If you’re not one of them, you can water your Thai basil once every few days. Water as needed all season to keep soil evenly moist, keeping your eye out for the first sign of wilt. ♦ Since basil plants wilt due to dryness of the soil, measures must be taken to ensure that the soil is moist and well-drained but with a moderate amount of water. In woody plants, reduced water availability leads to cavitation of the xylem. Really, quite an odd plant. Water the plant really well and then wait until the soil is dry, but before the plant starts to wilt, to water well again. Once the soil is dry to the touch water thoroughly and deeply, helping to form strong, healthy root systems and robust plants. Basil can tolerate grow lights for up to 12 hours a day. When I discovered them they were looking quite wilted and sad. The Drip form of irrigation is preferred. An inch of water a week is really all a basil plant needs. Basil plants are usually annuals, so individual plants typically only last one growing season. Part of the series: Garden Space. Too much water might have leaves turning yellow at first and then drooping, so give it time to dry out more between watering. 1. But I found that my basil starts to wilt after a transplant to my container garden. Too much water can also cause wilt. Potted basil, especially pots kept outdoors, dry more quickly and may require daily watering. Allow the soil to soak up the water before adding more. Like a box of instant cake mix, basil plants just need water. Adding more water on hot days can see a wilting basil plant perk up within hours, but you should also shelter it from direct sunlight to prevent the water evaporating as fast in extreme heat. If there are leaves close to the root ball, remove them before putting the basil down into the water. How Can You Fix This? How to keep fresh basil from wilting? Most wilt issues occur because of improper watering. Infected plants need to be removed otherwise improving the growing conditions might bring your wilting basil plant back to life. If you suspect you’re overwatering your basil, the first thing to do is inspect the roots of your plant. On the other hand, if your basil doesn’t get enough water can also cause the basil to dry and turn its leaves yellow. Drooping and wilting leaves; Nasty odor coming from the soil; Stunted growth; If you remove the plant, the roots will be mushy and brown or black. Water: There’s a fine line between too much and not enough water when it comes to basil and either can lead to wilting. Fortunately, basil plants can recover from underwatering much easier than overwatering. Among the first symptoms, you will notice your basil wilting and yellowing. Watering basil plants correctly is key to successful growth. Feed with a vegetable fertilizer to ensure your bountiful harvest. If there are flowers, cut them too. Wilting is a sure sign that your basil needs water. Wilting occurs in plants such as balsam and holy basil. Take care not to get any basil leaves wet, as additional moisture could produce mildew. What should you do? If you have to give it more than that, it’s probably exposed to temperatures too high for it to thrive. Chronic overwatering causes the roots to rot over time. How can I store it so it lasts longer? Depending on how much sun your basil gets, you might need to water your basil plant every 1-2 days. To understand when to water a basil plant, it is necessary to check early signs of basil wilting and check the soil below the surface. They looked a little droopy and wilting. As mentioned, one of the major causes of basil wilting is a lack of heat and sunlight, so if that’s indeed the culprit, you’ll want to do whatever you can to try and remedy the problem, including using growing lights of your own. It’s preferable to keep the soil mostly dry and water deeply every 7 or 10 days in the early morning or late evening. And I wanted to figure out why this happens. Keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged. If the root rot is the cause, the easier way is to check the root. I bought these basil plants from the store. The first symptoms of fusarium wilt are first noticed on the older leaves, before progressing to the younger leaves and eventually the death of the plant. Overwatered plants wilt, drop leaves, and show darkened stems. Watering the basil in the early morning is better since the sunlight is evaporating the excess water. The plants may recover during the night when evaporation is reduced as the stomata closes. When basil stems or leaves turn brown or black, you may be looking at a natural process or it may be an indication of a serious problem. The water has to be clean, because the basil will take on any bad smells or tastes from the water. It takes longer than you might think, about 12 hours or so, but then the firmness will return completely to all of the basil that had not wilted beyond the ‘point of no return’. Now, let’s start with a more detailed look at what basil plants need to grow well. Rinse the basil’s root ball in clear, running water that is about room temperature. Symptoms of wilting and blights resemble one another. Fusarium wilt blocks the plant’s water vessels, causing wilt, dehydration, and death. If the plant is left until the soil dries out, then it will suffer, and the leaves will begin to curl, shrink, and turn brown. If the leaves are drooping and turning brown and crispy, this might indicate a plant that hasn’t been watered enough. As basil gets older, it becomes more drought tolerant, but should still be watered consistently. The two most common causes of a Basil plant dying are overwatering and underwatering. If you find that your hydroponic basil is wilting, you can either put it in soil with water and shade or make sure that the entire hydroponic system is not contaminated and contains the proper nutrients. When harvesting basil, cut it back to about 1/4 inch above a node, which is where the branch meets the main stem.