Having a list of overlanding essentials to refer to and capture everything you need will easily increase the quality of your overlanding experience. Stay tuned! Another thing to consider is to have a decent pair of tweezers on hand to remove ticks, thorns, and splinters, among other things. During your travels, you want your doggy to be as comfortable in the car or lying outside as possible. If you’re thinking about taking your dog on an adventure, here are some helpful hints and necessities to check before you go. Include bandages, gauze, adhesive tape, hydrogen peroxide, cotton balls or swabs, saline solution, alcohol wipes, towels, gloves, tweezers, and antibiotic ointment. It’s absolutely critical to make sure you have enough water for yourself and your pup. Try to think about activities you will both be doing during your expedition. If dogs are permitted, please be aware that you are responsible for both your own and your dog’s conduct. Collapsible dog bowl, lots of biodegradable poop bags, and towels just for them are a must. Pet first aid differs from how we treat humans, so it’s best before you go to look up how to aid your dog in case of emergency. You have a greater understanding of your dog more than anyone else. Keep a separate kit with all of your buddy’s meds too. Overlanding is a fantastic opportunity to see many things and experience life in different parts of the world, and who better to accompany you on your adventure than your four-legged companion? Some are harmless for you and your dogs, but others, like ticks and mosquitoes, can cause some trouble like Lyme disease or heartworm. Making a list of things your pet would most likely need will take up just as much time as making your own. Some places, like National Parks, require your dog to be on a leash at all times regardless. Overlanding …. We love dogs at 4×4 Overland Hire! This article came through my inbox and I thought it well worth a share …. Use the following checklist to make sure you haven’t missed packing any essential items for your companion. Remember to pack with you doggy bags. Be sure to look up any local stores nearby where you can pick up extra supplies if needed. They are crawling with insects. Consider heat, cold, and make sure they have enough water to last the night. That’s a feeling any good turn-based tactical strategy game gives you, of course. How To Make Money While Overlanding or Vanlife-ing. There is no problem getting in and sleeping in a tent for some dogs, but there are few that will need to get used to sleeping inside this strange contraption. In-Vehicle or In-Truck-Bed: Some dogs don’t like to sleep with you, so you’ll need to find a spot in your rig to set up their sleeping area. When your dog gets himself into something, this can be a lifesaver. Usually we just plan one of us to go with Aria (our daughter) and the other stay at the van with the dogs and get some work done. Call ahead to find out where your pets are permitted; some places only allow pets to stay in parking lots, which would be a huge disappointment if you had driven several hours only to discover this. The Overland Dog Promise. All you need to do is wet them to cool your pup down. So ya - I get that one. There are many variations, and only your imagination can stop you there. If your pet is wedged between your cooler and storage bins, they will probably not be too happy. If your dog isn’t on year-round preventatives, you may want to schedule an appointment to discuss options with your veterinarian or request a prescription. If you have a little or medium-sized dog, you can just lift it up and down from the tent. Make sure you’ve thought about anything to make things as easy and fun as possible for you and your four-legged friend. We are leaving in three weeks for a six month sabbatical and adventure traveling by suburban. She’s a cold-weather dog and also prefers to have her personal space. Inspect your dog’s collar to verify it’s in good shape. Overlanding with your pet adds a whole new level of excitement to the experience. They could also have special immunization requirements that must be fulfilled before your travel companion can fly. They will look forward to going on more trips and will watch to see if you grab the keys to your rig. But if that’s not possible, we are always prepared with bottled water. Dog Travel Bag - Week Away Tote For Medium and Large Dogs - Includes Bag, 2 Lined Food Carriers, Placemat, and 2 Collapsible Bowls. If you are traveling with a rooftop tent, there is not much difference for your dog between sleeping in RTT and ground tent, except climbing on the ladder, although you still need to make sure there is enough space for everyone inside. A Simple Guide on Mud Driving – Including 13 Tips. Make sure that when you leave your dog in the car, they have access to fresh air; even