*Car accident*Friendly Fire*Booby Trap*Food Poisoning *June 25th 1950*April 1st 1950*July 15th 1951*May 2nd 1951 What was the 'Iron Curtain'? *CCF*MI5*CIA*KGB *July 27th, 1953*July 25th, 1953*July 30th, 1953*July 5th, 1953 Div. *Harry Truman*Dwight Eisenhower*Franklin Roosevelt*Ronald Reagan What was agreed at the Potsdam Conference in 1945? Veterans Affairs Canada. View profile; Send e-mail *Pusan*Inchon*Pyongyang*Seoul *Ridgway*MacArthur*Van Fleet*Eisenhower To continue with the game, you need to answer a few questions! November 20,1950. It is available Montage of pictures from the Korean War [source: US Federal government, public domain] Fighting with the 2nd Inf. Get Started. *It never was*10 years later*The following day*11th April 1965 *USSR and USA*USSR and China*China and USA*Japan and China LESSON 1. What name was given to the swapover of prisoners by both sides after the truce was signed? The Korean War came to an end with a truce signed on July 27th, 1953. The end of the Korean War: military stalemate around the 38th Parallel; peace talks and the armistice; impact of the Korean War for Korea, the UN and Sino-American relations. Cold war essay questions (I)gcse 1. When did Truman sack General MacArthur for insubordination? *Gromyko*Molotov*Ribbentrop*Bukharin How far did the US people support the war? Choose either The Cuban Missile Crisis or The Marshall Plan. What proportion of UN troops were provided by the US? In what year did Sygman Rhee die? *1.5 million*2000*1 million*376,000 *Pyongyang*Seoul*Pusan*Panmunjon How much time passed before they actually did so? 2. Back to History for Kids Truman was of the view that if one country fell to communism, so too would others. MacArthur surprised the North Koreans by landing his troops not at Pusan, but at? Who was the leader of North Korea during the Korean War? 3. Which US General led the first UN forces into Korea? Which political party did President Truman belong to? The resources that I have created enabled my GCSE History class to attain P8 +0.57 during the 2019 summer examination series and many students secured Level 9s - the most of any class in my entire school. Click the following button to login to the game. *10 Days*10 hours*10 weeks*10 minutes The USA military spent money on the following: 750 nuclear bombs, a vast increase on the 100 it had in 1948. The Cold War; Korea and the Cold War; The Korean War; 2 The development of the Korean War. Don't like ads? The Korean War Exam Questions Question B (4 marks / Consequence) 1. families, and caregivers and is provided at no cost. Source A for use in answering Question01 . Key Questions: Why did the USA become involved in Vietnam? Describe one reason why the Allies met at Yalta in February 1945 (2 marks) The allies met to discuss what would happen to Germany know that they had full control over them. protestors at My Lai protest: Truman sacks MacArthur for being annoying and stupid (inc month) *Eisenhower*Kennedy*Roosevelt*Johnson Caution - some upsetting scenes. The country was split in half at the 38 th parallel: North Korea (led by Kim Il Sung) was Communist. For webquest or practice, print a copy of this quiz at Cold War - Korean War webquest print page. When General Ridgway replaced General Walker as leader of the UN ground forces in December 1950, who took Ridgway's place as commander of the 8th Army? Sources B and C for use in answering Question 02 . Describe how Poland and Czechoslovakia became communist after 1945. 2. 1-800-567-5803. The VAC IB/M/Jun18/E5 8145/1B/D Sources Booklet . question 2*correct answer*wrong answer 1*wrong answer 3*wrong answer 4. Hitlers Foreign Policy and the Origins of the Second World War. *China*Wales*Singapore*Japan VAC *Jacob Malik*Dean Acheson*George Kennan*Joe McCarthy *MacArthur*Eisenhower*Walker*Ridgway By 1952, Truman's policy in Korea meant that his popularity rating had plummetted to? *North*South*East*West *16*10*8*21 Describe one effect on the relations between the USA and the Soviet Union of the event you have chosen. How much time passed between the USSR taking control of North Korea, and Japan surrendering in 