So, while he may not have any political affiliation, one can see that he usually leans a little to the right side of the spectrum on political issues, simply because he thinks that the right's policies are better for stock market growth and preserving wealth. The company specialized n the sale of bags, boxes and wrapping paper to restaurants and retailers. There are plenty of famous rich people, it seems like most, that are Democrats. On The Chris Matthews Show, however, the mystery finally came to an end with Cramer saying "we" when discussing the Democrats. If Democrats take control, then more--and probably greater--fiscal stimulus is expected alongside higher taxes. "If you want to bet on a blue wave in two weeks, a Democratic wave could make things much easier for the marijuana industry," CNBC's Jim Cramer said. During CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” network anchor Jim Cramer offered his reactions to the Nevada Democrat debate. Neither, he is a space alien sent here to help expedite our demise, by the hand of the evil Mittens Von Binkies. While he won't outright say anything about being liberal or conservative, Cramer has let loose some information that gives us insight into his political leaning. In fact, if you asked him, the Mad Money host would probably consider himself more of an opportunist than anything else. He is a former hedge fund manager as well as an author and a co-founder of His political leanings always hinge on who presents the best financial outlook for the market and the U.S. Cramer has made it clear that he doesn’t really care for politics. After working as a stockbroker for Goldman Sachs for a few years he decided it was time to venture out on his own and launched his own hedge fund. Do you think Jim Cramer is a Democrat or Republican? With all the tension between Republican and Democrat, Liberal and Conservative, it's understandable to wonder what a financial expert like Cramer thinks about it all. Jim Cramer outs himself as a Democrat (image via 923freefm) Jim Cramer's political ideology was, until Sunday a closely guarded secret. It’s that simple". He's one of the most watched financial advisors in the world and people love his loudmouthed straightforwardness... but what's Jim Cramer's political standing? It's an understandable reaction for someone whose life and livelihood depend on the long-term stability of costly investments. Printer Friendly | Permalink | | Top: Warpy (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore: Fri Mar-13-09 11:04 AM Response to Original message: 1. He wants higher stock prices and so he'll support the political party or president that he thinks will lead to this. His interest has always been in the stock market and how that fluctuates, regardless of who sits in the Oval Office. Trump has real things to say. HOWEVER, we all know that sometimes a little uncertainty and downturn in the short-term could turn out to be better in the long-term. There could also be the argument that he would learn more towards the Republican side of things because of his wealth and his want to give as little as possible to the government, but this logic doesn't really hold up. Jim Cramer says the largest macro risk facing markets right now could be the large number of 2020 Democratic presidential candidates … But before we get into all of that, let's briefly talk about who the heck this guy is in the first place. Jim Cramer Cramer at Tulane University, October 2010 Born James Joseph Cramer February 10, 1955 Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania, U.S. EducationHarvard University OccupationTelevision personality, … He said that his “true north” has always been higher stock prices because he wants his fans and “home gamers” to make money off their stocks. There are plenty of famous rich people, it seems like most, that are Democrats. Jim Cramer, when asked about the Democratic debates on TheStreet Live With Jim Cramer and Katherine Ross, noted that the Democrats seem to have a … It’s a dangerous combination sometimes, especially where areas of financial investment are concerned. CNBC's Jim Cramer said the stock market "could explode" if President-elect Joe Biden improves Covid vaccinations in the U.S. While I haven't been able to find any information about his views on Trump's trade war with China, it's logical to assume he has a similar stance on this. SHARE . Do Jeff Bezos's Donations Link Him to a Certain Political Party? While he won't outright say which political party he's in favor of, we can take a look at his stance on certain issues and get a better idea of which way he leans. Change often comes with opposition, and although the US's dependence on China certainly gives them an upper-hand in some areas, a fairer trade agreement would lead to a stronger US economy in the long run... one would assume... but of course it's impossible to predict how things will actually play out. During the interview, Cramer asked Pelosi about what deal could be made with Republicans on a stimulus package, after Senate Democrats blocked the GOP’s package Thursday. The U.S. marijuana industry will take a turn for the better if Democrats find a way to sweep the November election, but investors should be selective about their stock picks, CNBC’s Jim Cramer said Tuesday. SHARE. His divisiveness notwithstanding, Cramer’s expertise and charisma are difficult to ignore. EMAIL. EMAIL. Required fields are marked, Name *, Email *. What are your thoughts on all of this? Getty Images. And how exactly did Jim Cramer show that John Stewart was out of his league exactly? They may not be what you think, and they often seem like wishful thinking. However, there have been other times where Cramer hasn't supported Trump's agenda 