*Just for a moment now, pinch yourself. Value Yourself First. Reflect on your life from this perspective. Reflect on the fact that, somehow, you are able to touch, taste, smell, see and hear things. Not all appreciation comes in the form of gift-buying. Going through this process of remembering what it feels like to ‘experience’ anything can give us a sense of wonder and appreciation in our lives that can really inspire us and improve our well-being. Be there for them. Perhaps some of us are that masochistic, but more likely it is just an unconscious habit. Appreciate the clothes on your back. 7190658. Do this daily to active your appreciation perspective. Achieve Articles; Life Transitions Grace begins with a simple awareness of who we are and who we're becoming. You get this one life, and what you do with it is up to you. You always know how to make me laugh and lift my spirits. Only then will you be able to reconnect to your appreciation of life. Phrases like, “I love you and appreciate you”, or a … www.ginigrey.com. How do you feel reflecting on the things you appreciate in your life? Join our special programme to help you navigate life! Then you can appreciate what you get. Life is a process to our purpose through experiences, defined by our thinking. Thank you for just being you and showing me the light when I needed it. How to stop putting yourself under pressure - and live a better life. workshops, books and CD's. Life Lessons, Michael Hambrick, Founder, The Ate Truths. You don’t have to be sat peacefully in a meditation room to appreciate the experience of being alive though – you can do it in any waking moment of the day, because let’s face it – you’re experiencing life all the time, whether or not it is peaceful at a particular point. Most people are incredibly … Ignite Daily; Get All A’s. Remember every day is a gift. Many of us tend to be so busy and absorbed in the pressure and rush of everyday living that we rarely (if ever) take time to step back from our lives and appreciate the remarkable fact that we are alive and what this really means. A final point in this section is that an appreciation of the fact that we’re alive can change the way we see death. Life for the most part is made up of the mundane and the ordinary. — Jahfree Harp . — Published on January 5, 2018. How does it feel to be alive? * What gets in the way of you having an attitude of appreciation? * Make a list of all the things (people, events, circumstances) that you appreciate in your life right now. This Life Squared article provides some thoughts about appreciating the experience of living in order to help you think about it. * What do you appreciate in your life right now? "Life can be seen through your eyes but it is not Breathe in some air and feel it in your mouth or in your nose. Fresh air, sparkling stars, rays of sunshine peaking through wispy clouds, smiling eyes, a friend's voice, birds chirping at sunrise, a hot mug held in cold hands, a warm hug on a tough day, infectious laughter, a loving animal's soft fur, a spectacular mountain view, a breathtaking sunset, a helping hand, kind words, on and on the list grows for what many of us appreciate. That's the sign of a great friend. You may think my answer is off the wall but to me it is not.. If you give up, you will never appreciate life. Here are some reasons why you should be grateful and appreciate your life as it is. Look around where you are. However, you can give them the opportunity to appreciate your absence. Appreciate the people in your life, whether it's your parents, siblings, guardians, step-siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, significant others, friends, professors or even strangers.The people in your life play a very important role. 2. Start Achieving. 1.According to me,LIFE is the moment we are living right now. Reflection is helpful; repetitive over-analysis isn’t. Nothing will counteract your appreciation quicker than your disingenuous behavior. Notice how it feels and let it spread throughout your whole body. [3] Your life is (or will become) serene. * How would you benefit from appreciating everything in your life? What can you do to increase it? The article is split into two sections – first, appreciating the fact that we exist in the first place, and secondly appreciating the experience of being alive. Doing good things for others elicits strong feelings of self-worth and satisfaction which can help you appreciate yourself and your current situation in life. Keep Moving. This acknowledgement and gratitude can help us to see our lives in a positive way and give us some perspective, no matter what daily life might throw at us. In summary, you know what it’s like to be – to exist and experience things, and you can reflect on what it’s like. * Close your eyes and tune into the feeling of appreciation. Accept Articles; Accepting Emotions; Accept that Nobody’s Perfect; Healing Through Poetry. Our energy increases, our mood lightens, even a smile sneaks out on our face when we think or talk about what we appreciate. But how do we optimize our lives? Look at your hands and your body. So why would any of us want to snuff this out and flush it down the drain by focusing on what we don't appreciate - so we can feel grumpy, irritated and down right miserable? They are in your life so you can learn new things, make new memories and even pull out your hair at times. Trees are great sources of spiritual power. 