Thanks! I want to avoid PCs gaining a level two sessions in a row, and I want to avoid PCs going more than three sessions without gaining a level. Here are the milestones I came up with. I've read through CoS a couple of time and havent found the moment when they get the exposition about the fact they aren't in Kansas anymore. Also, technically, the PCs would need to recover the third missing gem, the location of which is not given by the adventure. Adrian Martikov • Alenka • Alexei • Amalthia • Anastrasya Karelova • Angrath Woodwise • Anna Krezkov • Arabelle • Ariel du Plumette • Arik Lorensk • Arrigal • Aziana • Baba Lysaga • Bella Sunbane • Beucephalus • Bianca • Bildrath Cantemir • Bluto Krogarov • Bray Martikova • Brom Martikova • Carlon Amoffel • Clovin Belview • Cyrus Belview • Dag Tomescu • Damia • Danika Dorakova • Davanka • Davian Martikov • Davra Jassur • Dmitri Krezkov •Donavich • Doru • Elvir M… Includes horse and Vistani figures. After watching it, I am pretty sure that I could run curse of strahd without the book.Baticeer: Gay stuff so far (I'm up to chapter 10)... Escher(page 70) is one of Strahd's consorts. It’s usually possible to do so. With my milestones above, the PCs could be 14th level when they face Strahd if they do everything. Eyes appear to be looking at roller. Any tips?A couple of ideas that I.m going to use:1. All thanks to Lord Shaka for your empowerment if you want to become a powerful vampire kindly contact the vampire kingdom on their Email: ( ). Dungeons & Dragons - A Guide to the Infinite Stair... Night Hag Int mod is +3, so: DC 15 and +7 spell attack. He accompanied them through some of Death House, and they kind of got attached to him, which is what I wanted because ultimately, I want Strahd to kill him. Great post! A single night hag is CR5, and there are 3 in a coven, which brings them each up to CR7. am now a powerful man and no one step on me without an apology goes free. Remember that it has blindsight 120 feet! Hi everyone! Many of the threads will actually cancel out, and it's an exercise in filtering: once you've got the reading (or have chosen the results you like), the DM's job becomes filtering out what isn't useful, and then spinning a tale from what's left.The second thing it really could have used is a collection of sample Strahd encounters that aren't linked to particular locations - possibly organized by the progression of his mood towards the party (from amused to intrigued to emnity to controlled fury). Thanks for check, Sean. The party doesn't have the holy symbol or sunsword yet, and I think when they do they are going to mop the floor with him! Pretty little dolls with white skin and auburn hair. He might try to charm her. When the group gets into an encounter where they take a lot of damage or they're in big trouble, maybe have Strahd jump them and make things a million times worse.He could flee after giving the group a beating. What's interesting is he has bitten her twice before, and in many D&D books this process is described as pleasurable. The shadows will really add to the spirit of Barovia! It had been 6months since my husband left me without saying anything.All thanks to Dr Adoda I was able to connect with my husband again with his powerful reunion love spell and now he loves me more than he used to. Dynamic Lighting is weirdly screwed up in an area on map Ravenloft 12; The Verdict: Curse of Strahd is a fantastic implementation of the 5E campaign with the excellent converted top-down grids of the Castle Ravenloft maps being worth the price alone. You could always give her some fun traits, like maybe she's obsessed with sharpening her sword, or she's a picky eater, or maybe she hates cats. The first is a note that this book is full of threads, rather than a full true "path"; it's up to the DM to weave these threads into a story (I had to learn how much of the narrative I'd have to improvise by reading your outlines, which are an example of doing this sort of weaving). It's a world of vampire where life get easier,We have made so many persons vampires and have turned them rich, You will assured long life and prosperity, You shall be made to be very sensitive to mental alertness, Stronger and also very fast, You will not be restricted to walking at night only even at the very middle of broad day light you will be made to walk, This is an opportunity to have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture. I think I need to run it a second time to really reap the rewards of all that prep. Appendix A contains character options for new adventurers. Maybe something relating to The Tome of Shared Secrets or the Compendium Maleficarium. I think she's really cool.Just the fact that you guys are almost all the way through the adventure means you are doing a great job as a DM, so don't let this stuff get you down! Check more flip ebooks related to Curse of Strahd of Juri. I don't know. The weird thing about the 'designing to be replayed' thing is.. do people really run a long campaign/adventure more than once? Contains Strahd puppet. i become a vampire because of how people treat me, this world is a wicked world