100%. Like most financial experts, Jim Cramer was one of the loudest voices when the coronavirus pandemic started. He actually graduated with a law degree from Harvard University, but during his studies started investing in the stock market and that's were he got his start. Of course, Ken Leigh was a republican. Duration: 03:37 10/20/2020. Cramer comes from a background working as a hedge fund manager. A recent debate on Cramer’s Twitter page made people wonder whether he supports President Trump. Cramer says he received nearly 50 rejection letters before the Tallahassee Democrat in Florida hired him on. He didn’t like how the issue divided the Republican and Democratic sides of Congress or how it pulled U.S. businesses away from deals with Mexican corporations. Jim Cramer has said in the past that he--alongside the market--prefers gridlock. When asked about about Trump's agenda of deregulation and lowering corporate taxes back in 2017, he mentioned that he likes what he sees... because he sees these things as potentially leading to higher stock prices, which makes perfect sense. As someone whose career and interests always land squarely in the realm of finance, Cramer approves of President Trump's agenda of deregulation, lower corporate taxes, and repatriation of foreign assets. Goppies think everything is a … He thinks that these moves will lead to higher stock prices, which helps what is essentially his bottom line. {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}. Anders is the founder and chief editor of Green Bull Research. Jim Cramer Thinks Buying Palantir Stocks Could Be a Good Idea at the Right Price, Tiger Global’s Scott Shleifer Linked to Record-Breaking $122.7 Million Home Purchase, No, Bill Gates Didn’t Buy a $695 Million Hydrogen-Powered Yacht, Elon Musk Once Called His Father, Errol Musk, a 'Terrible Human', Bill Gates Once Helped Steve Jobs With a $150 Million Investment in Apple. However, he seems to feel more safe with Joe Biden's more moderately left-leaning stance. Cramer said he has an “incredible amount of respect” for Pelosi and the office she holds. Some people might say that a man of Cramer’s wealth would likely lean more onto the Republican side of the aisle, but that isn’t always the case. That is my true north; because most of you home gamers own stocks and I want you to make money. Jim Cramer: Three solar plays on a Democratic sweep The Democrats are eager to throw money at solar, which is why the stocks are running, the "Mad Money" host said. HE says LISTEN TO TRUMP !! Back in 2019 he gave us his answer... which doesn't say much, but says a lot at the same time. Most of the population seems to think that Twitter is a good place for debating anything from politics to religion and financial acumen. Is Jim Cramer a Democrat, a Republican or neither? One of Jim’s first jobs wa… That said, he does seem to often be in favor of right-leaning policies, and even expressed his distaste for the "motley crew of hard lefters"... when referring to the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, stating that "Any one of these candidates would be, yes, disastrous for the stock market". Jim Cramer Says Potential For More Stimulus Under Democrats Is Great for This Stock. The bottom line is that Cramer does seem to hold strong to his agenda of wanting higher stock prices and isn't one-sided when it comes to his political stances. In 1977, Cramer graduated magna cum laude from Harvard College with a Bachelor of Arts in government. He loves to yell and brings a lot of energy onto the set of his popular Mad Money CNBC show, but he's more than just talk. Jim Cramer: The Democrats Debate, and the Future of Corporations I thought last night's debate was pretty frightening when it comes to managed care, banking, airlines, and drugs. Okay, that's good I suppose. On March 12, 2009, television personality Jim Cramer appeared as a guest on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.The host of CNBC's Mad Money, Cramer appeared in response to host Jon Stewart's highly publicized week-long criticism of CNBC. Jim Cramer is a democrat, and so is Madoff. While at Harvard, Cramer was the President and Editor-in-Chief of The Harvard Crimson. "My agenda? As are the owners of Diebold, Blackwater and Haliburton. The exchange began with a scathing piece on CNBC's miscalculations regarding the financial crisis of 2007–2008 in response to … The best way to look at Cramer is to see him simply as an opportunist. Jim Cramer Says President Trump Is On a 'Warpath Against the Democrats'. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Every time I hear discussions concerning the Jim Cramer/Jon Stewart showdown - CNBC defenders always toss out "well Jim Cramer is a Democrat... blaa blaa blaa" Anyone else notice that? Cramer has said that as much as he cares about the fate of the stock market, his main concern is people’s lives. SHARE. Cramer finally reveals whether he is pro-Trump or anti-Trump In a raging debate from his fans on Twitter, many people have asked Jim Cramer if he is for or against President Donald Trump. 