Have your shipment picked up as soon as the next business day from the time you accept our low quote. EngineShipping.com specializes in shipping Engines and Transmissions simply because we do more than any other company. Aircraft engines preservation and storage methods. If the operation of an engine in service is limited or suspended for a period of time, engine is subjected to preservation or storage. Dodson International has an unmatched inventory of jet, turbine and piston engines, as well as engine parts In-stock and ready to ship! In 1874, Felix de Temple , built a monoplane that flew just a short hop down a hill with the help of a coal fired steam engine. Count on AIT’s extensive domestic and international aviation shipping experience, regional connections and network of specialized equipment for the speed you need to get aircraft back in the sky as soon as possible. And the other is to partially disassemble it and loading it onto a semi-truck trailer. Aircraft shipping. There are quite a few different ways for use ship your aircraft. It was very heavy, too heavy to fly. Types of corrosion preventive compounds use aviation needs. However, a well-maintained engine will offer an owner decades of trouble-free service. Secured to a pallet or in a crate, we can save you money. Although the average motorist may not be able to recognize an aircraft engine when it is fully covered on a trailer, you have likely driven past one on … WOULD LIKE TO SHIP AND CLICK ON APPROPRIATE LINK: 4 The aggregate weight of your flammable aerosol(s) is < 75 kg *THIS QUANTITY CAN BE SHIPPED ON PASSENGER OR CARGO AIRCRAFT The aggregate weight of your flammable aerosol(s) is > 75 < 150 kg *THIS QUANTITY CAN ONLY BE SHIPPED ON CARGO AIRCRAFT The aggregate weight of your flammable … Residents of Canada or Mexico or any other country who wish to bring their vehicles into the U.S. for extended periods of time should refer to Section 2.2.5 -- Temporary Vehicle Imports for Nonresidents found in Procedures for Importing Vehicles and Engines into the United States (EPA-420-B-10-027, July 2010, (68 pp, 32MB, About PDF)). Pilots fret about the high cost of engine overhauls, and undoubtedly an engine rebuild is a big-ticket item. Henri Giffard built an airship which was powered by the first aircraft engine, a three-horse power steam engine. It was very heavy, too heavy to fly. Jet engine shipping in North America is much more common than you might think. Before placing the engine on the shipping surface, place an absorbent material between the engine and the surface to soak up any remaining fluids and to provide a cushioned barrier. There are three types of engine storage: active engine, temporary, and indefinite. One is to completely disassemble it and crate it up. Receive an instant quote or by e-mail within hours of your request. Aircraft engine transportation requires cross-channel logistics support, often on tight timelines. Types of preservation materials uses for engine storage. When it comes to aircraft it goes without saying that the shipment cannot leave harbor without first being placed into the hands of an industrial level packing and crating company that specializes in preparing aircraft for overseas shipping.