the order and power the Dragonarmies bring, but she is not beyond some plotting for personal aggrandisement, so veers towards, The minotaurs, likewise, are classed as a Lawful Evil race; while they believe most other races are so inferior as to be only good as slaves or corpses, they have a strict, Umbridge exemplifies this trope, even if she initially appeared as, The Malfoys easily fall here; they prefer being in positions of power and privilege, and Lucius seems to be at his best when working for Voldemort within the Ministry. It does nothing but live and put forth petals of perfect crimson where none are there to see. While his usurper Shao Kahn is more of a, Hotaru is cynically militant in that believes order, rules, law, and control are the only way to make sure society is peaceful and functional, and has no regard for the battle between good and evil, just as long as he suppresses chaos and stops people breaking the rules. Possibly a surprise to those who are only familiar with, Speaking of Saruman, he really passes through all three evil alignments during his career. In fact, the High Prophets of Truth, Mercy, and Regret (the leaders of the Covenant) ordered the annihilation of humanity (heirs of their Gods they adored) to simply keep the Covenant together under their rule. Predictable. They will want laws which ensure that their regime gets the upper hand in society. Top LE abbreviation related to Lawful: Lawful Evil hate other humans and regard them as no better than the Yahoos. Most of them also tend to wreak vengeance only on a particular type of victim-, The Peacekeepers in general, actually — they are a highly-regimented mercenary force who are generally very eager to force the rest of the galaxy to follow their rules (and incredibly unforgiving if they don't). A perfect example of this is when Dolores Umbridge from “Harry Potter” purposefully prevented students from learning the dark arts to protect the Ministry from Hogwarts’ potential uprising. To them, other characters are resources, and no tool should be discarded out of hand if it can still be of use. Unfortunately there are no ends, just manipulation and scheming for its own sake. A warlord who would kill anyone who threatens him — and, let's say, would always spare the enemies that can serve him; or someone who believes in playing by the story conventions; or a villain whose word is absolutely binding but would still kill a pregnant woman; or any kind of evil character that might commit mass genocide but for some reason Will Not Tell a Lie. What does LE stand for? Homura and Koharu, his accomplices in orchestrating the Uchiha clan massacre, When she loses her mind and becomes the Ten Tails, she becomes, we find out that he spent four centuries creating, released captured demons to attack humans as a justification for maintaining the barrier on Demon World and to portray the Spirit World as being the defenders of humanity, betting his life on Toguro's victory- and honoring his end of the deal when he loses the bet, he founded the entire country of Amestris, he's in complete charge of the government, and thus is technically in charge of all law enforcement — and while he finds humans to be utterly beneath him and generally doesn't care about their well-being, leaving politics to Bradley, he does occasionally step in when needed — such as when Bradley is presumed assassinated near the beginning of Mustang's coup, and the military is in a state of panic, believes it is her purpose in life to kill, if it means preventing her transformation, persecute and destroy inventors who threaten to pull the Walled Cities out of, This eventually culminates in them tricking Kirito and Eugeo's pages into calling them out for the aforementioned sexual harassment so they can abuse their Noble privileges to enact punishment on the two lower-class girls for "insulting their good character", deciding to do so by, bringing order to the universe by just replacing everyone in it with their Third Army in an. He later recognizes there's survivors in hiding, but does nothing as they're no threat and wiping them out on paper has achieved his goal. They are chaos and evil that is restrained by religious devotion and military discipline. In his own words (while being cross-examined by Levy during the trial of Barksdale enforcer Marquis "Bird" Hilton for the murder of state's witness William Gant): His Divine Shadow probably lies somewhere between here and, Vengeance demons have to abide by certain codes of conduct when wreaking vengeance. Breaking your word to your peer or ally. They're genocidal, greedy, ruthless, and collectively wield power over the most influential nation in the continent. James' self-imposed need to be punished for his crimes. It has enemies who bear it a vicious, unbending malice, who wish not only for its tiny life to be over but also that it had never existed. For a Lawful Evil character, it’s because they are part of something bigger than themselves and they follow the codes, traditions and power structures of that group. Get a Lawful Evil mug for your father-in-law Callisto. Among Ferengi, Brunt is the most malevolent: he repeatedly goes out of his way to use the power and authority granted by his rank to make Quark's life miserable. Unlike the three examples above, who were motivated more by the overall idea of universal order, these two villains were concerned solely with the welfare of their races, the orcs and the trolls respectively. They are all willing to die for the greater glory