Some obstacles will be more difficult to pass than others (especially those located in larger obstacles), and sometimes they can even contain two waves of battles. Research. Therefore, if you have consumed all your available Forge Points, you literally have to wait for 10 hours to regain them all. They are more expensive than other buildings in the game and can be pumped to the next levels with the help of Strategic Points to increase these bonuses. There are 3 types of extensions: Expansion is key to increasing stocks of coins and resources. Grain farming - unlocked at the very beginning of the settlement; Pottery - opens from the 2nd improvement; Flower Farm - opens with 6th improvement; Chapel - opens from the 10th improvement. Click the plus sign at the top to select the item you want to sell. At any given time, you can only activate one gain per silver coin. During your collaboration with Nefertiti, you will use promotions to unlock the buildings of the Village. Improvement kits can sometimes be won later. Also, trading with guild members is not taxed at 1 SO for 1 exchange. If you cannot find what you need in the Market, the best way to ask other players for help is that they can have the product you need. There are four different production speeds, 4 hours, 8 hours, 24 hours and 48 hours, which determines how many goods will be produced. Products. A detailed Settlement guide including a breakdown of settlement levels and buildings. Currently, the possible guild level is from level 1 to level 100. When you find it on the map, click on it and get its contents! At the bottom of the chat window there are two buttons - "Hide chat" and "Zoom", which will allow you to hide the chat window, either minimize the chat window or expand it. When you click on the boat, you will see all the available cultures that require your participation. The guide begins with the description of the basics of the game - interface, satisfaction mechanic, types of resources and goods, map of the world, … In addition, you can also see information about the rating of each guild, for example: the current level, the number of participants and the number of days that this guild takes 1st place in the rating (TOP-1). Participate in the Age Tower Tournaments; In some Great Buildings (such as the Colosseum or the Statue of Gaia); In special buildings (such as Victory Tower); By investing Strategic Points in the Great Buildings of other players and taking prizes in them. At the same time, negotiations provide more than one point of progress, since more time and resources are required to complete them. Nefertiti: "Have 1 Grain Farm" Reward: small supplies package Quest 3: 1. Only one product is required per extension. Click on one of them to go to the description of the culture: As soon as your boat arrives at your destination, you will be presented with a new map that applies only to the Cultural Settlement! It, in turn, contains two tabs: the invading army (if the sector does not belong to you), and the defense army (if the sector is yours). This means that if there is a protected sector adjacent to your sector that you intend to capture, then you will have to wait until the defense "falls off" and the sector becomes available for siege armies the next day. Use deposits of raw materials and trade in the market; Get all the extensions that are possible - they will never disappear and are very important for development; Do not forget about the daily bonus from your Town Hall; Always pay attention to the level of happiness; Visit the cities of other players and ennoble or improve the mood in their buildings to quickly get coins; In battle: do sabotage! These glasses are the engine leading to the prosperity of your empire: They are needed for trade, for the improvement of the Great Buildings and, most importantly, for research. You need Strategic Points to complete the game. After adding units to the siege army, they are removed from your control and cannot be returned! Fernicus (builder). Attack. After construction, these settlements allow you to launch expeditions for the production of special goods.