The area is located in Ulleung County in the North Gyeongsang Province. Is Takeshima (Korean name Dokdo) a Japanese territory? Dokdo by South Korea, Takeshima by Japan, and the Liancourt Rocks by Western countries. This book examines the Senkaku/Diaoyu dispute between Japan and China and the Dokdo/Takeshima dispute between Japan and Korea, in order to offer new perspectives on the possible approaches towards amelioration and resolution of these conflicts. The Dokdo islets are located about 215 kilometers off the eastern border of Korea and 90 kilometers east of South Korea's Ullung Island. Japans closest island to Dokdo is Oki Island, which is 157 km away (Van Dyke, 2007). Most tourists in South Korea only know about Jeju Island. It is important to note that the Dokdo/Takeshima issue is one of many ongoing points of tension between Japan and South Korea. It is natural that the residents in Ulleungdo have long recognized Dokdo as islands belonging to Ulleungdo. The Dokdo(Tok-do means Tok islands) Islands, nothing more than a group of some isles and rocks, are located about 217km off South Korea, and 157.5km away from the Japanese island Oki, about 87km off from Uleunung-do Island, and are an administrative part of that island. However, near South Koreas border with Japan, are the Ulleungdo and Dokdo Islands. Sparsely vegetated, these jagged remnants of an extinct volcano support a local fisherman's family and a contingent of South Korean police officers. The Silla Kingdom (57 BCE-935 CE) annexed Usanguk, comprising Ulleungdo and Dokdo, in year 512, since when the name Dokdo started appearing in official documents. This Note argues that there are three basic approaches for dealing with the island controversy between Korea and Japan: (1) the two Dokdo is located 87 km away from Koreas Ulleungdo Island. 436. interest with Japan in obtaining a peaceful mechanism that can be used to resolve Chinas territorial claims off Koreas coast. Why should you go there? Figure 1: The Map of Dokdo/Takeshima These islands are also crucial to Japan as any relinquishment of its territorial claim to Dokdo/Takeshima would likely weaken its claims to islands it disputes with China, Taiwan and Russia. Why Now Is the Time to Resolve the Dokdo/Takeshima Dispute. Unlike Jeju Island, the Ulleungdo and Dokdo Islands are much less commercial. Why are the Liancourt Rocks (Dokdo/Takeshima) so prized by both South Korea and Japan? The islets are an administative part of Ullung Island, North Kyongsang province, under the control of the Department of Ocean and Fisheries. After this, a Russian A-50 early warning aircraft and two Tu-95 bombers entered the ADIZ around Dokdo Island a maritime space that Japan also claims as the Takeshima Islands Dokdo is also 157 kilometers northwest of Japan's Oki Islands. C. Documents prove that old name Usando is current Dokdo. Dokdo is a small island really a couple of small islands grouped closely together. Conocida como Dokdo por surcoreanos y Takeshima por nipones, En los ltimos aos, este tipo de aviones, provenientes de Rusia y China, han entrado ocasionalmente en la zona. On a clear day, it is possible see Dokdo from this island. See the link below, the other article I answered, for the rationale for historical ownership.