1945? *Sunday Sport You can play as many times as you like. 1964 Hollywood film (starting Frank Sinatra) which focuses on a Korean War veteran brainwashed by communists*The Manchurian Candidate*The Terminator*Love Actually*Rambo *Truman*Roosevelt*MacArthur*Elvis Who replaced General Walker as commander of the UN land forces following his death in a car accident in December 1950? *South*North*East*West Which political party did General MacArthur belong to? Question. Increasing the number of military bases outside US territory in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Today, North and South Korea are probably the 2 most hostile countries towards one another, rivalled perhaps by Ukraine and Russia. You do not need to be a client of Whose death in March 1953 helped to accelerate an armistice? General Walker was commander of the UN land troops in Korea until his death in December 1950. The service is for Veterans, former RCMP members, their The Korean War was born out of the ideological conflict of the Cold War that developed over a number of years. Which part of Korea was controlled by the USA at the end of World War Two? *180,000*18,000*1,800*1.8 million 2.1A The United Nations at war Questions-only sheet for students. 1.1 A What was the Cold War? 1.1B What was the Cold War? The resources that I have created enabled my GCSE History class to attain P8 +0.57 during the 2019 summer examination series and many students secured Level 9s - the most of any class in my entire school. During the Korean War, the South Korean capital city of Seoul changed hands how many times? How was he killed? *Syghman Rhee*Kim Il Sung*Chaing Kai-Shek*Mao Zedong This was called? question 1*correct answer*wrong answer 1*wrong answer 3*wrong answer 4 How many people overall were killed in the Korean War? Explain your answer using Sources B and C and your contextual knowledge. What was the 'Truman Where were these talks held? *Dean Acheson*Jacob Malik*George Kennan*Joe McCarthy The end of the Korean War: military stalemate around the 38th Parallel; peace talks and the armistice; impact of the Korean War for Korea, the UN and Sino-American relations. Wedged between the bloody battles of WWII and the controversial Vietnam War, the Korean War is referred to as "The Forgotten War," despite its many causalities. About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the page at Cold War - Korean War. *Panmunjon*Seoul*Pyongyang*Pusan *Manchuria*Alaska*Singapore*New Zealand *The US never declared war*A peace treaty was never signed*2 million people died*Korea was unified by the war. *November 1950*October 1950*September 1950*August 1950 Which of the following statements about the Korean War is NOT TRUE? Whose departure in Jan 1953 helped to accelerate an armistice? What is the name we give to the border between North and South Korea? A great way to revise and develop sourcework skills. *Japan*USSR*USA*China *John Muccio*Joe DiMaggio*George Kennan*Joe McCarthy What is the capital city of South Korea? Which one of the following is NOT a reason why the Korean war is a significant historical event? On what date did the North Koreans launch their surprise attack upon South Korea? 4. > Vietnam L1 The Vietnam War. 1-800-268-7708, TDD/TTY: The Origins of the First World War. Create 15 increasingly difficult questions on separate lines, each with four possible answers, as follows: Why did the USA withdraw from Vietnam? 4. Who was President of the USA at the outbreak of the Korean War? Who was the leader of the communist government in China during the Korean War? This US senator put pressure on Truman to intervene in Korea by accusing him of being 'soft on communism'*Joe McCarthy*Douglas MacArthur*Teddy Roosevelt*Dean Rusk Your highest score will be saved onto a leaderboard so your teacher can reward your progress. *35*50*265*78 Which two countries took control of Korea at the end of World War Two? Home WWI Peace Treaties Interwar Years Post WWII > > > Vietnam War Germany 1919 - 45 Coursework Textbook Misc. The resources that I have created enabled my GCSE History class to attain P8 +0.57 during the 2019 summer