…. During the mining process: The Department of Primary Industries and Mines (DPIM) would establish a civilian network to monitor the mining environment quality. States have taken action at both supranational and national levels. This includes cooperation between different companies in the same industry based on licencing, technology, joint buying and venture agreements. The Africa Mining Vision (AMV) was adopted by Heads of State at the 2009 African Union Summit to promote transparent, equitable and optimal exploitation of mineral resources. Strengthen and monitor the respect for human rights in public procurement, Renforcer et contrôler le respect des droits de l’Homme dans les marchés publics. Current legislation allows the public sector to take into account or to demand this certification in the course of procurement, in which case it is only necessary to comply with the conditions of transparency, equal treatment and non-discrimination. “The European Commission has produced a guide to human rights for small and mediumsized enterprises in Swedish, based on the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights. Extractive definition, tending or serving to extract, or based upon extraction: coal, oil, copper, and other extractive industries. The African Development Bank estimates that 30% of the world’s mineral reserves are in Africa. This section concludes by indicating that the implementation of the EITI will “contribute to enhancing the transparency of financial flows and tripartite dialogue between the State, business and civil society on the social and environmental impact of extractive activity on the national territory” (paragraph 2, p37). The Extractive Industries and Society is the one journal devoted to disseminating in-depth analysis of the socio-economic and environmental impacts of mining and oil and gas production on societies, both past and present. for example- dairy farming, forestry, poultry farms etc. “5. To this end, in consultation with the government and stakeholders concerned, including the sectoral federations, the working group will formulate a series of proposals with particular attention to hazardous sectors such as the apparel industry, the extractives industry etc. Prevent human rights risks associated with gold extraction and trading. The provisions will require companies to publish annual reports on payments made to authorities in the countries in which they operate. South Korea’s NAP makes no reference to extractives. The Lithuanian NAP makes no reference to the extractives sector. “The Government will strengthen the subscribing to these multi-actor initiatives: Guias Colombia, Swiss Ethical Committee and the Mining-Energy Committee, as well as the implementation of guides or the provided recommendations by such initiatives.”, “The Ministry of Labor and the Colombian Institution for Family Welfare will strengthen actions intended to provide advice, training and monitoring to enterprises in respect of the integral protection of the children’s rights, as well as the implementation of the children’s rights and business principles in the priority sectors.”, “In the year following the Plan’s launching, the Ministry of Mines and Energy will design a strategy to step forward as for the respect for human rights in the mining-energy sector, which will adjust the Principles and Criteria of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) to the national needs.”, “The Working Group will coordinate the preparation of a guide intended to define what executing due diligence means; what the practice is, particularly applied to the high risk business activity sectors.”, “Increase the recognition of Corporate Social Responsibility and dissemination of good practices by establishing sector platforms for the enterprises and stakeholders to make commitments and jointly supervise progress. An extractive industry is a description of all the processes that comprise various activities that translate into removing earth-based raw materials from the ground.. Production of good (steel energy) 2. Nearly all fields rely on the mining of industrially required minerals and stones. As well as these issues, details of the consideration of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report from the Specialist Committee are to be stipulated as additional conditions for approval. mining, oil & gas, forestry) offer the potential for job creation and economic growth, which are important elements in promoting an environment conducive to the enjoyment of human rights. There have always been great expectations about the role of transparency in addressing corruption risks in the extractive industries. The results of the hearing will be put in the EIA report for further consideration by the Specialist Committee. The UK 2013 NAP lists a number of initiative around extractives and mining in its chapter of References. Revenues from natural resource extraction contribute substantially to GDP and in many cases make up the bulk of government revenue. But not only the materials themselves are a valuable resource – the natural environment, out of which … © 2017-2021 National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights | Cookie Declaration | Accessibility declaration, Financial support provided by the Swedish International Development Agency, What National Action Plans say on Extractives sector, I- The State’s Obligation to Protect Human Rights, Pillar I: The state’s duty to protect human rights, Developing and improving laws, regulations, policies and related measures, Review mining laws, including issuing permits and defining mining areas, –   Reviewed the mining law, licensing and mining areas, –   National Strategy for Eco-Friendly Development and Growth, Organize discussions and public hearing to receive people’s opinions, including from related ethnic groups in the area. A number of recommendations in the Federal Council Report on gold trading and human rights have been implemented. Measure 