In that case it would be similar to how many you have give or take some unique, species-only pieces. Silkies are generally as easy to raise as other breeds of chickens, but there are a couple differences. I breed them on the ranch and they are described as fluffy poodles. Question: How many eggs do silkies lay each month? There's a lot of debate over whether to keep silkies with other chickens. Show the child how you are holding the chicken, then slowly transfer. A blood feather is a feather growth that takes 5-7 days to start to open and grow. Gait, Circling. If the silkie is white, the black skin underneath makes the white deeper. Each hen will vary though. I washed with water, and it helped, but I heard ointment is good to use as well. They get along better when they have grown up together. I wish they laid bigger eggs though. Also, feather colors are described differently in different countries, so what they call something here in the U.S. may be called something else somewhere else. Their skin is very dark, and this makes them a popular delicacy in some Asian countries. If their feathers are black, then the black skin underneath makes the feathers look blacker. I'm doing a project for art...I have to design a chicken coop for an off-the-grid backyard...and I really really like this kind of chicken (especially after reading your lens) but I'm not sure how they'd be useful for anything other than showing (I'd rather not kill them since they are soooo cute and plus...I'm a vegetarian...even though it's just an art project involving no real chickens.) 8 Chicken Breeds with Feathers on Their Feet - The Hen's Loft So if you want a chicken just for the eggs, it may be better to get an egg-producing breed, such as a White Leghorn. If you want a mix of chickens, it is best to raise other breeds with silkies. If they are used to being handled, silkies will often let you do just about anything with them. Depending on the outside temperature, this may be delayed until spring when it will be warmer for them. They do this to reduce heat loss and to warm up one foot at a time, tucking it into the feathers on their abdomen, and then switching feet. Additionally, look at the coloring on their heads since male chicks have light-colored heads, and females have dark brown heads. In the fall months, chickens usually replace most, if not all, of their feathers, and thus, produce lots of feather shafts which in turn flake off and produce lots of dust. They are awesome, unique and really sturdy animals! Silkie roosters have walnut-shaped combs. This is why they are one of the most common chickens for 4-H kids and petting zoos. Wow, thank you for using your skills to put together this awesome lense! But if you are unable to do so ensure she keeps eating and drinking well since not being able to get to their food and water is usually what ends up killing them and more water may help flush potentially-paralyzing bacteria from their systems. The Silver Spangled Hamburg is not only a beautiful chicken, but they are also very economical to feed. Alisha Vargas (author) from Reno, Nevada on February 25, 2020: I'm not sure what is causing the problem. Question: How many body parts does a silkie have? Great lens! Shorebirdie from San Diego, CA on February 15, 2012: I love Silkies and Polish chickens, too. Silkies aren't well known for their flying. I feel very frustrated, even is I love them very much , Do they for some reason that I don’t know can kill each other ? I'm getting 3 red silkies this evening ... i'm excited ;-), They are sooooo adorable!!! They are gorgeous! They do not eat… But often, it is better to just let her be broody and give her some eggs to hatch. Red skin and blood naturally draw attention. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Down feathers are thos with no hooks and have a fluffy apperance. There is no other chicken just like them. Silkies make absolutely wonderful pets for most people. Some, however, are born with fewer toes, or as is often the case, fused or partial toes due to a common genetic mutation. You can use a mister or a fan, but some people go the extra mile by providing air conditioning in the chicken house. Foxes. Often times, you can't tell whether silkies are male or female until they start laying eggs or crowing at about 6-7 months. After that, the sky is the limit. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Answer: Neosporin Ophthalmic Ointment is often used for eye infections in chickens, but I believe it is no longer over-the-counter. I don't see a way to post my photos, if anyone knows how to post the photo, let me know. Also, remember that Silkies have fluffy butts that impede contact, you may have to trim the feathers a little to make sure they get a good connection. Some other peculiar attributes of the Silkie are that it has dark blue (almost black) skin, bones, and blue earlobes! I have silkies all cross bread (all my 33 chickens are, apart from two iser browns.) Remember, it's your job to protect them. Males can possibly breed earlier and Silkies tend to fully mature a little later, but that's about average. Children also feel comfortable with them because they are small. Silkies tend not to crow quite as much as some other breeds, but he will probably crow more as he gets older and more sexually mature. Thank you for teaching me about this variety of chicken. you can email me at thanks :). The Silkie Chicken is the lap dog of the chicken