03:10 And some other interesting information about the guy includes controversy over recommending stocks that he had already been invested in and profiting nicely from all his followers buying in aftewards (on at least two occasions). It isn't about being Republican or Democrat. What is that? CNBC personality Jim Cramer is the type of person whose actions tend to either bring people together in solidarity against him or inflame people’s attitudes in such a way that they agree wholeheartedly with his assessment of a situation. Cramer responded, "well I guess I … Cramer started privately investing in the stock market during his time at law school, using his student loans. Because of the uncertainty it will create in the stock market, he might be slightly opposed to it. Host Joe Kernen called 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) “genuine,” but Cramer called into question his socialist views, asking if he is really more of a communist. But Trump warned Cramer not to say he’s sorry. In that capacity, he was among the first reporters to … Stocks to Buy If Joe Biden Wins the Election. While Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is not in favor of legalizing cannabis, investors can expect the regulatory environment to be loosened for weed operations … SHARE. "He seemed to know very deeply so many stocks," said … He wants higher stock prices and so he'll support the political party or president that he thinks will lead to this. It was a surprising reaction, but it cements one indisputable fact — no matter the degree of celebrity, we’re all still human. Watch the video above for Jim Cramer's full take. CNBC Host Jim Cramer called Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi “crazy Nancy” during a Tuesday interview with her. When he's not investigating new opportunities and adding to his portfolio, you might find him taking a nature walk or reading a Steven Pressfield novel. James Joseph Cramer is an American television personality and host of Mad Money on CNBC. Your email address will not be published. Worst of all, the border wall still has the capacity to destabilize the stock market, which is something Jim Cramer doesn't like. Thus, he approached Cramer with a $500,000 check and wanted him to run his money. The fact that Cramer would use such a term to the Speaker’s face is disrespectful and offensive… But it’s not surprising. The CNBC host isn't known for keeping his controversial or unpopular opinions to himself, even his political opinions. Jim Cramer on the best marijuana plays on a Democratic sweep. James was born into a Jewish family to Louise A. Cramer an artist and hsi father N. Ken Cramer was the owner of International Packaging products in Philadelphia. The building of the boarder wall between Mexico and the US was something that he seemed to disagree with, not because he didn't agree with Trump's reasoning for wanting to build it in the first place, but because it raises political risk and brings more uncertainty into the stock market. “Jim, you … That said, Cramer has discussed his disappointment with how President Trump handled the U.S.-Mexico border wall. But Jim Cramer also, lovingly, reminded us of his alliance with New York Governor Elliot Spitzer (They were classmates at Law school). It has always been the same: higher stock prices. Matthews quickly pounced, saying, "Did you just say 'we'?" It isn't about being Republican or Democrat. Jim Cramer seems to think so, too. The ensuing financial crisis had Cramer feeling just as scared as anyone else. we have, oddly, been fascinated with what Jim Cramer actually was -- Demopublican or Republicrat -- for some time now. With all the tension between the political divide here in the United States, Cramer has been receiving a lot of questions regarding who and what he's in favor of. Additionally, Cramer was a National Merit Scholar. His most recent Twitter debacle involves another charismatic but divisive individual. TWEET. "I think he's (Powell) right, but I'm skeptical that the Democrats and Republicans will be able to reach a compromise," Cramer said. Your email address will not be published. His comments come after a … Jim Cramer: Election's True Winner? He's focused on business and he's in the business of helping people make money. This kept US businesses from working with Mexican companies because of the uncertainty and many agree, Cramer included, that Trump could have handled the whole situation better to mitigate the political divide. The best way to look at Cramer is to see him simply as an opportunist. Jim Cramer is a TV personality that is well-known for his loud-mouthed investment advice. So, is uncertainty okay, so long as it comes from the Democrats? And read more from Cramer in his Real Money column on the topic. For months Cramer began leaving tips on his answering machine offering stock picks, and garnered the attention of Martin Peretz, editor of the The New Republic and a professor at Harvard, who had been profiting from these tips. Jim Cramer’s Political Affiliation – Liberal or Conservative? SHARE. Jim Cramer … Growth Here's why a Republican Senate and a Democratic White House and House, may be nirvana for growth. by jim cramer Feb 04, 2020 | 07:10 AM EST Disarray among the Democrats, coupled with some "good" news on the virus, explains some of the positive momentum in the market. So, does Jim Cramer support President Trump? Sure looked like Jim Cramer was apologizing to John Stewart, not the other way around. Born as James J. Cramer on 10th February 1955 in Wyndmoor, Springfield Township, Pennsylvania, United States of America to father Louise A. Cramer and mother N. Ken Cramer, Jim was raised in a middle-class family.CAPTION: Jim Cramer SOURCE: Yahoo He is of American nationality and belongs to the white ethnicity. Duration: 01:44 1/6/2021. According to Cramer, "What I care about preserving capital, and that group of candidates does not let you preserve capital, trust me.". This was in 1984... and in 1996 he co-founded the popular investment education website,, and started his Mad Money show on CNBC in 2005... which was after having been featured as a special guest on CNBC many times before. He was born James J. Cramer in February of 1955 in the Philadelphia suburb of Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania. SHARE. He used to appear on Kudlow and Cramer with Larry " Blowcaine " Kudlow. TWEET.