when it’s raining, it’s always a good idea to crank their window down a little. Like many of us, your dog is your sidekick and constant companion. Sign up below. We do a lot of hiking in the woods and mountains and swim in unnamed wild lakes. Never allow your dog to roam off leash while hiking. But when there are other humans or animals around, we will hold them on a leash to not annoy anyone. Those are mandatory for every dog regardless of traveling. We welcome any advice and especially would love advice on border crossings, travel with the kids and dogs, and how to have positive inter-cultural experiences. Make sure you know how to say veterinarian in the local language if you are abroad. With bigger dogs, you need more strength to do that, but it’s not impossible. What would you do if your dog is not allowed? We will be starting a series called, “Trailin’ It” for our viewers to get a small glimpse of what it’s like getting out on the trails with our pups! Make sure your dog’s vaccinations such as Rabies, Distemper, and Parvo are up-to-date. No one, not even animals, needs to be compelled to do something they don’t want to do. Bringing your dog along on a trip will make the journey more enjoyable for both you and your pet. This bag meets airline carry-on requirements and even includes a luggage ID tag. Many places to stay will only accept pets in certain parts of the hotel. This is without a doubt one of the most crucial things to bring with you. The first step in the preparation process is actually very easy. If your dog is not the best at recall, it’s still OK to bring them with you. The amount of water your dog drinks any given day is influenced by a number of factors, including the temperature of the atmosphere and the amount of exercise he gets. For us, driving through backroads with our dogs running along is the way to go. You can take it along for walks in the park, hikes, camping trips, vacations, road trips, and … We prefer to stay away from the hustle and bustle of tourist places. But to each their own. Practice basic commands like stay, leave it, here, drop it, and quiet so you can keep control of situations and avoid having your dog get into dangerous situations. It’s mostly for safety reasons during driving, but also, some dogs prefer to have their own space. For dogs under 25 pounds. If you travel together with another person, one of you could stay with the dog in the car while the other goes shopping. Make sure you have your pup on the lead in the forest where it can’t run after anything. Shorter trips should not pose as many problems. Small dogs don’t need bags sized for big dogs and big dogs need more space for their stuff than small dogs. Ensure your dog gets enough shade to keep cool, but if you are traveling for quite a while in a hot climate, the best is to have a working AC. They supply 4x4 vehicles, fuel, maintenance, and operational costs. If your dog is one of those “big fluffy bears” or doesn’t stand hot conditions well, you could consider getting a cooling jacket or a mat. You can ask your local vet. Every character is generated at random, but since some skills are more useful than others, some survivors are … Look up the dose for your animal based on its weight. I would assume this could also be the case elsewhere. Those could be a favorite bed or cot and a blanket. To prevent unwanted visits from mosquitoes and other insects at night, you can install a bug screen on the car door. You can get a decent simple pet first aid kit for a reasonable price, or you can make your own. Every survivor character in Overland has at least one skill to make them a bit more unique and useful in different ways. After all, overlanding is about having fun! Alternatively, you could pre-order your groceries at the shop and pick them up on drive-through if there is an option. We have the dogs sleep on the porch section while we are in the main area. The first step in preparing is actually quite simple. For more information about this in the United States, see that article. All dogs must have their rabies and other vaccinations up to date to cross the borders. I suggest carrying Benadryl for infants. However, some breeds are born for adventure! Your dog will not only love spending quality time with you, he won’t be able to get enough of the sites, smells, and sounds of the wild. Overlanding with a girl and two dogs - YouTube. These are just a few of the breeds that can have a great time on overlanding adventures. Other times, we just do a quick one person duck into the shops and the other stays in the truck with the dogs. Camping with your dog can be fun and soothing, and by being well-prepared, you can avoid a lot of tension and packing up earlier than planned. The Expedition 2.0 holds 31 gallons of water while the Pando 2.0 holds about 33 gallons to give you access