In June 2010 the North Carolina General Assembly adopted the Colonial Spanish Mustang as the Official Horse of the State of North Carolina in Session Law 2010-6. The ears should not be set too close together or set far apart. Hawk Shadow - A GAITED Colt. An imaginary line projected up from the back of the hind cannon should meet the rear point of the rump. Over the past 500 years, since Columbus first took the ancestors of the Spanish Mustang to the Americas, they have evolved into the most hardy, intelligent and capable equines imaginable through natural selection and selective breeding. This means that a Mustang tends to be a little less stubborn than other popular breeds, such as the Appaloosa. The weight is proportional to their height, with anywhere between 600 to 1200 pounds. As its name indicates, the American Mustang roamed North America freely. The tail is usually carried in a natural relaxed manner, never elevated over the back. The angle of the pastern should be close to or the same as the angle of the shoulder (40-55 degrees). Spanish Mustangs have an affectionate disposition, are curious and alert, observant, quick and eager to learn, and eager to please. Sickle hocks and a horse that camps out should be faulted. The ears are often tipped and rimmed with a darker color than the base coat and again is typical for the breed. Spanish Mustangs have an affectionate disposition, are curious and alert, observant, quick and eager to learn, and eager to please. Heavily defined muscling and height in excess of 15 hands is atypical and should be faulted*. They are suitable for family with adult kids. Click here for Spanish Mustang Registry (SMR) Rassestandard (German Translation). Paddling or winging out are natural to some Spanish Mustangs and should not be faulted unless, interference is caused in the stride or is caused by a lack of straightness in the leg. Personality and Temperament The Kiger Mustang has a good working attitude. Ergots should be small or non-existent on both back and front fetlocks. Eyes are fairly wide set and set somewhat higher on the face. If you haven’t familiarized yourself with the Rickman Spanish Mustangs – Colonial Spanish horse, you need to. They are classified within the larger grouping of the Colonial Spanish horse, a type that today is rare in Spain. These mustangs can be traced back to Spanish Barbs brought to North America. Temperament. Hooves should not have noticeable cracks or blemishes. They also tend to be focused on the dynamics of the herd, including protection and mating, which can make it difficult to interact with them on a personal level. Click here to read more. Dogs - Cats - Terrific Pets is a website you can find information on dog breeds, dog breeders, dogs for sale, puppies for sale, dog names and more. Spanish Mastiffs are one of the biggest mastiffs dog which are non aggressive but looks dangerous because of it's size. Behavior/Temperament: The Spanish Mustang is a very “domestic” horse, that is to say they like to be around people. If specific care does need to be provided, the Mustang tends to stay calm only if their “leader” happens to be present in some way. They are small, standing 13.2 to 15 hands (54-60") at … The Colonial Spanish horse is said to be the most colorful breed. Many of the challenges that are seen within the Mustang breed can be directly attributed to personality conflicts that arise between horse and human. Horses that are narrow based should be faulted. The hip joint is well set and low. The loin is short, strong and smoothly coupled. ENDLESS COLORS The build of the Spanish Mustang ranges from a heavier type to lighter type without extremes. Black - Cayuse Smoke (SMR #2552) Chestnut or Sorrel - … Overly upright shoulders are to be faulted. They prefer being around people and have a temperament that is affectionate and curious. Fetlocks should give the appearance of strength and elasticity. The mane and forelock will be long and full in most animals, although some maybe shorter and thinner. The rear pasterns may be straighter than the front, but should have length and angle to give maneuverability. Black vs. On the other hand, if you prefer a horse that likes to snuggle instead of a horse that tries to knock a rider on their back to have a good laugh, then the spirited horse is going to be a personality conflict between the two of you that will be difficult to resolve. This herd mentality does tend to create a certain stubbornness and protectiveness that can get the horse into trouble at times. The classical style characteristic to the Spanish Barb and all Iberian/Barb descended breeds is displayed by their natural carriage, action, intelligence and temperament under saddle. Choosing a Mustang with a personality that is compatible with your own will help you be able to work together as a team in the future. They’ll be more willing with the “alpha” than anyone else, but there is also a general desire to please once that relationship has been formed. The alpha horses will be extremely spirited and could attempt to put you into a subordinate role as well. The heavier built horse may have a less defined throat latch than a lighter built horse, but in all the cases the throat latch should be deep with a distinct hollow on the underside of the jaws. The angle of the pastern should match that of the shoulder. As a breed, they tend to be alert and vey observant. Color/Patterns: All colors are present in the Spanish Mustang as well as all paint patterns, including appaloosa but excluding tobiano. Give the horse access to an adequate pasture and plenty of exercise and you’ll be creating the foundation of a happy horse with a friendly temperament. The inner sides of the rear leg should be adequately muscled so as not to appear weak. The forehead tapers down into a fairly fine muzzle, muzzles may vary somewhat in size but are never large or coarse. With the right rider, however, a Mustang can be willing and cooperative, ready to seek out an adventure. Fetlock hair may vary somewhat but should not be “drafty” in appearance. Long bodied or wasp-waisted horses are to be faulted. SPANISH MUSTANG REGISTRY (SMR) BREED DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS. This independence creates a horse that tends to be quite stubborn, especially if you’re asking the horse to do something it doesn’t want to do. That means you’ll want to look for specific traits before agreeing to take on a horse. There is also a noticeable difference with Mustang stallions. Behavior and Movement of the Spanish Mustang. The English word "mustang" comes from the Mexican Spanish term mestengo, derived from the Spanish word mesteño, meaning "stray" or "feral." The Spanish Mustang Registry is satisfied that the Banker Horses, in particular the Corolla strain, are as lineally pure to the 16th century Spanish importations as can be found in North America today, and that they compare closely to the selectively bred South American Spanish derivative stock. HISTORY OF THE SPANISH MUSTANG *please do not go to the Reservation to view these horses. This aggressiveness may be magnified if there are strangers around. The Spanish Mustang should give the appearance of a natural collection whether in hand or under saddle. Many people are attracted to Mustangs that have high energy levels because they offer flashy optics and nostalgic memories of times gone by. Bands of wild horses evolved in isolated pockets across the western states - many beautiful and tough, but none more distinctive than the Kiger. Stallions will have a strong desire for dominance with the herd mentality of this breed. The Spanish Mustang is a smooth muscled horse with a short back, rounded rump and low tail set. He has a fantastic temperament and is 100% trustworthy. These somewhat elusive traits remain an important part of their heritage and appeal and are basic to … Regardless of the name, they share conformational features that distinguish them from other riding breeds. Breed evolution: Like many wild horses, the Kiger Mustang is descended from the Iberian Horses brought to the New World by Spanish explorers more than 400 years ago. Stallions. It may vary from 13 to 16 hands. The nostrils are set low on the nose. Hooves: Hooves should be round and of hard, dense texture with thick walls. The hocks should be clean and lead into medium, short and straight cannons with well defined tendons and suspensory ligaments. Our 2013 Foals. When alerted or excited the nostrils are capable of great expansion. Grullo Spanish Mustang Gelding, 2 year old Spanish Mustang Gelding in Oklahoma. Movement: Any gait is acceptable, when performed in a smooth, rhythmic manner. Ears that are long, narrow, and/or floppy are not typical and should be faulted. Hindquarters: Viewed from the side, the hindquarters appear smooth and display strength and roundness, without excessive muscle definition. By the early 20th century, most of the once-vast herds of mustangs that had descended from the Spanish horses had been greatly reduced in size. She spent the summer with a young girl and currently is being used for non riders to do a little trail riding.