and not fair to any body. Includes weighted “hanged man.” Gadof Blinksy stock. An outline/template of one way a DM could map out the adventure. Does anyone have any ideas about how to spice up the first two floors of the Death House? Scry/Dream focus for Strahd ? Thank you! Difficulty: Curse of Strahd is a completely non-linear experience and has little to no handholding. On Mother Night and the Morning Lord. Thomas S.: Thank you! Because of this, I recommend keeping all the PCs the same level and not worrying if a given player misses a session or two. Sean: I think that would be useful - a Strahd interaction guide/flowchart, or list of planned encounters that would help drive the story. That head only hisses. There was some great inspiration, but it was still a lot of work. I get that they want to make sure the players understand that the world is not always "balanced," but this area is an almost certain TPK. \$\endgroup\$ – Sean May 12 '17 at 20:53 Includes king, queen, prince, princess, executioner, tax collector, dunce, vampire, and vampire hunter. Remember that the creeping hut is a new development, it hasn't been around for long. It is suggested that if characters are only level 1 when they begin, they ought to be introduced to Curse of Strahd via the mini-adventure "Death House" found in appendix B. There’s a campaign setting of the same name, lots of small adve… Count Strahd von Zarovich is a fictional character originally appearing as the feature villain in the highly popular Advanced Dungeons and Dragons adventure module I6: Ravenloft.Later, this character and his world would be explored in follow-up modules, novels, and the Ravenloft campaign setting.Within this setting, Strahd is the first and best-known of Ravenloft's darklords. Honestly, I'd cut a bunch of rooms out of Death House. Curse of Strahd is a fairly free-form adventure where the characters are drawn into Barovia and must defeat Strahd to escape. Forge an alliance with Ezmerelda d’Avenir (Appendix D), 10. 10d8 lighting damage! That's interesting that Lysaga was beaten easily. It's a great adventure, but it was missing a few things that, in their absence, made it kind of inscrutable rather than usable.I agree the chapters could be organized by expected level, but I'd like to add two more. Rereading this as we are about to enter the castle and the sub heading "gay stuff" still cracks me up because it sounds so 'bro-y' but is actually not. Written by Tracy and Laura Hickman, it was released as a stand alone booklet for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. Level 13-14. In the original Ravenloft setting he came about when some people from his church came into Ravenloft and spread his teachings. I haven't thought about putting this stuff on the DMs Guild, maybe I will look into that. Bowls of herbs, flour, sugar, powdered bone. Radical: It says on page 39 that he lost his staff and spellbook (!!) I just wanted to follow up on the chorus saying this was super helpful now that I finished running Curse of Strahd. The same note could have pointed out that the randomness of the original I6 adventure meant that it was designed to be replayed, rather than exhaustively explored each time. I had them start (lvl 1) on an open road headed to some other town, when they were surrounded by a dozen bandits. The Vampire Hunters (Oath of Vengeance, A Raven at the Door, A Mad Tea Party, and Sealed in Amber) 3. (Werewolf Den Z5b p. 203)Toys from Dice, Camera, ActionStrahd Doll. Anonymous: You're welcome! First, the PCs found the Sunsword in the winery, and I didn’t want them to gain two levels at once. Even if it did retract, it'd just be stone walls on all sides. I'm having my players run through Vallaki this week, and your section on it gave me much needed insight and clarity. Light the beacon of Argynvostholt (Chapter 7), 7. (Barovia Village E3 p.44)Plush Werewolf. Drull burst through the door and they descended down a level. Just a heads up: the guide says that in X15 of the Amber Temple there is a Staff of Power which is not the case. A remake/reboot of the original Ravenloft adventure, Curse of Strahd is an adventure module for Dungeons And Dragons' fifth edition. Gadof Blinksy stock. Incredible work.My group is two sessions in and has just arrived at Vallaki. Tangled strings and copper bells. In the Shadow of the Castle (Death House, Fresh-baked Dreams, and An Invitation to Dinner) 2. Hey Sean, did you ever hear anything on the chance of getting a map with room numbers? You shouldn't worry about scaling too much, as 5th edition is supposed to be flexible. Level: 1-10. Each time the PCs achieve one of these milestones, they all gain a level. Gadof Blinksy stock. Thanks again for great outline! i become a vampire through the help of my friend who introduce me into a vampire kingdom by given me their email. I totally agree with you on the Strahd encounters, too. Innermost doll is mummified corpse. So a given milestone/level gain may be delayed a session or come a session early, just to try to keep the progression pace steady. At the end of the day, though, I want the milestones and the level gains to make sense.