world, with many people owning them because of their docile temperament and amazingly soft & fluffy feathers. It leaves them with a skull that is a bit open on top and so it is easier to damage through other birds pecking on them or even just being born with a cerebral hernia. I have personally taught them to ride in the car and get carried around. Silkies come in two varieties: bearded and non-bearded. I love Silkies and they have always been a part of our flocks. My favorite then was PJ. The feathers that cover their bodies are silver with three pencil markings on them. Either the hens … Hold onto her legs with that one hand as you sort of tuck her under the arm of at hand. In the above picture, the little silkies and their rabbit pals are enjoying the nice spring weather while playing in the sunshine together. This means that if they get pecked in the head it can cause them to have enough damage that they lose their balance or can't stand. There's also something called Marek's Disease that causes balance loss and paralysis. Roosters usually develop a comb a bit earlier than hens do, but not always. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The Silkie and Poland Club of Germany Good photos, breeders list, contact information, and lovely sketches. Silkies are very popular and there are numerous groups devoted solely to them, as well as some that are about bantam chickens or all chickens. The average over the year (with heat/light during the winter) would probably be about 15 eggs a month. It all depends on the breeder's personal preference. Then they will grow back in the same sequence. How do chickens look after their feathers? Appreciated! I already had one silkie chicken. forming underneath. I think I want a Silkie now! They don't like perching, so will often make a big fluffy pile on the floor. All the cases happen whith diferents hen and roosters , diferents floks , diferents coops , all of them raises by me thing littles chicks. Answer: I've never heard of a Belgian Splash Silkie. These little Silkies are just adorable, and you cover the subject very well. Gait, Walking backwards. Rumpless. For more about raising, breeding, or showing, check out the groups below. If you look really closely, you can see that these barbs branch into things called barbules. Since chickens have such keen vision and inspect novelties with their beaks, they are drawn to investigate pin feathers, the skin and feather shafts, which frequently causes a feather-picking problem that can create a vicious cycle of baldness, head injuries, and feather regeneration, followed by more feather picking. However, the link is to an "unofficial" page with some useful information about silkie breeders in Australia and the Silkie Club of Australia. Question: What antibiotic ointment can be used in Silkie eyes? Soon many chickens … One of the reasons why chickens peck at each other is because of the natural texture and appearance of some of their features like feathers. It is believed that Marco Polo spoke of the silkie when he wrote about fur-covered chickens during his travels to the Far East, back in the 13th century. Some of these unique characteristics include having feathers that resemble fur, having black skin, and having five toes instead of the typical four toes on each foot. Vent Gleet. One playful bite can chicken in an instant. How aggressive the other breeds are, the birds' individual personalities, and how much room the birds will have all influence whether or not it will be a good situation. so I was wondering if you had any suggestions...or maybe you know of another kind of chicken that would be more useful? Silkies are a very unusual breed of chicken for many reasons. In other breeds the sexual characteristics are more muted and hard to notice. Most chickens will do anything to get a treat, and if that means jumping when you say so or even doing weave poles, the Silkie will soon learn to do it. Also, make sure there is always plenty of food as shortages can also impact egg-laying. Participation in the discussion group is free to any silkie fancier registered with the discussion group, not just American Silkie Bantam Club members. Dark skin is an important breed characteristic, but wattles and combs vary a little bit. Silkies, with their mild personalities, passive attitudes, and impeded vision, are extremely vulnerable to bullying by other chickens. Answer: Possibly, it depends on how the black is laid out on the white. Sometimes predators will scare them to death, even just by walking around the coop. Silkies are one of those breeds. Without hearing another rooster the one you have may not feel the need to show off as much. Why is he not crowing? The signs … Answer: It depends on the breed. To contact them write c/o Secretary, Sue Scott: 6 Colville Rd; Yellow Rock, Australia 2777 or email them at Start small by asking the Silkie to do something it would want to do anyway, then when it does it swiftly click your clicker and give it a small treat. They will lose their feathers near their head at first and this will eventually spread down to their tail. Like all chickens, silkies need some time outdoors where they can soak up the sun and eat bugs and grass. Regular Neosporin (without pain reliever) will work. Keep doing that until it associates the clicking sound with getting a treat. White Crested Black Polish. Also, because silkies are bantams, they're small enough to easily house. As long as food-safe