1. Write a note or tell a loved one how you appreciate them. 1. It's the transition that's troublesome. Who Guides Us On Our Journey Through Life. Whether you’re giving your time or your resources, helping others can increase life-expectancy, reduce stress, and improve your mental health. You might be at work, feeding the kids, going for a walk, speaking with friends, but at any point you can just mentally ‘stand back’ from the scene like you did at the start of this section (in the paragraph marked with an asterisk*) and remember that you are an ‘experiencing creature’ – touching, tasting, smelling, seeing and hearing, as well as having an ongoing stream of consciousness and thought that enables you to think about all of this. When you give thanks, you make meaning. We have to look inside and analyze our experiences in order to understand ourselves. Every day, spend just a few minutes appreciating some flower, or appreciating a person in your life. Communicating positive emotions lowers stress hormones, bad cholesterol, and blood pressure, and it strengthens immunity. At least not at first glance, but when you look under the surface you can see that all events serve a bigger purpose. Meditation can help us to develop a focussed appreciation of the experience of living, without the clutter and distraction of our thoughts and external influences. I love you with all of my heart and soul and will always love you – don’t ever forget these words, because I will always remain true to you. Spend some time looking for the gift, lesson or growth opportunity so you can begin to appreciate these. While appreciating your spouse be specific about what you appreciate: “Thank you for mowing while I was at work today. or call 01273 475210, A company limited by guarantee - Registration No. What are the aspects that we need to optimize? Start by being grateful for the things you do have. As individuals, it is easy for us to have a negative and doom-laden attitude to the idea of our own life and death. This idea of ‘mind clearing’ is the aim of meditation, and meditation can be one of the most effective ways of achieving it. The things that we are grateful for don’t have to be big; in fact, it’s appreciation for the little things that can bring the most meaning into our lives. Why can’t we see it the other way? Life is pleasant , death is peaceful. No matter what gesture you are making to show your appreciation, be genuine when you do so. Doing housework shifts from a chore to caring for the home you appreciate, paying bills turns into appreciating the services you've benefited from, annoying co-workers, neighbours and relatives become opportunities for practicing acceptance, which everyone appreciates. No matter how you look at it and whatever it means to you, what you appreciate appreciates. A popular way of reaching a profound appreciation of the experience of ‘be-ing’ is to clear one’s mind of all the thoughts that are flowing through it by relaxing and focussing the mind. * Close your eyes and tune into the feeling of appreciation. How about lying in a field on a sunny day with the breeze blowing over your face? Transformational Coach, utilizing a powerful blend of coaching, Mary Xavier. Practice Appreciation. All you need to do is, sit down and journal down every possible “I value my partner because” reasons and hand that journal to your spouse, it will reflect how much you value your relationship and won’t cost a dime! Remove all digital distractions and take in your surroundings. Sit underneath a tree and meditate. You pick out parts of your life that are still good and hold onto them despite everything. Cigna announces expanded relationship with Happify Health to support the emotional health of … Always and forever, your love – (insert name here) Next: More Love Letters >> Don’t try to make... 3. It’s to appreciate what life is. What could use a little more appreciation? Getting used to something is good but ignoring the rest is bad. You will want to make the most out of it. Somehow, you have emerged temporarily out of the non-experience of not-living, for a brief period of 70 years or so, to be living. Appreciate your life – warts and all – because it’s the only one you’ve got. Be open-minded about learning and embracing the differences in people. To appreciate life isn’t to only appreciate your life. If you want to appreciate life, start with appreciating one thing that you already like but may not pay attention to. Start with the basics, and allow your gratitude to flow over all that is truly wonderful about who you are and where you are in life. #1 — … Appreciate Articles; I Love My… It’s the Little Things; Unwind with a Laugh. 1. Yet, amazingly, many people rarely take the time to do it. And, even more miraculously, you are able to reflect on the fact that you are experiencing these things! Appreciate your friendship and how much they mean to you and how blessed you feel to have them in your life. Lewes House, 32 High Street, They clear negative energy and are built for it. Thanks so much for being my friend! And the more you focus on what you appreciate, the more you attract positive experiences into your life to further appreciate. When you are not grateful for your life, you tend to compare yourself to others, focus on the lack and become unhappy with your life. I've decided to change that in my own life, and I hope you'll consider doing that, too. No matter how difficult everyday living may be sometimes, seeing our lives in this wider context can help us to put everyday worries into perspective and give us a great sense of calm. I’m not giving you 27 ways to appreciate your man in this article so that you can get him to do nice things for you or buy you gifts. We often see our life as the focus point, and death as the end of it, where there begins an infinite period of nothing. When you take an attitude of appreciation, you become bigger than the obstacles and you find ways to enjoy all aspects of your life. 5. And this involves those "little big" things in life. Breathe in the air. The profound pleasure and fulfilment that the natural world can give us. fully appreciated until it is seen through your heart." A popular way of reaching a profound appreciation of the experience of ‘be-ing’ is to clear one’s mind of all the thoughts that are flowing through it by relaxing and focussing the mind. You should appreciate what you have because you have a lot. Appreciate the wise choices you have made. Spend some time looking for the gift, lesson or growth opportunity so you can begin to appreciate these. Notice how it feels and let it spread throughout your whole body. It's all about perspective and if you look carefully enough, you will see the gift in everyone and everything; even if the gift is just learning to how be more forgiving and kind. We’re moved along our path for growth opportunities, sometimes disguised as lessons. And yes, there are many incidents in life that are not worth appreciating. If you want to show appreciation in relationships to the love of your life, then send them a quick text in the middle of a busy workday, simply to let them know you’re thinking of them and that you love them. What Is Gratitude and Why Is It Important? Whenever something out of the ordinary happens, the first thing I think about is calling to tell you. How to Appreciate What You Have - Stop Comparing Yourself to Others - Happify Daily. "Fight the tendency to operate on auto-pilot. We live on a planet that is a tiny speck in the universe, and that has the highly fortunate placement in its solar system to be able to accommodate life. Don’t Drown in Confusion and Contemplation. We could see life as a brief window of light in an otherwise featureless universe – an amazing opportunity to exist, and to appreciate the experience of existing. Each morning we are presented with a... 2. It can have a number of benefits for us beyond the appreciation of living, such as helping us to relax and find peace. Your time is short, so every little bit matters. * Make a list of all the things you don't appreciate. 