7: Reduction in human rights risks associated with gold extraction and trading. As part of its follow-up of ILO Convention 169, Norway is conducting a dialogue with ILO on how the convention is being implemented in Norwegian law, including in the area of mineral resources. Develop, promote and implement specific guidelines in respect of high-risk, conflict-affected areas. Improve your vocabulary with English Vocabulary in Use from Cambridge. The extractive sector is notoriously prone to corruption, accounting for one in five cases of transnational bribery according to the OECD. Business’ contribution to many of these goals/sectors is significant. In 2017 EU passed the new Regulation (EU) 2017/821 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2017 laying down supply chain due diligence obligations for Union importers of tin, tantalum and tungsten, their ores, and gold originating from conflict-affected and high-risk areas. (3) In addition, the Mineral Act B.E. before undertaking any project, including large-scale projects relating to energy management, power plants, petroleum, and drilling for the exploration of natural resources, in order to encourage people and communities to have a role in determining project operation areas, considering the way of life and culture. What is behind the recent push for mining companies to go green and improve the sustainability of their operations? Through the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), the United States is committed to promoting transparency in the extractives sector by playing an active role on the International EITI Board and Board committees. As part of the Government’s follow-up of the report from the Sami Rights Commission, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries will evaluate proposals for amendments to the Minerals Act. How many inches tall is a sixteen Oz monster energy can? The Federal Council is of the opinion that it should await the end of the parliamentary debates. The European Commission has presented a proposal for a regulation setting up a Union system for supply chain due diligence self-certification of responsible importers of tin, tantalum and tungsten, their ores, and gold originating in conflict-affected and high-risk areas. to the DPIM. Extractive industries are expected to contract sharply Continue to participate in the Kimberley Process Certification scheme and support the scheme’s stewardship by the European Commission. With an eye towards gender implications, in 2019, the Danish Institute for Human Rights published a report which examines key challenges, as well as good practice opportunities for practitioners working in and with the extractive industries, on how a gender-responsive approach can be embedded in project planning and implementation. France raises awareness among French businesses of their due diligence. The Regulation meets the EU countries commitments to breaking the link between armed conflicts, crimes and illegal exploitation of minerals which often implies serious human rights abuses. (a) Extractive Industries – These industries extract or draw out various products from natural resources such as earth, soil, and water. But, all too often, these resources have become a source of conflict rather than opportunity. Through the Public-Private Alliance for Responsible Minerals Trade, State and USAID work in partnership with U.S. companies and civil society to support conflict-free sourcing from the DRC and African Great Lakes region.” – Implementing Department or Agency: State, USAID, SEC, Commerce, USGS. ILO, “Indigenous and Tribal Peoples’ Rights in Practice”: Inter-American Development Bank, “Operational Policy on Indigenous Peoples”: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), “FPIC and the Extractive Industries: A Guide to Applying the Spirit of Free, Prior and Informed Consent in Industrial Projects”, IPIECA, “Indigenous Peoples and the Oil and Gas Industry: context, issues and emerging good practice”, Oxfam America, “Community Consent Index: Oil, Gas and Mining Company Positions on FPIC”, The Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, (6 July 2012, UN Doc No A/ HRC/21/47), The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, World Resources Institute, “Breaking Ground: Engaging Communities in Extractive and Infrastructure Projects”. This extractive industry guidance draws on I ARs expertise in the creation, implementation, and revision of NAPs on business and human rights. "Green growth" is a false narrative that industries push to continue business as usual. Principal responsible party: Ministry for Foreign Affairs, continuous activities.”, 3.1 Clarification of due diligence [page 26], “As a follow-up measure, the working group proposes that • companies, non-governmental organisations and other key stakeholders are invited to a roundtable discussion by branch of activity. It is committed to the establishment of binding due diligence rules, which should be proportionate and should not entail unnecessary red tape, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises.”, “The Government supports the proposal by the European Commission for an EU Council Regulation which provides for the establishment of an EU-wide system for supply chain due diligence of responsible importers of tin, tantalum and tungsten, their ores, and gold originating in conflict-affected and high-risk areas. Mining, agribusiness and road infrastructure sectors are prioritised due to their higher level of social conflict (page 7). mining industry, coal mineral, oil industry, rubber from forests, etc. 2535 (1992). extractive and logging industries’ provides an assessment of the implementation of the country-by-country reporting (CBCR) requirements for companies from logging and extractive industries stemming from Directive 2013/34/EU1 and Directive 2013/50/EU. Is there a way to search all eBay sites for different countries at once? There is generic guidance online about doing this