colorings are used, it doesn't hurt the bird and is really fun. . I always have at least one in my flock. If they hurt the girls it is usually by scrapping their sides and cutting them. Press her back against your chest with one hand, then use the other to slot a finger on either side of her legs. Answer: Silkies, like other chickens, tend to lay more during spring and summer. These eggs are on the small side because silkies are bantams, but they still taste just as good. Example of pin feathers These hairs are called barbs, and in most feathers, the barbs look neat and straight. Supervise play time and everyone will be safe. If you are looking for another type that is gentle and broody, you might check out d'Uccles as they are a very sweet breed as well. Other variations of feathering include muffs, puffs of feathers around the ear lobes; beards, long, hanging feathers beneath the beak; and crests or topknots, poofs of feathers on […] The bald spots are populated with the new ‘pin’ feathers. I never knew about silkies. Also, how do you keep your Silkie in the house--does she wear a diaper? More space leads to fewer problems, as cramped birds will pick on each other. When that happens, the birds will sometimes pluck each others' feathers out, and can really hurt one another. Though their little bodies are fairly resistant to the cold, silkies are sensitive to high temperatures, so care needs to be taken to ensure they have enough cool water to drink and that they can retreat to shade if need be. If we look at a single chicken feather, typically we will find thick hairs growing on either side of the main shaft. Wheaten Color Variety. It is nice to pin back or trim the silkies' crests so they can see better. Some people like the added fluffiness that the beards add to the chicken's face and others do not. Ever look at a Manx cat and think, "Gee, I wonder what a chicken would look like with that … Answer: Chickens respond well to training when they get food treats after they do their tricks. The deficiency can cause a chicken to peck excessively at their own preening gland, the feathers around it and feathers of other birds. The most common predators that attacks chickens are our own pets, so care should be taken. Thanks! They will produce dust all year long, but there are certain times when they produce more dust than others. Nice lens. This can be a problem for us if we get new chicks in the spring and then autumn comes and makes them not lay just when they were about to start. Answer: Some Silkie roosters don't crow much. Location of missing feathers and possible causes Head – others chickens pecking, other hens asserting dominance, molting, lice Chest -broody hen, molting The individual feathers, hence, wisp around which makes silkies look messy and furry. I think we can't keep bantams in our city, though, only standard size or bigger. If kept caged, it's a good idea to create a mini dirt puddle in an old box using either sand or dirt. We have one Silkie at present and she is losing her feathers on her head. With that said, silkies do get along well with animals that are used to chickens and will often make friends very quickly. They trim or pluck the feathers away from the Silkie's face if it does not need to be in top shape for a show. Answer: Silkies are unique. To determine the sex of a baby chick, examine its wing feathers to see how long they are. Males tend to get a comb earlier and be a little more aggressive, but since even adult Silkies don't exhibit those traits as much as other chicken breeds, it can be hard to notice. Adorable! Cutest thing, friendly, and needs attention! Rabbit hutches make adequate enclosures for a couple of birds, but it is a good idea to build an attached run onto them and make sure that the bottom of the cage is not completely wire as that can irritate the birds' feet after a while. There are various ways to break this broodiness. All silkies are somewhat capable of flying, but it takes quite a bit of energy, and most don't bother or know how. Silkies truly are an heirloom chicken breed. Otherwise, if you already have chickens or are planning to get a flock, they can simply live in the coop with everyone else. Eggs: Eggs and sometimes the lack of them is diagnostic. When a Silkie is pecked at the right spot on its head, it can cause brain damage, leaving the Silkie unsteady, off-balance, walking in circles, or with its head cocked to the side. Your email address will not be published. It is sometimes difficult telling them apart, but bunnies and silkies get along great. It is listed further down the page under "Great Silkie Sites From Around the World.". They will clean their feet feathers as they do all their feathers, but show birds need to keep their feet clean at all times. Always be cautious when your silkie is near other animals. You may have to protect the chicks for a while until they're accepted as part of the flock. Answer: Most silkie chickens live 7-9 years, but they sometimes live longer with extra care. Care must be taken to prevent the bunnies from having to hop through the chicken poo. Air Sac Disease. Great lens! In this article, I will address the following aspects of silkies: Silkies in America are fairly small (about the size of a rabbit). Chicken’s may also be picking their feathers due to broodiness. If you mean like when someone is cutting up a frying chicken, it would be the same as any other chicken--wings, thighs, breast, drumsticks. Molting