Lion spirit animals want you to make a wise decision in choosing the sector in which you want to spend your energies. This is very interesting, and I’ve found ninety-nine percent of it to be accurate for me. Of course girls can be leaders! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It takes a caterpillar to make a butterfly, and a kitten to become a cat, a Cub to be raised and one day become a leader of its own pack. Could I somehow have been ignoring them? Suddenly, she stopped, looked at me, and stared at me for a few seconds, then returned to her grooming. I felt an intense liking for the seal. In the lore of the Zuni people, Mountian Lion was associated with Northern direction and was considered a God of the North. I saw an image of a lion sitting in the back of my husband’s car. Be prepared when you invoke Lion as a Power Animal. The Lion came out of it for me. I took this online quiz and got a wolf, but then i did a meditation session and discovered that my guide is a lion. There is a reference to Christ being the “Lion of Judah,” for example. This is what makes him such a great leader and protector. Back to Words index. The link between Mountain Lion and Creation Myths are also found among the Tewa people. But it is in their nature to protect the weak, family or not. It could be the person you’ve met is a Leo and is boldly displaying this aspect of their identity, as Leos are inclined to do. What does a Lion symbolize in Celtic cultures? Your spirit animal is a black panther. Could a lion and a Dog be my spirit animal or power animal? Lion spirit animal traits means that sometimes speed and acceleration are not what you need to become successful in your life. Do you know when to bare your teeth and intimidate your adversary or when it’s best to use diplomacy? Expect good fortunes and achieve your material or spiritual goals. Did not now much about the tribes from South Carolina. I have had several dreams of lions and always a fondness for cats in general. The seal spirit animal (like the chicken spirit animal) reassures you that it’s okay to use your personal strength. Lions will … This will then inspire you further and create more confidence, and you will enter a positive cycle whereby you are achieving more and then able to move on to better things. Lion spirit animal intimates your weaknesses. If your dream is about the lion king movie, and you have not watched the movie recently. Very interesting indeed, & the traits are uncanny. First thing – one can never be ‘too’ observant! What does the lion as a power animal mean? What does this mean? Lion power animals are seen as those who share an affinity with the lion are natural nurturers. Medieval Christian culture gave rise to a renewed interest in Lion as a symbol both of Kings, royalty, bravery and courageousness. Leo personalities view all people as theirs to protect and serve. But they also stalk silently when they need to sneak up on their prey. You are not a pushover. i always grew up with dogs and my family has them. This might help clear up the confusion. Native American Cougar Symbolic Meanings. Lion Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism in Different Cultures and Religions. It is a reminder to control your temperament, your urges, and your impulses. If Black Panther talks to you in your dreams it might be your Spirit, Totem, or Power Animal – only you will know that. Common Lion Spirit Animal Meanings. In the story of Androcles and the Lion, the Great Cat remembers kindnesses rendered to it. Read on to learn all about Lion’s Wisdom, Teachings, and Medicine now! Or when you are facing too much distraction in moving forward. Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. Use your ability to bring positive changes in your life and the lives of others. Thus, Lion was associated with the Divine link between rulers and the fate of the Empire as a whole. The meaning of the lion spirit animal also points to the negative external forces that rule or dominate your life. Both as a symbol of strength, the power of Kings and entire Nations, and the symbol of courage, fearlessness, ferocity, watchfulness and so forth. Are you encouraging of others because you’re confident in yourself first? Have conviction in your decisions, thoughts, and emotions, and don’t listen too much to what others are saying. Pretty spot on, I am a triple fire sign Leo meaning the stars were all aligned at my birth. Spiritual Meaning of. No worries! The sacred triad of character traits, honor, respect, and gratitude sum up Lion’s metaphysical associations. The lion has been called the king of the beasts and the king of the jungle, and, in the Bible, Jesus is called the Lion of Judah (Revelation 5:5). In general, lions symbolize bravery, strength, courage and protections. You can evenake out the whisker “freckles” below his nose. Though a bit of a wild child, if