1-To appreciate your life, coming out of the zone. In this situation, ask yourself what it feels like to be experiencing it. * Make a list of all the things you don't appreciate. It can be very good for us to reflect on this fact regularly – indeed, some people do it every day and simply register their gratitude and appreciation of the fact they exist. Your life has value. Every week, force yourself to send a message to someone you haven't talked to in awhile but that you remember fondly. Read them. Living life as we have lived is the straight way to perishing. Notice how you feel reading this list. Count your blessings. 1. This article was written by Gini Grey, who is a How modern life can mess up our relationship with time. Do this daily to active your appreciation perspective. You will find a way to appreciate anything that life confronts you with because gratitude can teach you how to count your blessing and not your burdens. I want you to understand the value of showing anyone appreciation.. For you, taking the time to compliment or thank your guy means you’ve got to … 9. Many of us strive for particular goals in our lives – from material success to the desire to be loved – but perhaps we don’t need to achieve any goals in life in order to appreciate our lives, as the very experience of existing itself is amazing enough. As you read through these five affirmations and ways to give yourself grace, I hope you'll take them in. Keeping a nighttime gratitude journal or practicing a morning “thank you” mantra are great boosters that will help you sustain a positive mindset and appreciate your life. See yourself as a creature. A similar effect can also be achieved just by slowing down and sitting calmly in a quiet place. What’s more, you have been born into a species with the capacity to reflect on your own existence – a quality that, as far as we know, most other species do not possess. counseling and spiritual energy tools in her individual sessions, Expressing your appreciation for a loved one, friend, or mentor is an important gesture of gratitude, especially for those who have impacted your life or helped you in times of need. If you're doing the same mundane things every day, it can be hard to appreciate your life — because frankly, you might be bored with it. Life is a long lesson in humility. Notice how you feel reading this list. This idea of ‘mind clearing’ is the aim of meditation, and meditation can be one of the most effective ways of achieving it. If you appreciate your life, you will want to optimize it. How would others benefit from your attitude of appreciation? It can also help us to ease up on the pressure we put on ourselves to succeed or achieve particular goals in life. Learning to appreciate life like this, and reminding yourself about it regularly, can be one of the great pleasures of life, and can add a real sense of meaning to your life. While there might be hundreds of ways that we can do simple little things to appreciate our lives just a bit more, there are 10 very profound things that we can do today, right now, to harbor a bit more appreciation towards the things we have rather than the things we don’t have. Practice Acceptance. Once you’ve established a gratitude habit, you’ll develop a deeper satisfaction with your life… The idea of appreciating the experience of ‘be-ing’ is central to many religious and relaxation practices. Appreciate your life! If you live your life as you have lived years before, then you should watch out. It can not only be valuable for us to regularly appreciate the fact that we are alive, but we can also get great pleasure and meaning out of appreciating the experience of living. You can’t make anyone appreciate your absence any more than you can make them appreciate your presence. The Ate Truths is a lifestyle focused on personal freedom, happiness, purpose, and impact. Always Get Out of Bed with a Positive Attitude. One of the most mind-blowing aspects of being alive is realising what it means to be alive. For more information go to This article provides some thoughts about appreciating the experience of living in order to help you think about it. Ignite Your Life or business with Susan; Grab Our #1 Amazon Bestseller. Express your love. 8 Ways to Appreciate Life 1. Feel the effect this has on your mood and mind. A simple card along with a gift that shows your sentiment can go a long way when you’re looking for the perfect way to say “I Appreciate You”. Through a lucky draw in the evolutionary lottery, you were born and have survived up to this point where you are now reading this article. Set your intention to appreciate as much as you can on a daily basis. Well, there are different ways to look at it, but my preferred way is to look at life as it consists of five aspects: Work: your career and finance. More on Appreciation and Gratitude. Appreciate the impact that you’ve had on someone else’s life. Lewes, East Sussex BN7 2LX, Email [email protected] This doesn’t have to be thanking anyone (like a god) in particular – it is just the process of acknowledging your luck in existing. If you are genuinely appreciative of someone in your life, you will find ease in this step. Feel the effect this has on your mood and mind. Personal finance coach and mentor. Appreciate the roof over your head. Reflect on your life … Collect yourself. Write them down.