The 2004, 2008, and 2012 editions of the party platform recognized that the Second Amendment protects an individual right. / Joe Biden’s Incoherent Second Amendment Rant Gun Control’s Black Lives Matter Problem A WaPo Editor Floats U.N.-Sponsored ‘Disarmament’ for American Racists The Second Amendment — just like right now, if you yelled 'fire,' that's not free speech," Biden continued. How will the 2nd Amendment Survive Him? That’s when Biden released a statement officially launching his administration’s full-scale assault on the right to keep and bear arms as protected by the Second Amendment. We also offer Cartoons & Memes on Monday and Alexander’s column on Wednesday. Biden’s call on Congress to restrict Americans’ constitutionally protected Second Amendment rights comes after his call for “unity.” Approximately one out of every three Americans own a firearm, nearly half the country lives in a household where firearms are present, and there are more firearms than people in the United States. “We will take action to end our epidemic of gun violence and make our schools and communities safer,” Biden said. The Counterfeit Equality Act: The Left's Assault on Religious Liberty, Star Parker Joe Biden’s official website lays out a sleuth of anti-gun policies they would like to push through. Quiz: Can you pass a U.S. Constitution test? What a Biden White House Means for Gun Owners, Second Amendment With the most anti-gun candidate in American history now the presumed President-elect, we take a look at what a Biden White House means for gun owners. There’s nothing commonsense about it. The Patriot Post is steadfast in our mission to extend the endowment of Liberty to the next generation by advocating for individual rights and responsibilities, supporting the restoration of constitutional limits on government and the judiciary, and promoting free enterprise, national defense and traditional American values. Being an elitist Democrat, Joe “Buy a Shotgun” Biden clearly believes in neither. “[H]omicides in major cities including Baltimore are not race neutral,” wrote John Hudgins, an associate professor of sociology at Coppin State University, in an April 2020, Baltimore Sun piece. Email address: That much is demonstrated by Democrat Representative Sheila Jackson Lee’s bill HR 127 that would, among other things, create a mandatory registry of gun owners and the number of firearms they own. February 15, 2021 Updated: February 15, 2021. bigger smaller. Joe Biden says that he won't rule out using executive orders to take your Second Amendment rights away. If Democrats truly wanted to address gun violence in America, they would address the problems of those who choose guns and violence as viable ways of life. Biden has made his intentions clear: He aims to assault our Second Amendment rights. Biden views the Parkland shooting in basically the same vein: never let the death of several high schoolers and staffers go to waste in their ultimate quest to repeal the 2nd Amendment. Our mission and operation budgets are not financed by any political or special interest groups, and to protect our editorial integrity, we accept no advertising. 2. Joe Biden would like to infringe upon that right but legally he can’t so he’s trying to redefine the terms. Just last week Texas Sheila Jackson Lee introduced HR 127. If Joe Biden has his way, the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms could be nearly legislated out of existence. Terms of Use If Joe Biden wins, he will destroy our Second Amendment, and America will become unrecognizable. Retired cops don’t have partners or backup. • Cheryl Chumley can be reached at or on Twitter, @ckchumley. But this risible argument seems to be increasingly popular among Second Amendment antagonists. / If Joe Biden has his way, the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms could be nearly legislated out of existence. Joe Biden knows that gun violence is a public health epidemic. Former Vice President Joe Biden’s plan to do away with the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) could bankrupt the entire firearms industry. “This administration will not wait for the next mass shooting to heed that call,” Biden said. We provide solid conservative perspective on the most important issues, including analysis, opinion columns, headline summaries, memes, cartoons and much more. So the problem, to paraphrase Bill Clinton on the economy, is the culture, stupid. A top expert on the Second Amendment warned in an interview this week that President Joe Biden has launched a “four-prong” attack against the Second Amendment and already has more plans to dismantle it. "The Second Amendment — no amendment is in fact absolute," Biden told the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund's Presidential Gun