usually begins at the head and neck and proceeds down the back, then to the chest, wings, and lastly the tail. Sometimes it even kills the Silkie. Whatever you do, remember to consider predators. Check out the page about keeping house chickens: You can make your chickens think it is spring all year long and encourage egg-laying by providing supplemental light to increase the "daylight" to 12 hours a day. Originating in the Netherlands, the White Crested Black Polish chicken is … It all depends upon the Silkie's individual personality. They live in the new box for about 6 weeks until they have lots of feathers and can handle cooler temperatures. Silkies, like all chickens, produce a lot of dust. Breeders usually handle this in one of two ways. They also have dark, purplish-black combs and wattles. So for example, as their head feathers are lost you should notice pin feathers that are ready to grow in. Act partially paralyzed? I really like the way these chickens look, I guess this breed of chicken makes for a great house pet. My favorite is when people describe them as fluffy slippers with feet. I do know that some people trim silkie's feathers to keep them out of their eyes. While the pin feathers are growing in, try to avoid handling your birds-It is painful for them to be picked up at this time. They have an oval abdomen with a triangular head, and escape from host preening by remaining in the head feathers of the chicken, since the bird cannot preen their own head with their beak. These birds look like rabbits or balls of fluff. If you can, get your chicken to the vet. Another idea that works well is to keep the silkies as house pets. This can be a problem if you learn to expect a lot of eggs from your silkie because she will stop laying when she is being broody. In my experience, I added a perch and a door to a dog house and placed that inside a chain-link dog kennel for a quick and easy chicken coop. One rooster per 3-4 hens is a good ratio. Hi, my name is Edilia , this is my first in this block , I don’t know much English , but I will try my best to explain my self. I think the chickens even get a bit of enjoyment out of it too because they get more attention and cuddles. How Chicken Cannibalism Develops. I'm not sure if they is the correct name but that's what we called him because he had a bif tuft of feathers on his head and his legs. Just silly birds! It is important not to help them while they are hatching since doing so can cause them to bleed to death. If you are keeping them as pets, it doesn't matter how many toes they have. As it … There should be signs though. There are some really good training videos on YouTube with people training chickens. American Silkie Bantam Discussion Group is a free email list. I’m so frustrated that I’m thinking to give them away! If you don’t already … You did such a good job and I love Silkies. Nice resource on Silkies. Also, because it's a new space, he may be reluctant to claim it as his own yet. In the coop, the silkie chicks grow and grow and reach adult size at about 3-4 months. Silkies have a fun tuff of feathers on top of their heads, which will eventually grow out and just barely start curling around their faces. Feathers, Frequent or incomplete molts ... Gait, Ataxia. Chickens that are deficient in protein, sodium and/or other dietary essentials will seek out sources of the lacking item to satisfy their nutritional needs. Most hatchery-breed silkies are lower quality, and the majority of them have improper toes. Hatching is a very long process and often takes an entire day for the little one to peck a crack and then break out of the shell. Dust is created when the shafts protecting the feathers flake off as they grow out. As chickens begin losing feathers it’ll start with their head feathers, down to their neck, and in sequence all the way to their tail feathers. I didn't know that these adorable little chickens are called silkies. Just be prepared—it's a messy business. Some people can look at the wing feathers in newborn chicks and use those to determine male and female. :). When the chicks are finally out of their shells, they are left in the incubator until they are dried and fluffy. Their easy-going and mild personalities, in addition to their hardiness and pretty appearance, make them easy to care for. Thanks so much for all this information. Stand beside the chicken and place one palm on each side of the chicken's body. The molt starts with the feathers on the top of their head, followed by the neck, gradually working down the body until the tail feathers fall out. As you may already know, chickens produce more dust whenever they're growing in their feathers. When a hen is walking around like a penguin If this is the case, you’ve got a chicken who is egg bound. It's best not to keep silkies and bunnies in the same cage, but they often do okay as friends outside of their cages. Mites on the other hand cause feather loss in an unpredictable way. Beware of these piles though — if it's too cold and they burrow too much, they can suffocate. nice lens, I like it, please see my lens and comment if its okay, 'smile'. This is a very good and informatiove,anyway I would like to have some oneday,thank you for sharing this. Springtime is the time of year when there is an outbreak of feather growth, but the main time for molting (losing feathers and replacing them) is in the fall. Don't loose a bird or get mad at your beloved