e.g. In relation to this type of industry there are some aspects to take into account. The Ministry of Industry and Trade IS now considering how they can best be implemented in the Czech Republic. How many row does Boeing has for 744 jet for economy class? Explore Business Oil, Mining, and Natural Resources The oil, mining and gas industries are central to the economies of many developing countries. The federal government states that the Working Group on Sustainable Public Procurement of the Interdepartmental Commission for Sustainable Development will examine how to strengthen and optimize the integration of respect for human rights into the purchasing policy of the public authorities. As the world’s second largest continent, Africa holds a huge proportion of the world’s natural resources. “An important contribution to these efforts is being made by the deliberations, which Germany is backing, on what are known as ‘conflict minerals’, an intense discussion being conducted within both the OECD and EU frameworks. Agriculture Agricultural Greenhouses Animal Extract Animal Feed Cotton Seed Meal Farm Machinery Oil Pressers Fertilizer ... 560 004 Processing Services Business Services. Genetic industries: These industries remain engaged in breeding plants and animals for their use in further reproduction. EAER [Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research]. The National Council has not yet commented on this. The procedure for requesting a mining concession certificate: Section 56, paragraph 2 of the Mineral Act B.E. Talks about business and human rights addressed at key actors in the small, medium and large-scale mining industry. The AMV draws on trends and governance practices from other states, to make recommendations to African mining companies and mineral-rich countries. farming,mining,lumbering,hunting,fishing are some examples of This program complements USAID’s existing investments in Côte d’Ivoire to support responsible business practices in the process of diamond sourcing, support country compliance with the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme, and stem the flow of conflict diamonds, while improving community land rights.” – Implementing Department or Agency: State, “Stakeholder Engagement in Extractive Industries in East Africa: State is funding a program to promote RBC in East Africa. There is already a growing number of examples that expose an emerging trend of anti-Chinese preferences in the politics of extractives, as Chinese companies become the targets for the indigenous communal ire. How to use extractive in a sentence. Despite the great variety of products and services that come from the basic industries, there are certain common characteristics: Miners are now getting in on the … People who live in areas where extractive industries operate often face poverty and human rights abuses. This section contains a selection of key portals curated by our global team. of actions that should promote online training and advice and Resolution of queries, coordinated with those carried out in the application of the Spanish Strategy of Corporate Social Responsibility.”, “The Government will promote the application of the OECD Due Diligence Guide for Supply Chains Responsible for Minerals in Conflict or High Risk Areas.”, “The European Commission has produced a guide to human rights for small and mediumsized enterprises in Swedish, based on the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights. (2) Improvements in the environmental and social impact assessment system for mining projects in order to be prudent and concise by requiring public hearings with affected communities, both according to the mineral law and in accordance with the law on promotion and conservation of national environmental quality are as follows: (2.1) Minerals Act B.E. Companies within this industry perform tasks that are useful to their customers. Hence we can say that Industries are concerned with: 1. The extractives industries (e.g. Based on the aforementioned OECD guide, the Commission’s draft regulation would establish a voluntary undertaking to observe due diligence rules within supply chains when importing the minerals referred to above so as to ensure that proceeds from their sale are not used to fund armed struggles in conflict zones or other high-risk areas. … A multi-stakeholder approach to conflict minerals has proved highly successful in preventing funds being channelled into the civil war in the DCR.”, “It is essential for companies to have access to all available information on due diligence. Featured pages. ÚS 3436/14 of 19 January 2016 and Finding of the Constitutional Court I. ÚS 3196/12 of 12 August 2014).”. The extractive sector is notoriously prone to corruption, accounting for one in five cases of transnational bribery according to the OECD. At the same time, these industries … _ INDUSTRY AND ITS TYPE: Industry: production of goods for sale by the application of human or mechanical power is called industry. While each business will have its own human rights profile and challenges depending on the local conditions and profile of its projects, this primer highlights universal risks for companies operating in the mining and extractives industry. FDHA [Federal Department of Home Affairs]. “The implementation will be promoted by business and trade unions, general or sectorial, including representative organizations of social economy entities; as well as other institutions such as chambers of commerce, chambers abroad, universities, business schools, etc. Figure 2.29 . The Czech Republic was involved in the consultation and approval of OECD recommendations on the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas and Due Diligence Guidance for Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement in the Extractive Sector. Français The extractive industries –the development and exploitation of oil, gas, and mining resources — is a critical topic for investigative journalists, particularly in developing countries. Does Matthew Gray Gubler do a voice in the Disney movie Tangled? Gerald Byarugaba, Oxfam International's Regional Advisor on Extractive Industries in the Horn, East and Central Africa, answers pertinent questions. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? Their responsibility is to report the environmental impact of dust, loud noise, vibration, etc. 2561 (2018), which was announced in the Royal Gazette on 15 May 2018. The Ministry of Mining will organise talks and/or seminars about the inclusion of human rights standards in the development of mining projects. Further promote the knowledge of the OECD due diligence guidance ‘Risk Awareness Tool for Multinational Enterprises in Weak Governance Zones’ and ‘Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High- Risk Areas’, encouraging and supporting SMEs to follow as well this guidance tools; Preparation for the implementation of the European regulation on conflict minerals in Luxembourg; “The conduct of companies in relation to armed conflicts is highly relevant to respect for human rights. Early miners either did not understand the effects of their activities or believed that there was so much land available that it simply did not matter if some areas were damaged. Did Britney Spears cheat on Justin Timberlake? There have also been initiatives at the national level to enhance extractives industries governance. Extractives sector can make a significant contribution to the economic aspects of development under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through its potential to contribute to job creation and economic growth (Sustainable Development Goals 8 and 9). Sub-types / Classification: 1) Manufacturing Industry 2) Extractive Industry 3) Construction Industry 4) Service Industry 5) Genetic Industry With the discussions, an attempt shall be made to create a dialogue amongst various stakeholders and to establish the essential risks for each branch of activity as well as sufficient risk management and due diligence.”, The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) [page 28]. These are available on the Commission website: www.ec.europa.eu”, 2 National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights 2020-23, 2.1.2 Operational principles: legislative and information policy measures. Extraction of natural resources, such as oil, gas, and minerals, can be a lucrative business. The extractive industry is particularly privileged in that mining and oil exploitation have been declared of public usefulness. Academics and social movements should expose this narrative to avoid it becoming the cornerstone of climate policy. On this basis, Italy can draw on best practices of awareness raising and training activities with regard to conflict minerals, and in particular the gold sector, in line with the OECD due diligence and relevant EU regulation. Measure 13: Guidelines on human rights due diligence in conflict-affected and high-risk areas. The measures aim to improve the collection and publication of information on the sources of gold imported in Switzerland, and increase transparency not only regarding the risk assessments conducted by the industry but also regarding its human rights due diligence. • The negative impacts of extractive industry projects fall predomi-nantly on women rather than on men and are much more significant than generally recognized. E.g. The Ministry of Mining will generate the conditions for transiting to an inclusive organisational structure that includes the acknowledgement of respect and diversity in their practices. Secondary activities or manufacturing converts raw material into products of more value to people. Development proposals for extractive industries (i.e. A case in point are the extractive industries such as mining, oil, and gas. Examples seeds and nursery companies, cattle breeding farms, poultry farms, and fish hatchery etc. How does mobility effect diffusion rates. FDFA [Federal Department of Foreign Affairs]. Examples of extractive industries are hunting, trapping, mining, oil and gas drilling, and forestry. EU companies in the supply chain are required to adopt due diligence to ensure they import these minerals and metals from responsible and conflict-free sources only. Through the participation in Regional Boards and in the National Board for Women and Mining, the development of an action plan will be supported to raise awareness and motivate the different public and private actors involved in the mining industry in subjects such as gender equality. How to adapt engagement on human rights in the extractive industry to leaders and laggards. Definition: A service industry is an economic segment that provides certain intangible activity that fulfills a particular need. Estonia can serve as a striking example of this," he stressed. France has launched an ambitious process to become an EITI country. The certification authority guarantees that workers’ rights have not been infringed during mining or production. The oil, mining and gas industries are central to the economies of many developing countries. For the mining project, details of improvement of the environmental and social impact assessment system are as follows: (1) Minerals Act B.E. It is also a member of the multi-stakeholder group that manages the implementation, dissemination and continued development of these guidelines. Explore possible measures that are consistent with international rules, including a bill to be submitted for consultation. The Czech Republic was involved in the consultation and approval of the OECD-FAO Guidance for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains. China Chamber of Commerce of Metals, Minerals & Chemicals Importers & Exporters (CCCMC), The Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR), The International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR) and The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) (2015), M .K. In