Sense Forum Saturday in … By. "And from the very beginning — I have a shotgun, I have a 20-gauge, a 12-gauge. So “commonsense gun law reforms,” as put forth by Biden and the Democrats? What Biden said is tantamount to claiming that we don’t need to protect our First Amendment rights because they can always be crushed by the power of an M-1 tank.There’s a good case to be made that we no longer have to take Biden seriously. Leftists in developed nations around the globe have long targeted citizens’ right to bear arms as a primary hurdle to their agendas. If Joe Biden wins, he will destroy our Second Amendment, and America will become unrecognizable. “Today, I am calling on Congress to enact commonsense gun law reforms, including requiring background checks on all guns sales, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers who knowingly put weapons of war on our streets,” Biden said. Recall how quickly New Zealand’s prime minister unilaterally acted to strip Kiwis of their gun rights in the wake of the 2019 mosque attack in Christchurch, all in the name of “commonsense” action. M. Dowling - November 1, 2020. As we have repeatedly noted over the years, none of these “reforms” deal with the actual root problems of crime. The Patriot Post does not support Internet Explorer. Or a President who believes that’s it’s okay to confiscate millions of commonly-owned firearms. This past Sunday, Joe Biden did what we knew was coming — he officially announced his intention to launch an assault against Americans’ Second Amendment rights. Save the Rhino! FAQ We are out there on our own.” The same can be said of millions of other American citizens. That’s what we are facing if Joe Biden wins the 2020 Presidential Election. In 1996, the National Youth Gang Survey found the ethnic backgrounds of gang members in America were as follows: 44% Hispanic, 35% Black, 14% White, and 7% Asian or other. With 64% of all Black youth and 42% of all Hispanic youth in the country being raised by single mothers — single mothers who have to work, who have to work more than one job, who aren’t as attentive to the raising of their children as they might be with a father in the home — it’s no wonder the Black communities are breeding grounds for gangs. and View Comments, Terms of Use / Privacy Policy / Manage Newsletters, PODCAST: Everyone is sure they know what fascism is, - In a … Biden administration withdraws from transgender athletes case. They wouldn’t seek to needlessly restrict Second Amendment rights — to needlessly claim the God-given right to self-defend. And that would have the blessing of the Communist Party of China. Mitt Romney: Trump would win 2024 GOP nomination 'in a landslide' After all, it’s already illegal to shoot to kill; it’s already illegal to commit crimes with firearms. In the simplest of terms, Biden’s call to enact legislation is essentially a way of trying to bankrupt the gun industry while also dismantling the Second Amendment to our Constitution. Hans von Spakovsky Biden will fail and voters will quickly realize that they screwed up. in Second Amendment. Gottlieb warned that another area of major concern was that Biden could try to sneak his gun control agenda into a separate must-pass piece of legislation, which he said is how former President Bill Clinton got his gun ban passed. Share Tweet Subscribe. He controls the Executive Branch, particularly the Department of Justice and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE), who will carry out rulemaking to make gun ownership as onerous and expensive as possible and then enforce those rules. As the amendment clearly states: “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” You can’t fight it without addressing its root causes.” Furthermore, like so many other authoritarian minded leftists, Trudeau believes that “gun ownership in Canada…is a privilege and not a right.” Well, it’s clear that his administration is more interested in blaming inanimate tools rather than actually digging into the root human causes of violence and crime. If you are ever interested in robbing my house, you can look me up and know where my guns are stored.”