to potable water when you need it. With Peroxide, you have to be very careful. The best dogs for Overlanding include breeds like the Vizsla, Australian Shepherd, Rhodesian Ridgeback and more. Since pets “disrupt nature,” many National Parks have changed their pet policies. Keep your dog on the leash or under voice control at all times. Vaccines are critical to preventing further complications. Posted Under. For DIY fans, there is a simple solution to get your dog into a roof top tent: a homemade ramp. There’s no doubt your dog will enjoy every second of your overlanding adventure. TRAVELLING or “Overlanding” with your pets. First Aid and Med Kits: Keep a kit with first aid for you and your dog. Pack the appropriate items you’ll need such as old towels to dry off after swimming or a portable water bowl for trail hiking. If you are not sure of your dog’s reaction to the environment, it’s better to have him on to control his actions properly. Tow Strap vs Recovery Strap. If a dog barks when moving to a new location, this means they are next to a square where they can dig up an item. It’s essential to have a set of tags with your name and phone number on them. For the time when your dog consumes something you deem dangerous for him or something you are not sure about, it’s best to carry 3% hydrogen peroxide to induce vomit. This stainless steel water bottle for dogs is specifically designed to meet your dog’s water drinking needs while on the go. We can provide a dog box for your friend to travel and sleep in. Many of these items can be purchased at your local pet store or on Amazon.com or Chewy.com. And we understand that every adventure is better when you can bring them, that’s why we allow you to bring one dog at no extra cost. AKC recommends a pocket guide that helps you recognize illness, assess the injury, and learn about food toxic for your dog amongst first aid information. Vaccines for Bordetella bronchiseptica and Leptospira bacteria are among them. Not only will it give you companionship while off grid, your bond will grow even stronger as you look out for one another in the wild. Currently, Overland Park animal control officers visit the shelter to pre-inspect dogs up for adoption. Don’t hesitate to ask your vet! Try to envision how much space your dog takes on your bed and convert it to the space you would like to have while camping. This is a great place for the dogs to retreat to when the skeeters and yellow jackets get thick as well. With just a little bit of planning and gearing yourself up with the right equipment, your camping meals will be as tasty or better than made in your home kitchen! Is your pooch the type to enjoy traveling? “Trailin’ It”.... pics of our two OverLand Dogs... Bodi and Oliver! Overlander is a rugged all-terrain navigator with features that include on/off road guidance, topographic maps, public land boundaries and more. If you need to get medications into your pet as soon as possible, wet snacks come in handy. At Overland Dog we want you to be 100% satisfied with your products and the service you get from our store! Having that in mind, you need to remember that bringing your puppy along would necessitate some changes to your packing list and rethinking of your vehicle’s organization. You should only bring the things you need in order to save space in your vehicle. Bringing your dog along on a trip will make the journey more enjoyable for both you and your pet. You’ll never want to leave your furry buddies at home once you start taking them. If you’re not in a rush, look for vets on the Internet. Alternative from carrying around a bag full of dog excrement on a long hike, you can dig a little hole in the ground and bury it, so there is no trace left on the ground. If you find yourself in an emergency, it is essential to be as informed as possible before contacting a veterinarian. It’s natural you’d want to take your best friend along on your next overlanding expedition to share in the freedom of life off grid. It would be wise to have a leash with you at all times. Based on the dog’s risk of exposure, you should look into non-core vaccines. A few vaccinations are recommended to keep your pet healthy. Dogs can find hidden items on the map by digging. Don't miss the next issue- its free and email subscribers will get special offers & exclusive content with their subscription If you travel with a very friendly dog, make sure they are left in a safe place. Even when you are out there in the woods or mountains, it’s still better not to leave your dog’s poo lying around. In most cases, having a dog in the car is a good scare tactic for any potential break-ins. Based on their visual checklist, a dog could be ruled off-limits for adoption into the city, meaning that it wouldn’t be shown to prospective adopters, said Tam Singer, Great Plains CEO.