of Chaos, and are the only Traitor Legion still acting as a mostly-unified force, although they still have internal frictions. He is primarily concerned with establishing House Lanister as the dominant family in Westeros. They also follow five tenets: do not dishonor the Night Mother, do not betray the Brother, do not kill or steal from another member. In reality, his goal is to make Alm strong enough to defeat Duma, who has gone mad with power, by providing him a blatant, their highly advanced prehistoric ancestors, while still considered universally slippery, were at least no more evil as a whole than either their human allies or their Forerunner enemies, test-fired the Halos by wiping out almost every San'Shyuum left in existence, he realizes what an asshole he's been, and sacrifices himself in an attempt to protect the Greater Ark, where its revealed they are engineering said catastrophes themselves with the intent of forcing order not just on the Injustice Earth, but across all the multiverse, requiring Raiden to team up with the, the player character is revealed to be Revan, "We impose order on the chaos of organic evolution. Malak is devoutly religious and believes that everyone in the world has to answer to other, greater, beings, and the proper response is to embrace the control of those greater beings and serve them with pleasure, essentially a, All of which he says he learned from Baron Wulfenbach, who is himself either Lawful Evil or, Donald McBonald is a ruthless businessman willing to branch out into outright villainy, at least against a, The dinosaur president from "Futures Trading" puts on a civil facade and pretends to care about the rights of his human subjects as well as dinosaur ones. They're all about preserving order and stability at the cost of happiness and free will, and have connived and manipulated their way to the top of the government in Ba Sing Se to make sure of that. These dragons had a breath weapon that fired forth freezing crystal. Lawful evil characters will support laws that further their own cause, normally meaning the gaining of wealth and power. Lawful evil is the realm of the individual who knows what they want and will manipulate the system (legal, cultural, and so forth) to achieve those ends, no matter the consequence. As of the Korra Book 4, former Metal Clan guard captain turned would-be dictator Kuvira seems going in this direction. "Evil" implies hurting, oppressing, and killing others. He saved Trakeena from a band of thugs, trained her to be a badass warrior princess and wanted to help her avenge her father's death at the hands of the rangers. Notably, Hextor, the iconic god of Lawful Evil in Dungeons & Dragons is not sympathetic in the slightest. A ruthlessly expansionistic imperial power, Khador is ruthless enough that one unit, the Doom Reavers, are people chained to, The skorne. You pretty much do whatever you can get away … They are utterly cruel and merciless, and adhere to a, The Shabbat followers on the Path of Honorable Accord place honor and chivalry foremost and never go back on their word, unlike the rest of their, The Camarilla, the organization of vampires that are presented as the, Khador. A lawful evil dictator that rules with an iron fist and oppresses its people is an example of lawful evil creature. Mikami is a zealous prosecutor who is completely devoted to Light's cause with no real limits to his black and white morality and Takada prefers to operate within the system to gain more influence and fame. Finally, it should be remembered that while many Lawful Evil types may value the law and may obey it in many cases, being Lawful Evil does not necessarily mean that the character will necessarily obey the actual laws of the land — many of them are fully prepared to commit illegal acts or to twist the laws to their own purposes, and even to annihilate entire systems or civilizations. Not possible in real life; purely theoretical. Zon-Kuthon, the god of darkness, envy, pain, and loss. Chaotic good They will obey the letter of the law, but not the spirit, and are usually very careful about giving their word. While they're Chaos Marines, the actual Chaos thing isn't relevant to them — they fight the Imperium out of a deep-seated bitterness and resentment, not any particular loyalty to the Dark Gods (indeed, there's a subtle disdain for the Dark Gods within much of the Legion, because as Chaotic influences the favours of the Gods are too unreliable). If the Founders don't rule it, they'll conquer it. If convinced the player character is innocent, he'll swear fealty to them without a fight. Though, the actual Kira of their group turns out to be. if they don't have their reputation for holding up their end of their bargains, no one will deal with them. They believe in order, but mostly because they believe it is the best way of realising their evil wishes, or they feel it is a realistic and necessary compromise or restraint on them. She is out for herself, pure and simple. This costs him his life when he refuses to shoot his soldiers. what you'd have would be a lot like the Iron Warriors. Lawful evil characters who operate in groups usually focus on mutual self-interest. Most Lawful Evil characters have a set of standards such as honor for themselves and their minions, while the ones that do not are often so oppressive to others that their own personal principles are irrelevant. He also loathes the, In spite of their name, the Chaos Dwarfs fit this alignment quite well as a result of being a corrupt