At my 30 week appt the midwife said the baby is head down which is consistent with the movements I've been feeling. At 30 weeks pregnant, you are likely to experience shortness of breath. He has turned down and is expecting to descend further into your pelvis over the coming few weeks. Well I have dropped a ton and baby's head is already partially engaged and im only 33 weeks. Seeing in the dark. Most of them are guessing ill deliver this time around 37 weeks ish. Baby dropping increases pressure on the cervix. Pregnancy Forum. Contractions. If a woman thinks her baby has dropped, she should speak to a doctor. I think I will go over like all the women in family. This will tail off by the time you reach your due date, when the fluid levels will drop to about 600ml (Hill 2019b). I'm almost 30 weeks and it feel like my baby has dropped over the weekend, not like baby is engaged or anything but everything's definitely a bit lower. There is less pressure on the diaphragm once the baby has dropped. Hi All, I hope you are all fine and dandy I ve just been reading online from lots of websites about babies dropping - (probably should stay away from reading online as it scares me). I can feel baby punching in my pelvis and legs are down from ribs to mid stomach. with the first pregnancy when the baby drops it is a sign that the baby will be born with in 2-3 weeks or so. Change in Abdomen. This means it is ready for birth. You at 30 weeks pregnant With the end nearly in sight, it could be nice to start planning a few little treats just for yourself before your baby is born. Anyone know if it's possible to drop early with your second but still hold out for a week or two?? I went into labour on my due date, I thought I might go early too but didn't. Cxxx Repeat a few times. When the baby drops, it may reduce pressure on the stomach. With all my pregnancies, toddler dropped a lil earlier 30 weeks. Anyway, I am currently 33 weeks 6 days pregnant, and about 4 days ago I noticed baby had dropped. Baby Dropped at 30 weeks - Normal? Hey, so this is my 3rd baby and I'm 30 weeks 1 day. I started dropping like over a week ago. They're baaack! Signs of baby dropping before 30 weeks of pregnancy may indicate preterm birth. Getting your hair cut so it's in a nice easy to maintain style, or going for a pedicure (unless you are one of the lucky ones who can still reach her own toes!) As baby continues to grow and take up space in your uterus, the amount of amniotic fluid will lessen - this is completely natural, and a good sign of growth. Also noticed less movement from baby and a few dull aches and pains. Before the baby drops, a woman may be at station -5. Common problems include failure to progress, excessive bleeding, and placenta…, Sneezing during pregnancy is common. See our pregnancy timing article to learn how the weeks of pregnancy are counted and your baby's gestational age is determined. Can sneezing during pregnancy affect the baby? The baby may also lie lower in the abdomen, due to prior stretching, which can cause backaches, loose hips and round ligament pain. 30 weeks pregnant – second baby | 3rd trimester & nesting Life with a toddler , Pregnancy diary , Second pregnancy April 10, 2017 We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post. Also noticed less movement from baby and a few dull aches and pains. Last medically reviewed on January 9, 2020, Most deliveries happen safely, but sometime a complication can occur. When I was pregnant with my first I went days past my due date and, as you can imagine, I was frustrated. Doctors do not fully understand its…. I dropped last night and it is so obvious as my bump was under my boobs and now its down at my waist. In this video, a midwife explains the alternatives for women who do not want to give birth in hospital. Anonymous. head down and dropped are two different things, if this is your first dropping is an idication that the baby is ready for labor in the next 2 weeks, of this is not your first dropping is no indication of anything, but also remember that at 29 week the baby is still "floating" and can move her/himself back out of the pelvis, head down is completely normal at this stage. Baby dropped at 30 weeks? =) I feel like he’s dropped and I’m carrying much lower than I was before. It is normal to experience some pelvic pain after the baby drops. Discussion in 'Third Trimester' started by louise8151, Sep 13, 2011. louise8151 New Member. And feel really differant when i got up today like baby moved down more, loads of shooting pains in my privite area aswell. For reference: during pregnancy, your baby is floating in amniotic fluid and is usually at a -5. As this happens, most expecting moms can see that their stomach is now hanging lower than it did before. The ischial spines are on the pelvis. They started at 27 weeks for me - I finished work early in the end as I was worried I would end up with a prem baby. I'm 30 weeks tomorrow and in the last few days I really feel that baby has dropped down. Knowing that your baby has dropped will also let you know that baby is gearing up for the big D-day. Ive been getting very strong and painfull BH. 2 kids; 1 angel baby; Canada. I also have been having some pretty strong contractions today. Exciting times ahead! According to a 2014 study, 95 percent of women have a station of zero or lower when fully dilated. As your body prepares for labor, your baby will "drop," or descend into your pelvis, in a process called lightening. This may make breathing easier. To estimate which station a woman is at, the doctor examines a woman’s vagina and feels for the baby’s head. Baby dropped at 30 weeks cmmartin0811 Due July 24 (girl); Battle Creek, Michigan 40 posts May 23rd '12 I am 31 weeks pregnant and last week my baby dropped as well as the fact that over the past 2 weeks I have been having more frequent and stronger contraction (not like the BH contractions that I had been feeling previous). Baby dropped at 30 weeks cmmartin0811 Due July 24 (girl); Battle Creek, Michigan 40 posts May 23rd '12 I am 31 weeks pregnant and last week my baby dropped as well as the fact that over the past 2 weeks I have been having more frequent and stronger contraction (not like the BH contractions that I had been feeling previous). Good luck with your pregnancy and I hope you make it till atleast July 20! Your doctor or midwife will feel your abdomen when you have your pregnancy check-ups in second and third trimesters – this is called an 'abdominal palpation'. 