you’ve got the heart of a Lion, you have the uncanny ability to stay motionless and silent; your ease with stillness and silence makes you a natural in meditation and trancework. Pueblo people known as the Keres, believed that Mountain Lion was the protector and one of the most significant Spirit Helpers. Middle Eastern stories and art show the Lion as representing great kings. Is it hot in here or is it me! You are cunning and have the strength to outlast the competition, no matter what. Your email address will not be published. A Lion Eating. The Sun God Mithras was a Solar deity associated with Lion and often portrayed with a Lion’s head. Lion Totem Meaning. Timon and Pumbaa, a duo that … It also shows how you own your domain and how you are a symbol of strength, power, and masculinity. As a tattoo, Lion represents a number of characteristics. It’s truly no surprise to know that the meaning of the lion is strength. The symbolic meaning of lions, as one might imagine, primarily deals with strength. In the Bible, lions represent mostly good and positive things. Beware of the lion it was trying to kill me. Symbols such as the Griffin, part Eagle and part Lion, figure in Celtic lore. These big cats are very closely related to the Tiger, Leopard, and Jaguar. If the lion is your spirit animal, it means that you are It’s believed Lions safeguard humans from ghosts and demons. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. And i an not sure if this has anything to do with my totem,spirit,power animal but a Black Panther always talks to me in my dream’s. One was asleep, and the other was grooming herself. We often look to Egypt as a prime example of a culture in which Lion was revered as a symbol of royalty and of the Sun. Though he used the guise of the ferocious Lion, the intention was to restore peace and balance the Earth’s Dharma. Lions symbolize courage, protection, leadership, passionate relationships, and strong self-esteem. The Feline can teach you much about handling your power with the greatest degree of effectiveness. You should not waste your efforts and energies on something that will not give you anything positive in return. Or anytime i have a cut, my dog would lick it or try to ‘help’ with it. The spiritual meanings of the animal totem lion. So, Lion Energy cloaks your spirit in the lunar power of night. You are more powerful and more influential than you think, and you can inspire change. I went a little further upstream, and then a brown seal approached. Just because i am a guy does not mean im better then girls! What does a Lion represent when found on a tattoo? Lion spirit animal personality is that the lion is violent and beautiful at the same time. It’s interesting that the lion is considered by many ancient cultures to be a solar animal symbol, however it … Komu-ina statues, or statues of protective Lion, are stationed outside of Shinto temples. Went back twice and he was still there. But even if this is not the case, a Lion represents bravery, courage, protective instincts and confidence and all these traits may lead someone to decorate their body with a Lion tattoo. Old Indian man in my dreams was talking to me. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. They teach their children to take care of themselves without leaving them weak and vulnerable. "The most powerful, daring and impressive of all carnivorous animals, the most magnificent in aspect and awful in voice." Where I am from. The Chariot is also a vehicle and as such, represents the journey or path you are on. The lion always follows me around the house from the outside, just following me. I am born on June 23. When the world sleeps, the Big Cats are everywhere yet unseen, communicating yet unheard, and prowling yet immobile. Don’t fear to use Lion’s Power, waiting in the grasses of your aura. You should call your spirit animal tiger when you feel like opportunities are sleeping through your hand. Listen to both sides of the story before striking back, and think about the consequences of your actions should you strike back as well. Mufasa mentions that although lions eat other animals, the lions die and their biomass nurtures the vegetation, ultimately providing food for other animals. There are descriptions of a powerful Lion who also has wings and this image is later featured in some of the earlier depictions of Tarot Cards such as The World and The Wheel of Fortune, as the winged Lion meaning is associated with Mark the Evangelist, and became synonymous with mysticism in various occult traditions. They also keep appearing in movies I watch or pictures that are posted on social media. Lion was thought to represent devotion and loyalty but also greed and misuse of power, courage and also predatory nature. What do Lions symbolize in African cultures? In order to register, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. What is the meaning of lion head? A Lion tattoo may also remind you to be proud of who you are and what you have accomplished, while also symbolizing your devotion to family, children and those you love. After i start thinking about it i find myself very close to dogs. They were also ultimate protectors of hearth and home. I am amazed at the accuracy, as it relates to my current situation. Remain humble with Lion, knowing your demeanor matters. Throughout the ancient world, the vibrant yellow mane of the Lion made it a natural solar symbol. 