particular, the report explores how strengthened engagement with women can act as a key enabler for human rights due diligence. When did organ music become associated with baseball? They will do this carrying out the following actions: To strengthen coordination between the Ministries forming part of the Inter-Ministerial Working Group, amplify the impact of this Action Plan, and make known its progress, the Group will carry out the following actions: …. Extractive industry - these industries extract useful materials from nature i.e. from the ground: Like the other extractive industries that preceded it here, the oil industry has been enormously important in sparsely populated Alaska. The extractives sector can have adverse impacts on a broad array of human rights, due to, for example: resettlement of communities without adequate consultation and compensation; environmental degradation; deprivation of livelihood and access to clean water; forced labour; sexual and gender-based violence; and even extrajudicial killings by security forces protecting company assets, with some cases meeting the legal definition of corporate complicity. extractive industry. 1. It includes raising and collection of the natural products of the soil for the subsistence of human beings, such as mining, fishing and hunting, etc. At the global level, since 2000, states and regional integration organisations have been able to join the Kimberly Process, which is an international certification scheme, underpinned by a UN mandate, to regulate trade in rough diamonds and prevent the flow of conflict diamonds. If the network reports that it was affected from the mining operation, an investigation team will be sent to investigate. Support the implementation of the Regulation establishing an EU-wide system for supply chain due diligence of responsible importers of tin, tantalum and tungsten, their ores, and gold originating in conflict-affected and high-risk areas.”. This is not surprising. For example, the Liberia Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (LEITI) failed to publish the EITI Reports for 2016/17 & 2017/18, 2019 Annual Work Plan, and 2017/18 Annual Progress Report which resulted in a temporary suspension on Liberia by the EITI Board. Given that 92% of SDG targets reflect specific provisions of international and regional human rights and labour law, the UNGPs can provide a baseline standard of expected conduct for all businesses in all these areas, thus ensuring that responsible business respects human rights but also, through this, makes a more effective contribution to SDG realisation based on a more holistic understanding of the inter-connectedness of human rights and SDGs. 2560 (2017) and the relevant subordinate legislation require the preparation of basic information on the environment and public health and creating a barrier area in the case that the mine may result in causing highly adverse impacts to the quality of environment and public health. The Extractive Industry Association of the Northern Territory (EIA) represents the interests of sand, gravel and quarrying operations throughout the Territory. The biggest extractive industry in Cornwall today is the mining of china clay. State will continue to provide guidance to help companies ensure that their products and their suppliers’ products do not directly or indirectly finance armed conflict or result in labor or human rights violations. Most companies have no interest in exacerbating instability or violence, or otherwise becoming caught up in it. Furthermore, the EU issued a directive in 2013 whereby companies making payments over €100,000 to governments from extractives or logging activities must disclose this fact in their annual financial statements. 2560 (2017), which stipulates that after the request for a concession certificate is announced for a period of not less than 30 days, the local mineral industry official would arrange for public hearings in accordance with the criteria set by the Minister. For example, in the US, the so-called “Conflict Minerals Rule” which aimed to stem labour and human rights abuse, and the financing of armed conflict from trade in conflict minerals by requiring companies using those minerals to assess whether they originated from the Democratic Republic of Congo or an adjoining country. by extractive industries; the vast majority of benefits—in particular, income and employment—go to men. The results of the problem solving will be sent to the network for information. 2.1: Regulations on country-by-country reporting: Under the country-by-country reporting regulations, large enterprises that are required to submit accounts, and issuers of financial instruments listed on the stock exchange, in the extractive industry and/or forestry and logging, are required to prepare and publish an annual report on their activities by country and by project. 2 Conflict-Sensitive Business Practice: Guidance for Extractive Industries Oil, mining and natural gas companies often invest in conflict-prone societies – the nature of their business setting some limits on choice of risk profile. the NAP cites France’s participation in multilateral and european initiatives aiming to strengthen the legal and normative frameworks regulating companies in the extractive sector, in particular in contexts of fragile governance: France participates in the monitoring and contributes to the funding of the implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (paragraph 3, p36); France participated in the development and adoption of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement in the Extractive Sector (paragraph 4,p36); it played a major role at the EU in negotiations regarding the regulation on conflict minerals and was one of the first European countries to transpose the 26 June 2013 directive imposing obligations of transparency on extractive companies (paragraph 5,p36); and France’s President committed to adhere to the EITI (paragraph 1, p36).