1 decade ago . The hormone relaxin (which typically increases in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy, then decreases to a plateau around 24 weeks), seems to be more effective during second pregnancies, reports Coolen. At about 25-30 weeks I'd felt my baby start to drop several times and my midwife said it's very normal for subsequent pregnancies because everything is stretched out. Your baby at 33 weeks. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. The point in pregnancy when your baby drops vary drastically between mothers, but it tends to occur earlier for first-time mothers than mothers who have delivered a baby before. The five-point scale is more traditional and more widely used. That said, some types of pelvic pain may need investigating. Learn more about pregnancy week 30 in the article. During the last few weeks … Some doctors use a three-point scale; others use a five-point scale. This feeling of increased space in the abdomen is why baby dropping is also called lightening. One mum-to-be shares her amazing photos - taken one day apart - on our MFM forum Share on Facebook; Share on Twitter ; Share on Pinterest; Share on Whatsapp; Share on Reddit; Share on Tumblr; This competition is now closed. -5 station: The baby is "floating" in the womb—able to move freely and even flip from heads-up to heads-down and vice-versa.-3 station: The baby has settled into a heads-down position—usually within weeks 32 to 36 (although it can happen as late as just as labor is beginning)—with the top of the head just above the pelvic bone. I m 30 weeks and my bump seems … As the baby drops into the pelvis, the pressure in this area may increase. Second pregnancy & bump dropped! Usually the baby is kicking in my ribs, I can't breathe and eating is hard, but today I felt a huge movement in my stomach that felt so different and then I felt and immense amount of pressure in my vagina and her kicks feel so low now. with the 2nd+ pregnancy's the baby can drop weeks before or even the day of dropping is just the baby moving in to the birth canal and getting in to position to be born. Many of the early pregnancy symptoms you thought you'd put behind you may be coming back to haunt you, at least to some extent, like the need to pee all the time because your baby's head is now pressing on your bladder, tender breasts that are gearing up for milk production, fatigue and pregnancy heartburn. Fetal growth chart . Start4Life has more about you and your baby at 30 weeks pregnant. Lightening may seem an inappropriate term for some. I think I will go over like all the women in family. Some women may feel baby dropping as a sudden, noticeable movement. In your second and subsequent pregnancies, you’re already warmed up ready to go. Reply. 9 answers / Last post: 5/28/2014 at 8:52 AM. Re: Baby dropping - 2nd pregnancy. © 2004-2021 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. Your baby is still up high near your rib and is waiting a bit – it is soon expected to drop down into your pelvis. Lightning crotch: What to know about shooting pain during pregnancy. JOIN THE FAMILY! If this is your second time, you may notice that your baby doesn't drop until your labor actually beings. Also called lightening, baby dropping is a sign that a baby is nearly ready to be born. ... but even before all of this, back when we first found out we were pregnant, we didn't think I would make it to term.". My baby has been engaged since 37 weeks 0 days, I'm 38 weeks 5 days and he's still in there. A 2015 article describes it as a system which divides the pelvis above and below the ischial spines into fifths. The doctor doesn't seemed concerned about any of this but gave me an internal exam to make sure that I wasn't dilated (which luckily I haven't). Too much caffeine in pregnancy can cause miscarriage or for your baby to be born with a low birthweight. When the baby drops, pressure on the pelvis may cause some pain. hey.. with my first he dropped at 30 weeks, was engaged by 36 weeks - 1/5th, at 38 weeks he was 3/5ths and i didnt deliver until 41+4.... my friend just had her second baby and the baby didnt drop and engage til 2 days before she delivered... 0 0. Baby development at 30 weeks. Rest and drinking plenty really eased them off. I'm 30 weeks tomorrow and in the last few days I really feel that baby has dropped down. No one thought I would make it to July either. When the baby sits lower in the pelvis, its head may put pressure on the bladder. Baby dropping sometimes makes women feel like they are carrying a bowling ball between their legs. don't forget to THUMBS up the video and share with with friends and family!! I was 4 cm 70% at 36 weeks and ended up making it to July 10 (39.3 weeks) when I went into labor an had my son. Home Forums Pregnancy Third Trimester. This may be due to the baby’s head pushing against ligaments in the pelvis. This may cause a woman to feel like she is waddling when she walks. x. xblackxstarx . If a woman thinks her baby has dropped, she should see the doctor. A great way to do them late in pregnancy is on your hands and knees. Speak to the doctor if pelvic pain is constant or regular. My doctor told me at the beginning of this pregnancy that second time moms dont usually have baby engage until a week before labour to the day of labour. Baby dropping may put additional pressure on the muscles in the lower back. Baby dropping or lightening is the movement of the baby to the lower part of the pelvis. 'Detox diets': Does science support the claims? Hi my son had dropped by 30 weeks also and he is my first baby. Hi everyone...I am a little freaked out right now. Im 36 weeks pregnant with first baby and when I got up this morning my bump has really dropped! There is no set day or week that women should expect their baby to drop. When the baby drops, some women may experience flashes of pelvic pain. What Should You Do When The Baby Drops? Joined: Sep 13, 2011 Messages: 1 Likes Received: 0. Getting your hair cut so it's in a nice easy to maintain style, or going for a pedicure (unless you are one of the lucky ones who can still reach her own toes!) All rights reserved. Baby dropping may feel like a sudden, noticeable movement for some women, while others may not feel it happening. I am 30 weeks with my third baby and last night I woke up periodically through the night with pretty strong contractions.