dog. Answer: Silkies have skulls that are different than most other chickens. Like all chickens, they need regular dust baths to keep their feathers nice and mite-free. Eventually he should start crowing at least a little. The most important difference is dealing with the poofy feathers. Very thorough lens. Underneath this little mound of hair lies a vaulted skull. Silkies are a chick breed recognized by the American Poultry Organization. Neither of those work for Silkies. Question: What would cause a 9-month-old silkie chicken to suddenly not be able to walk or stand? But he may not. Chickens peck each other, and as we all know, pecks can hurt and draw blood. Nice that you have put together so much interesting dialogue about them. Question: What is the average age of a Rooster when he's ready to start breeding? You should also ensure that they will get along. Some hens will have a soft molt – this is where you can barely tell if she is molting or not. It looks like a living cotton ball when walking in your backyard. This gives them a more beautiful crest, but can also be a source of danger. Question: Splash is a colour type of Silkie , blue splash is black splashes on light grey; Paint is black on white? Most people carry chickens upside down by their legs as chickens sort of go to sleep when flipped upside down quickly, but I don't like having kids carry them that way as chicken's legs are delicate and kids might hurt them. Their heads are usually silver with their hackle’s feathers silver laced. Along the way, they get tons of new feathers and will shed their old ones, as well as leave a lot of bird dander all over the place. Most breeds of chickens have bare legs, but some have feathers growing down their legs and even on their toes. Question: How did you train your silkies? Does this sound like I’ve been sold a male or should I be concerned about a health condition? Question: I have a grey silkie about three years old, I've noticed she has a large growth or lump on the top of her head, what could this be? Sometimes I run across a show that has these silky chickens on them. My hen is about 8 months old and still hasn’t laid an egg. Two day ago it happen again , I found a beautiful paint hen sitiing on the floar , I took her , didn’t move , while I was holding her she start shaking and died. They pin the crest back using a hair tie. Smaller kids can hold the chicken against their chest and just hold their legs, but it leaves the chicken's beak awfully close to the child's face. Silkies need very little care beyond what all chickens need. Bellezza-Decor from Canada on January 21, 2010: Wonderful looking Chickens. They should be mulberry in color, but it's not uncommon for hatchery birds to have poorly-shaped combs. Silkie Breeders Yahoo Group is for breeders and exhibitors. It is not uncommon for Silkies to have this happen, but luckily chickens have great recuperating powers, and if helped to eat and drink, eventually they will usually recover. This way you can really bond with them. Chickens' legs and feet are thin and featherless (at least most breeds are), so therefore they lose heat rapidly. what is the scale of feed for silkie (age wise). These birds are sweet and friendly, and they make wonderful pets for just about anyone. Gait, Lameness. Even if they aren't going to be shown, it's best to keep them in a somewhat clean area and provide a perch for them to sleep on at night so their feathers stay clean. Nature makes chickens lay more in the spring and less in the heat of summer or the cold of winter. It eats and drinks and doesn't have diarrhea. I've never seen chickens like these before. These barbules are lined with tiny hooks called barbicels which act like Velcro and keep the feathers smooth and straight. I like silkies they stay fluffy for life! A few months ago it happen the same thing whith a diferent rooster , I give him away too. A safe enclosure to protect them from predators. This breed isn’t really a black chicken breed (it’s a hybrid) but they’re still … If they're all the same length, then it's a male chick, but if they vary in length, it's a female chick. Austin area, Texas I don't know, but your question made me think of a little white toy poodle, just back from the groomer, with a bow in her hair. Question: My silkie (grey) has a beak which is starting to go a bit red and a bit of a wattle (I think?) I've been a contributor to many sites including eHow, Xomba, Helium, and HubPages. Good show chickens and some pet-quality silkies have skulls that are actually arched up at the top of their heads which leaves a vulnerable spot. But silkie feathers are different. I’m a silkie lower, I have been raising them for about four year , and I feel very happy , but there is something that make me very sad , two years ago I found my best buff hen dead in the coop, there was two other hen and a rooster , all silkies , I so that the rooster kill her , because he act so means whith the hens when he wants to mate whith them , I give him away. They are very small and have feathered feet, but their feathers are smooth, not furry like Silkies. You might notice your chickens standing on one foot during the day in the winter. Feather pecking not only hurts, but denudes skin and can damage flesh. Also, never drop them onto the ground as this will hurt them. Just remember, usually chicken genders are about 50-50, so if you have four chickens, probably two are pullets and two are cockerels.