20-23) As we read these words we think first of the fierce and evil affections which creep forth in times of spiritual darkness. Thus, Lion meaning is associated with knowing when to use your power to create order and peace. Though there are presently no Lions in Sri Lanka, the Lion is a significant symbol here. What about dream messages about Lions-what do they mean? Fear is a natural motion. Also, we can have more than one Spirit Animal. I feel like I’m a lion too. Lions are significant in Indian mythology and lore. It would seem the Lion Spirit has a soft, Pussycat side too. As a result, the architecture throughout China includes Lions at entryways, standing vigilant guard. . From a spiritual perspective, the mountain lion is often connected to our transformation in our physical plane. Lion, in Chinese culture, represents protection as well and is shown as a guardian of temples. I’m a lion and so I guess girls can be strong and leader like just like boys. Lion symbolism and meaning is associated with regal grace and power among other things. Like the Sun, the King of the Beasts comes roaring into your spiritual journey with raw power, courage, and aggressiveness. Celtic cultures inherited tales and myths related to Lion meaning from other cultures such as Egyptian and Greek. Lion Spiritual Meaning. Lion teaches you how to walk your path with integrity and honor! The same Spirit Animal finds brave and outspoken people with leadership potential attractive. The lion spirit animal is brave and just and powerful and gentle at the same time. You will rise to the occasion to see someone you love. The Lion/Sphinx represents that which pulls you forward and that which holds you back, two opposite aspects of yourself which may need to be brought into alignment. In some Native American traditions, Cougar Spirit has … If you have thoughts of strength and courage around you, it will be impossible for others not to be drawn by those factors. Have i been missing the signs? Is my husband in danger and I’m shown he is being protected? Mountain Lions appear in various tribes’ stories as the symbol of a wise leader who knows his intention and leads with confidence. The Lion’s attributes are described both in positive and righteous ways but also in terms of evil and cunning, the greed of powerful Kings and aggressive pursuit of power but also powerful leaders who are benevolent. In conversation with Simba, Timon and Pumbaa suggest that life is linear, and state that if it was a circle, then nobody would be able to do whatever they wish without having to worry about how it affects others. Most of the time, you need to slow down things and wait for the perfect timing to take action, no matter how long it takes. Spiritual leaders who have a Lion Spirit Guide are firm in their convictions. These are the four Fixed Signs, and therefore they symbolize pillars that are unmovable. Lion represents one of the guises of Lord Vishnu. Thank you for taking your time to read! Elsewhere in African culture, Lion is considered to have unique powers and can bestow protective energy. The lion spirit guide in your life means that you are the epitome of masculinity and power. As a provider and a protector, you will fearlessly step forward in defense of another. It serves to remind you to take better care of yourself. But since almost a year now I have this weird connection to ravens. In many Native cultures, the silent, stalking predation of Mountain Lion is associated with dealing with silence and changes of consciousness in your own life. Prophetic Meaning Of A Lion. Hindu texts describe both Vishnu and Parvati as having attributes related to Lion. I took the test on the and a lion came up and every single trait of the lion i have. The clouds above his face even resemble the mane. I had a dream a few months back. Got my camera and went to look the third time and he was gone. Instead, in African cultures, Lion is seen as an important judge or overseer. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Learn More{{/message}}, {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}It appears your submission was successful. People with the Lion totem are fiercely independent, … . Spiritual meaning of a mountain lion. Their mating season is electric, and potentially violent. Actual Biblical references are not as flattering. It does resemble a lot to me, like protecting family and friends. Lion represents the bonds to family and responsibility toward community. But i not a leo i am a Sagittarius. The Lion as Sphinx appears in the Chariot, a card of stagnation or stalemate between past and present. In this regard, Lion correlates to the Witch’s pyramid: To Know, To Will, To Dare and To Keep Silent. Lion Spirit Animal . Examples include Ishtar with a Lion-drawn chariot, and Inanna, who stands on the backs of two female Lions. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. With a Lion Animal Spirit at your side, your personality is a magnet for others, and often people want to emulate that something special about you. Other deities in the Egyptian pantheon had Lion likenesses, including the fierce friend to women and children, Sekhmet, and Bast’s son, Maahes, a War God. To look beyond what is seen, and seek stable ground. He concluded that the mountain lion appearing in my dream was a spiritual animal that was trying to connect to me. It implies a high sex drive – sure – but it also speaks about a need to be loved and wanted. Spiritual Meaning of Lion Spirit Animal | Lion Totem Meaning Your search for the spirituality of your own is coming to fruition. I went to the dog and he did nothing to me he stayed nice. After all, it will not be called the king of the jungle for nothing! Now sorry for rambling but one of the dogs i have now will protect me from anything even after he got into a fight and almost died he would still bark and growl if he thought someone tried to harm me. You need to show that you can deal with things and take a walk before starting the talking part. Also the more i think about it, i believe a Lion is like me. Lions roar loud enough to declare their presence and claim their territory. Lions are symbols of royalty and the comparison of Jesus to a lion, points out his role as a king in God’s kingdom. When the lion roars, it’s already making a bold statement. I took the pics on 8/13/2020. Thus, Lion’s symbolism still is prevalent and important to many far eastern cultures. I would upload it if it was an option. When it happens, the Lion reminds you to follow its lesson of leading with dignity. They take silly or unnecessary risks, or they make stupid decisions. It is a symbol of how the lion dominates both personal and professional relationships. so I will start to try to use them any way sorry I am rambling, Welcome! You have the ferociousness and the beauty of the king of the jungle. I got on thus website and I got a lion I am reading like ” wow… I have every one of these traits even though I don’t use them often. To the Zulu people, Lion is considered a bridge between the world of the carnivores and herbivores because Lion eats both grass and other animals. i went to the widow and she came out perfectly fine. The fact that the lie … A lion is mentioned quite often in the Bible. {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}Your submission failed. Lions have been ascribed many symbolical meanings, including divine powers. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Lion & Lioness Meaning, Medicine & Magic. That a liondenotes the good of celestial love and the derivative truth, in its power, and also that in the opposite sense it denotes the evil of the love of self in its power, is evident from passages in the Word where a lionis mentioned. Spiritually, a lion means that you need to speak up. It is important to say that for many Christians a lion … Some people do not like the meaning of a lion because it emphasizes everything they are not good at and the things they do not have. Scroll to the bottom of the Spirit Animal Meanings page and read about the difference between a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal. I’ve always been told that I am strong, intelligent and righteous, and that I would make a good leader. Frequently, you will forget about your fierce reputation if it means a priceless memory for your loved ones. What does this mean. So i took the quiz and it said Lion, and when I look at the native Americana and Astrology it says woodpecker. If Lion keeps popping up in your awareness (in physical form or in movies, songs, TV, etc. Lion spirit totem is emphasized the family, your close relationships, and your desire to nurture the people who are important to you. Lion People make for some of the best leaders. In some Christian lore, the Lion is also a symbol of the Virgin Mary and the protective nature of mother Lions. In some cases, the symbolism of the lion serves as a warning of an unsafe or dangerous situation. In the spiritual world, lion can be a domestic animal. What does a Lion symbolize in Chinese culture? Stealth and the need to balance when you are outspoken and when you are silent. If you are considering a Lion tattoo, this can be a good way to connect with your inner power.