if ( notice ) He is speaking encouragement to us. Your email address will not be published. He believes the Bible is meant to be lived out, not just read.  =  Eric Speir writes, "God always has good reasons for making us wait. Categories: Audio, Download. Waiting transforms our character. SBC President J.D. The Bible is full of stories of people having to wait on God, such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joseph, David, Daniel, Jesus, Paul and countless others. In effect, she is teaching that one rarely reaches deeper prayer without the necessary waiting, as God leads us through the stages of the purgative way (mansions one through three). I’ve had situations where the impressions I got in my heart was so strong I felt it was God’s voice. It causes us to get into trouble and brings pain. But while most of us are in a hurry, it seems God is usually not in a hurry. It is important to fix our eyes on Him as wait instead of the thing we are waiting on. And even once deeper prayer is attained, it cannot be all sweetness, for then merit and further growth would be lost. Some highlights from today’s episode; There’s the saying that goes like this, “Good things are worth waiting for.” Why does God make us wait? For them, a relationship with God wasn’t a get rich quick scheme. We tend to appreciate things the longer we have to wait for them. God uses waiting to strengthen our faith and trust in him. Suppose you are going to fill some holder or container, and you know you will be given a large amount. 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Many of our requests are made with an elevated sense of urgency. So, my brethren, let us continue to desire, for we shall be filled! God makes us wait because it takes faith to wait. Please reload the CAPTCHA. Sermon: Why God Makes Us Wait (Download) quantity. Is It Even Possible to Manage Debt Anxiety? })(120000); He waited for his disciples, he waited for the crowds, he waited for his parents, he waited for crucifixion, he waited for glorification, and he is waiting to return. We don’t always know the Why, (except sometimes in hindsight), but even so, God is always on time. Keeping Our Heads Above Angry Water Waiting during the difficult times developed their relationship with God. In the silence and anticipation, we find our best auditorium for praise of a holy Father who loves us enough to give us such good things. But the next day, though many were looking for him and wanted healings, he said to his apostles that it was time to move on to other towns. St. Augustine,  beautifully describes another reason that God would have us wait: The entire life of a good Christian is in fact an exercise of holy desire. Allow St. Augustine and St. Teresa to teach you one important reason. A few years ago, my family and I were going through a difficult season. This mindset often carries over into our spiritual lives with us rushing to the next big thing. Please reload the CAPTCHA. There are many reasons God has us wait. Because of having to wait so long, we tend to cherish and take care of it more than others might. And this is how God deals with us. It doesn’t say the Lord might not listen. Quotes That Will Challenge You to Take Action, What They Don’t Tell You About Pursuing Social Justice, What God Gives Black Americans That The Country Does Not. A Portrait of Jesus the Preacher – A Homily for the 4th Sunday of the Year. On a Strange and Horrible Biblical Story and the “Bad” Memory of God. And even it really only takes a matter of minutes (and even though it’s nothing more than a phone), you start to feel tense and anxious, wondering how long this could possibly take. Because it spreads God’s glory more across the earth. This tendency to push God to the side goes against his plan for us. Although He could fix every problem in I explored some of the aspects of God’s delay in yesterday’s blog. When Jesus finally shows up, He is accused of taking too long. … Many of our requests are made with an elevated sense of urgency. This prepares us for the greater gifts God wants to bestow upon us. Acts 8 describes what must have been a very difficult situation for our brothers and sisters in the early church: God wasn’t obligated to make any good promises to sinners like us. Whether good or bad? God won’t listen to your prayers while you’re still knowingly holding on to sin. Waiting has a way of rubbing off the rough edges of our lives. .hide-if-no-js { But in his sovereign and free mercy, he did promise salvation and all the blessings that go with it. Some Giving Tuesday Organizations That Could Use Your Donations, Trump Has Stripped Protections From America’s Gray Wolves, Propoganda and Derek Minor on What Black History Month Means in 2021, Corey Johnson Has Become the 12th Person to Be Executed by the Trump Administration, Lisa Montgomery Has Become the 11th Person to Be Executed by the Trump Administration, Three Steps We Can Take to Heal America’s Racial Divide in 2021  — and Beyond, A Look at the ‘Religious Alternative’ to Obamacare, Church Bands Together to Help Struggling Local Business Owner, The Investigative Reporting Technique That Can Change How You Read the Bible, A New Way Forward For Christian Millennials, 3 Ways the Church Needs to Change in 2021. If God corrects us, it's to make us more like Jesus and useful for the service of others. Nobody really wants to be patient. Many of our requests are made with an elevated sense of urgency. Why does God make us wait? Pop in your name and email and become a Hoot & Howl Insider! God longs to reveal Himself, to fill us with Himself. An Aide Says Donald Trump Is ‘Happier’ Now That He’s Off Social Media, and Why Wouldn’t He Be? In Sunday’s gospel, Jesus healed many people at Capernaum. Why God Makes Us Wait First, we need to recognize why God calls us to wait. Our problem is our perspective is usually wrong. To go even further, I can think of a few things that the Lord accomplishes in our lives only as we wait, and that's before talking about "every good work" spoken of in James 1:4-7. “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” (Psalm 27:14, ESV). Waiting makes space for us to pray passionately about an issue. While we wait for him to answer our cries, we must review and affirm what we believe about God. Patience in waiting for small things leads to having patience in … It humbles us, keeps us vigilant, helps us to clarify our desires, and aids us in developing self-control. One of the most common frustrations in the spiritual life is the fact that God often makes us wait. It … The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. display: none !important; To yearn is to increase our desire and to enlarge our heart. Msgr. The reason we are able to read about the great men and women of the Bible is because they all had one thing in common. He is helping us prepare and grow. In his impetuousness he killed a man and hid the body. Time limit is exhausted. While the reasons for God’s delay may be somewhat mysterious, we can certainly understand some of them. If we are faithful, waiting brings about yearning. Because God Is a God of Grace. Why do children get so excited around Christmas? While waiting is never fun, it is always for a purpose. There is a great poem that I wanted to share with you now that talks about this very topic. God will not force someone to do things they don't want to do. If not, all the biblical accounts would only include the feel good parts and not the good, the bad and the ugly of the times of waiting. Your email address will not be published. Why does God do that? jeremiah 17:9. For many of them it was a matter of life and death. God makes you wait because there’s something better for you, as per the divine plan, which you’ll come to know once the right time arrives. $ 3.99 $ 2.00. Here are five points we lay out as we converse on waiting on the LORD. Why does God make us wait for difficult times to be over? They’re too interested in short-term gains or success. God will intentionally make you wait in order to increase your faith and trust in Him. Add to cart. Many of us might have wanted something badly in the past, but when we look back, we realize that we’ve already outgrown that desire. In waiting upon God, the first thought is of the God upon whom we wait. This article gives 5 reasons why God sometimes allows us to wait for certain things. timeout We know this because when he was a young man he was brash and impatient. In her reflection on the fourth mansions, she introduced the first stages of contemplative prayer: I remember a verse we say at Prime at the end of the final Psalm; the last words are: “Cum dilatasti cor meum”—“When Thou didst dilate my heart.” … [A] person must have dwelt for a long time in the former mansions before entering these … [otherwise] all occasions of gaining merit would be withdrawn, were [the soul] left continually absorbed in God. Description Description. 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I’ve always believed God is just as interested in the journey as he is the destination. Required fields are marked *, (function( timeout ) { two Sermon: Why God Makes Us Wait (Download) Home AudioSermon: Why God Makes Us Wait (Download) Sale! They were all people who learned their success in life was directly proportionate to their intimacy and dependency upon God. This prepares us for the greater gifts God wants to bestow upon us. Please review our current Faith Groups list for information on which faith groups are considered to be Christian faiths. If we are faithful, waiting brings about yearning. By. Waiting Clarifies God’s voice. Only then will it be big enough to enjoy the full extent of what He is offering. }.  −  Waiting is a part of life and one of God's tools for developing people. Why does God make us wait for blessings and prays to be answered? ); The Key to Keeping Your Relationship Arguments Healthy, 5 Things to Remember When Your Dreams Don’t Become Reality, A Pastor Who Made Some Money on Gamestop Stocks Went on MSNBC to Tell the Parable of the Rich Fool, Making the Most of Your ‘Between Jobs’ Phase, Leaders Reveal What They Wish They Knew at 27, Nike Created Basketball Shoes Specifically for People with Disabilities, John Piper Says Churches Should Kick Out Members Who Marry Non-Christians, What to Know About Loans and Student Debt, To Actually Get a Job, Sweat the ‘Small Stuff’, Graduate School and Seminary Application Dos and Don’ts, Energy Drinks: A Student’s Best Friend and Worst Enemy, College Is Getting More Expensive Than Ever. He may be trying to reach you or speak to you about a certain situation in your life. There’s a reason why the Psalms combine waiting with courage. You do not see what you long for, but the very act of desiring prepares you, so that when God comes you may see and be utterly satisfied. Here’s How. Patience in waiting for small things leads to having patience in the bigger things. These are hard words for big city life, but there is hope. Therefore, it’s fitting and right to be patient and to say that his timing is best. To get a free eBook and see more posts like this one, you can visit his blog EricSpeir.com and you can follow him on Twitter @ericspeir. In studying the lives of these great people, I’ve discovered 5 reasons God makes us wait: Waiting has a way of bringing out the best and worst in people. The Scriptures say He is slow at going about things. Many of our requests are made with an elevated sense of urgency. Maybe this is what the scripture means when it says we have a friend that sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24). Because you know the quantity you will have to put in it and your eyes tell you there is not enough room. Yes, Racism Can Be Unlearned. Trials in life are … We often get frustrated waiting on fast food or waiting behind the slow car in the fast lane. Patience in waiting for small things leads to having patience in … When God tells us to wait, we don’t trust him, but go ahead and find ways to accomplish what we want to happen. Frankly, we are in a big hurry about many things—but God is not. It seems He always has a plan and a purpose for everything. February 9, 2021 “Remember you are beloved” — 27,000 young Catholics just wrapped up FOCUS’ virtual SEEK21 conference… February 9, 2021; Meet Sister Orsola Maddalena Caccia, the remarkable painter (and nun) whose work was just donated by surprise to the Metropolitan Museum of Art… February 9, 2021 Frankly, we are in a big hurry about many things—but God is not. God must increase the size of our heart, but this takes time. Why God Makes Us Wait First, we need to recognize why God calls us to wait. Why does he sometimes delay his solution to the things that are troubling us? God used this time of waiting to transform his character. People tend to treasure the things they have to wait for. Most people don’t like to wait. Most of us know the story of Moses delivering the Israelites from the Egyptians. Let us turn our attention to Genesis 15 and see the lesson Abram learned from God about faithful waiting. We tend to think the bigger things in life are finances and possessions, while God thinks influencing and changing people is more important. 4: PL 35, 2008-2009). Why God Makes Us Wait. If we can’t wait for God to do a small thing, we certainly can’t wait for something bigger. For example, any parent knows that giving a child whatever he wants precisely when he wants is to spoil him. God desires … Waiting is a part of life and one of God’s tools for developing people. Indeed, one of the most common frustrations in the spiritual life is the fact that God often makes us wait. Do you ever wonder why God makes us wait on certain things? Then you set about stretching your sack or wineskin or whatever it is. Why God Makes You Wait Because I want to focus mainly on what to do while we wait, I will only highlight the consensus around the important reasons why God makes us wait. A big thank you to Lauren Alan for letting me share this on my blog. Time limit is exhausted. Waiting on God isn't easy but don't get discouraged God always has a plan. Why? Is It Possible to Care About Every Issue? Sometimes God is ready to move on something, but the free will that others have stands in the way. In the end, the Israelites were delivered from slavery and Moses became a great leader. }, By Msgr. God always has good reasons for making us wait. Perhaps you know the feeling of waiting for your phone to charge? When Troubles Rise – A Homily for the 5th Sunday of the Year. Every weekday, get RELEVANT's top five articles delivered to your inbox! Waiting Builds Patience In Our Lives. We had to live with my mother-in-law for a few years. Faithful waiting is a sign of spiritual maturity (Psalm 25:5). Psalm 66:18 tells us, “If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.” Read that again. var notice = document.getElementById("cptch_time_limit_notice_61");