. Upon reading that Biden is determined to render the Second Amendment either vastly changed or even "Scrubbed" from our Constitution, even by an Executive Order, a cold chill ran up my spine. The claim: Joe Biden said the Second Amendment is 'obsolete' A post offering Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's views on the Second Amendment … Joe Biden Calls 2nd Amendment Right Of Gun Ownership ‘Prevailing Dogma’ The 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms is not a suggestion, it’s a Constitutional guarantee. And that would have the blessing of the Communist Party of China. Quiz: Can you pass a pandemics, plagues and infectious diseases test? Biden’s plan to ingrain abortion even more deeply into American culture, Give power back to the states, as Founders envisioned, Malicious purge of Parler powered by abusive Big Tech, Reforming Democratic Party begins with ignoring Crazy Bernie and AOC’s ‘squad’ of harpies, Biden administration shouldn’t be negotiating with Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Why I’m challenging the FCC about antiquated safety standards for wireless devices, Biden must deter and not appease Moscow, Beijing, Tehran, and Pyongyang, Time for Cinderella investors to realize economic ball won’t last forever, John Kerry never got out of bed with Iran, Trumka: The Judas goat of the labor movement, Exposing Biden’s radical gun control agenda, Military gives clues of experimental nature of COVID-19 vaccine. It’s no wonder Hispanic communities face the same issues. Nothing in Biden’s agenda is new; that doesn’t mean it isn’t dangerous. YUGE! What is overlooked by Biden et al., is that 74 million Americans did not vote for him and he has no mandate to gut the Second Amendment, something … Read our editorial standards. It’s curious then that just days before the election, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden made abundantly clear that he plans to trample the Second Amendment if … Unfortunately, this press release represents merely the beginning of what surely will prove an unrelenting onslaught against the Second Amendment. Crime and reverence: Keeping George Washington’s remains at Mount Vernon proved no easy feat. AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. And given his penchant for signing executive orders, this threat is no malarky. Kids Count also reported 42% of Hispanics in 2019 were raised in single-parent homes, compared to only 24% of Whites. Click to Read More “A last-minute reminder that Biden is coming for your guns,” conservative comedian Tim Young replied. The Patriot Post is protected speech, as enumerated in the First Amendment and enforced by the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, in accordance with the endowed and unalienable Rights of All Mankind. Biden has made his intentions clear: He aims to assault our Second Amendment rights. The group also warned that stripping away immunity may cripple the gun industry and take the Second Amendment along with it. Joe Biden Tweet on Gun Control Gives Conservatives Fresh Second Amendment Ammo. Quiz: Who said these famous quotes in history? Anthropologist champions Proposition 209 in California, Mitt Romney: Trump would win 2024 GOP nomination 'in a landslide', Fox News, OANN, Newsmax in crosshairs as Democrats push conservative media purge, Biden administration withdraws from transgender athletes case, Click I thought we were supposed to social distance ... President Joe Biden, on the anniversary of the horrible tragedy called the Parkland school shootings, promised his administration would forever protect innocent Americans from similarly senseless crimes and soon enough, with Democrats holding majorities in both House and Senate, pass “commonsense gun law reforms.”. - Or, more to the point, it’s the blind eyes the Democrats turn to the lawbreakers, so as not to rock politically incorrect boats — lawbreakers who then shoot up the culture. Things have gone so downhill with this level of hostility towards cops and we are out there with the label that we are no longer cops. Joe Biden has promised time and time again that he will go after the Second Amendment rights of American citizens. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. Reparations Don't Buy Justice, Dignity or Freedom. In his push to “finally” deal with “gun violence” (as far as we know, there’s never been an incident in which a firearm, acting on its own volition, shot someone), Biden did not rule out the possibility of issuing an executive order to assault the Second Amendment. President Biden has many plans for gun control, and it’s being officially kicked off with this statement. This is a man who believes firmly that the ATF did nothing intentionally wrong at Waco. "The great principles of right and wrong are legible to every reader; to pursue them requires not the aid of many counselors." The Biden campaign’s website mentions the Second Amendment just once, saying, “It’s within our grasp to end our gun violence epidemic and respect the Second Amendment, which is limited.” Please support The Patriot Fund today! Should that bill become law, it would enact the most financially and criminally punitive law in history against otherwise law-abiding citizens. Supreme Court’s Decision Not to Hear Elections Cases Could Have Serious Repercussions, Tony Perkins If Biden tries to do that, he said, the Second Amendment Foundation will immediately sue the administration.