and tyrannical offshoot of the staunchly, The Imperium of Man, Craftworld Eldar, Tau Empire, and Necrons all lean towards this end to varying degrees — the first three vary between Lawful Evil and, Tzeentch and his servants are often mistaken for this by virtue of their scheming, cunning and seemingly methodical nature. Considering Tzeentch's reason for existing is to be a. The lawful evil character will use his position of power over others to ruthlessly pursue his own agenda using the apparatus of the state. The caution, however, should be remembered, as these characters also respond poorly to Bad Bosses and Dirty Cowards,note not that a Dirty Coward who is themselves Lawful Evil is something unheard of, far from it, as well as simple incompetence that could lead them to deciding to either find a more worthy master, or take over "for the good of the cause". Contexts Opposite of conforming to, permitted by, or recognized by law or rules. One way to build a lawful evil character that can feasibly function within a good-aligned party is to play a zealot who is willing to achieve their goals at any cost. This alignment becomes a plot point in the first game when your predecessor returns and usurps the title of Overlord from you. Robs drug dealers, kills without compunction — but never raised his weapon on anyone who wasn't in the game. The Dominion, ruled by the Founders, is a theocratic oligarchy dedicated to two things above all: order and control. Lord Tywin Lannister. However, though he has no respect or obligation to serve any law, he does have an affinity for the Sith Code, saying that its words completely changed his perspective. It is the way of the universe!". by forcefully converting everyone into Super Mutants and killing anyone who opposes him, Wanting to keep the order at all costs, the "Good" goddess Ashera that they serve is willing to, At least, that's what he wants you to think. lawful permanent resident meaning neutral lawful chaotic true alignment evil charts chart memes sunny always character 25+ Best Memes About Alignment Charts | … [1] The other major lawful evil deity is Zon-Kuthon, a sadist who believes in purging the flesh through pain. The medieval Tzimisce and the few traditional or "Old Clan" Tzimisce elders in modern times are this. They're likely to have standards, but they're just as likely to have a warped moral code regardless. Lawful Evil is not always the "nicest" of the Evil alignments, though in individual cases the Lawfulness may make for a Noble Demon. Vlad von Carstein himself is a prime example of this, and he even came frighteningly close to achieving said goal too. The main difference between Lawful Evil and Neutral Evil characters is why they are committing their Evil acts. Good characters make personal sacrifices to help others. marry his daughter Johanna when she turned 16. destroying all demons and ruling the humans. With the possible exception of, While technically there isn't a villain in, The honor of a character respecting this trope in, Pinhead and most other cenobites along with their god Leviathan from the, The inquisitor Bernard Gui is completely uninterested in finding the culprit for the murders, and stages a witch trial to discredit his opponents and enhance his reputation. A few examples of his Lawful Evil personality show when he. In his view. Sinister, as his ally, vacillates between this and, The Necromongers in general are Lawful Evil: their end-goal may be, Sheriff William "Little Bill" Daggett, the primary antagonist of, The Gotham National Bank manager, who still believes in honor and respect even when the Joker has him by the balls. Treacheron, who is basically an alien samurai whose only motivation is his loyalty to his master Scorpius. Makes sense since White Court Vampires, while physically powerful, lack the savagery and raw power of the more chaotic evil creatures. Neutral • LE stands for Lawful … deliberately tries to imitate Darth Vader, he never claims that what he does is right or just, C.S.A. Their first impulse when making a moral decision is to refer back to this code; those with externally imposed systems (codes of laws, hierarchies, etc.) Opposite of having or showing high moral standards. Mephistopheles in the second expansion is just as much bound by rules as any paladin, he just has no conscience to go along with them. Lawful evil Neutral evil Chaotic evil Neutral in this scheme can be one of two versions: Neutral, those who have no interest in (or no ability to care about) the choice; or "True Neutral", meaning those who not only actively remain neutral but believe it is necessary to enforce the balance of the world on others, and would act in any required fashion to bring about that balance. They're always manipulating and working towards some end. They fall into the category of "Evil over Lawful", since these kinds of dragons will quite often be just as dangerous as the. She sheds no tears for those she kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience. The Devils are the archetypal Lawful Evil creatures (as opposed to the, Some chromatic dragons default to Lawful Evil, like green dragons. If you have a difficulty deciding which alignment an evil-aligned character belongs to, the main difference between Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil and Chaotic Evil is not their devotion to their evil wishes, but the methods they believe are best to realize it: In a nutshell, these are a variety of evil characters who don't care if what they do is "heinous" or "horrible", but who will always follow certain rules. The Dai Li and their leader Long Feng are the purest Lawful Evil. These characters might believe in traits such as loyalty and follow the law, but at their heart, they have no regard for others. She's ruthless, tyrannical and loves her fiancee Bataar Jr. Not to mention being much more meritocratic and loathing monarchy. The Dungeons & Dragons Character Alignment system originally defined characters' moral dispositions only on a Law/Chaos axis, with Law seen as usually involving moral goodness, and Chaos, evil. You're neutral evil. She tells the truth, keeps her word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. Their goals and honor codes make them reliable allies to whoever summons them, but their methods are a reminder that they're all ruthless assassins. Another unique thing about Villamax is that he does not want to involve innocent people in his battles. A Lawful Evil character is an evil character who either tries to impose or uphold a lawful system, and / or adheres to a particular code. Rustal ultimately abolishes Gjallarhorn's and the worlds corrupt system when it becomes necessary to ensure stability, which conveniently lets him keep power as Gjallarhorn's first president. You take what you can get - as long as you're playing within the rules. Kobolds, vicious, sadistic little bastards as they are, are also highly organized and cooperative, each doing his part for the benefit of the entire tribe, up to and including dying for it — at least if he cannot make some other unlucky kobold die in his stead. Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion. She combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. only to switch sides again as soon as they are asked to defend it from an evil wizard because he gives them a chance to be evil minions again, and that's just what they do. For instance, chaotic characters may be messy, undisciplined wretches, but if a lawful evil character can channel that scattered energy into something productive, everyone can benefit. A world ruled by the Undead would have no more injustice, no more wars, no more mortal flaws, changes himself into a deformed Old God monstrosity, a (misplaced) sense of how to further the general good for his people, little to no understanding of them as people, he may not have the right view of the script to begin with, team up with the anti-fairies and try to destroy Earth, Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension. Chaotic Evil is even harder to portray as anything remotely sympathetic because even if they have a Freudian Excuse, they usually go so far off the deep end straight into the Moral Event Horizon territory that Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse. Search options; Acronym Meaning; How to Abbreviate; List of Abbreviations; Popular categories; Business; Medical; Military; Slang; Technology; Clear; Suggest. Omar Little. Also Gambol, who goes so far as to put a hit on the Joker for robbing the GNB (and partially for, The MCU version of the Kree Empire. Gygax later introduced the cross-cutting traits of “good” and “evil” to … See Also: Lawful Good , Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil. This is based on opinion. He is Evil because every fight must also be a fight to the death, and he shows no compassion or mercy once a fight has begun. A character alignment from Dungeons and Dragons: someone who acts in good will but obeys the law. But really the humans are treated very badly, and only the divided public opinion among dinosaurs is stopping the president from launching a. Swindle is exactly the same — at one point he even mentions Lockdown as a kind of business associate. He evolves, through Thrawn's more positive influences and a sense of pragmatism as the New Republic keeps pushing the Empire back, into, Darth Bane, who appears in the Darth Bane trilogy and various graphic novels, most notably Jedi vs. Sith mentions several times that if a death "serves no purpose", it is pointless and foolish to cause. to safeguard the future of the mutant race, and protecting it from the very real threat of genocidal anti-mutant prejudice. You play by the rules, but often not with much compassion. Although it is hard applying any sort of alignment to most characters in, Graven Ashe, Archon of War and leader of the, Barik, one of the Disfavored's rank and file, is another Type 1, sharing his commander's racist views and preference for harsh treatment of rebels. The lawful evil outsiders are known as Devils, foul creatures that want to hold dominion over all the creatures of the multi-verse. also disgusted by he extent of the horrors, Order can only and must be maintained with an iron fist, Shut up, I've been hurt badly and I will kill anyone who complains, mugging a poor citizen of Tatooine for her only real item of value, sacrifice them in a pit to restore your health or mana, use their essence to forge powerful magic items. A strict Headmaster and leader of the ambitious PC Delta, PC Principal takes crap from nobody even little brats like Cartman suffer his wrath (i.e. Lawful neutral • Neutral evil • Need antonyms for lawful? One episode had Maya facing Loyax, an old warrior who used to fight on the side of good, but pulled a, Made somewhat ambiguous by Lilah clarifying to, Illyria's natural impulses run this way, despite her Lovecraftian, The Dark Elves have a strict, law-bound society which is evil to the boot in order to keep their decadent lifestyle in check.