examination series and many students secured Level 9s - the most of any class in my entire school. *Van Fleet*MacArthur*Eisenhower*Truman *Trygve Lie*Kofi Annan*Woodrow Wilson*Nacho Hernando-Serrano US troops stayed in Korea until 1946. *Mao Zedong*Chiang Kai-Shek*Syghman Rhee*Kim Il Sung *Operation Big Switch*Operation Big Knob*Operation Barbarossa*Operation OVerlord *Seoul*Pyongyang*Pusan*Panmunjon Who was the Soviet delegate at the UN who first called for a negotiated ceasefire on June 23rd 1951? When Truman sacked MacArthur for insubordination in April 1951, he said that 'the cause of world peace is more important than'*Any individual*General MacArthur*Any egomaniac*That idiot *Republican*Democrat*Green*Communist Who had the best tactics, the USA or the Vietcong? Crises of the Cold War 1955-70 6. In 1945, Korea was freed from the Japanese. Choose either The Truman Doctrine or The Berlin Blockade. VAC to receive services. (See "Setting the Stage") At the end of the Second World War, Japans empire was dismantled and the Soviet Union, seeking to gain influence in the region, occupied North Korea while the Who became President after Truman and negotiated a truce with the North Koreans? What was agreed at the Yalta Conference in 1945? Major Cleveland, weapons squad leader, points out Communist-led North Korean position to his machine gun crew. The Korean War. yada The narrow area on the south Coast of South Korea; the furthermost point of the North Korean advance*Pusan Perimeter*Seoul Sidewalk*Pyongyang Path*Bristol In 1954 a conference took place which failed to produce a final peace treaty between North and South Korea. *Ridgway*Walker*Van Fleet*Eisenhower TDD/TTY: 1-833-921-0071. [12 marks] The indicative content is designed to exemplify the qualities expected at each level and is not a full exemplar answer. The resources that I have created enabled my GCSE History class to attain P8 +0.57 during the 2019 summer examination series and many students secured Level 9s - the most of any class in my entire school. *Stalin*Mao Zedong*Truman*MacArthur *Geneva*Wolverhampton*Washington*Berlin President Truman saw the Korean situation as an important test case for his policy of - *Containment*Appeasement*Aryan Supremacy*Social Darwinism Go Premium! Webpage Teachers.henrico.k12.va.us/highlandsprings/cain_d/index.html. How many Chinese communist troops attacked into North Korea in Nov 1950? *Domino Theory*Skittles Theory*Baseball Theory*Trainspotting Theory *Inchon*Pusan*Pyongyang*Seoul *George Kennan*Robert McNamara*Joe McCarthy*Dean Rusk Which part of Korea was controlled by the USSR at the end of World War Two? Where did the Chinese nationalists flee to after being overthrown by the communists? All historically relevant and valid answers should be credited. 3. You have been prepared for questions (c) The Exam Paper There will be 6 questions on the exam paper: 1. Section 4 How did the Cold War develop? Who replaced General MacArthur as overall commander in Korea? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); It caused the Korean War in the a number of ways including: The Korean War was a proxy of the Cold War.The world's two leading superpowers - the USA and the USSR - were in an ideological conflict, competing for dominance. "Fling the Teacher" was originally coded by Russel Tarr and Andrew Field in 2002. Use the vocabulary list above to help you focus your judgements - choose words carefully Introduction to the Oxford AQA GCSE History series; Timeline; Part one Conflict in Korea. *6 weeks*6 days*6 months*6 hours James Cox. Which newspaper described Truman as a 'fool' who should be 'prosecuted and convicted' for his policy in Korea? Vietnam War Germany 1919 - 45 Coursework Textbook Misc. Who was the first Secretary General of the UN, forced to resign by the USSR after accusations of pro-Western bias? *Kim Il Sung*Syngman Rhee*Chaing Kai-Shek*Mao Zedong When was this final settlement reached? The Origins of the Cold War 1945-55 5. A question that asks about the significance is a question about importance over time and relates to a whole range of issues from which you must select.