I wasn't a big fan of this before, but now I see the benefit of doing this in the morning after waking up. View The Other Responses! Next for weight lifting you can choose between circuit training or HST. Try something like a 40%-40%-20% ratio of protein-carbs-fat or 50%-30%-20% ratio (Remember this is percentage of your total calories, so 40% from protein, 40% from carbs, and 20% from fats for example). Weight cutting is the practice of fast weight loss prior to a sporting competition. Lastly while cutting your not going to be putting on muscle. Just do not get discouraged and keep at it, and never listen to those garbage TV commercials and think, why can't I lose weight that easy? Decline EZ Bar Tricep Extension: 2 sets of 4-6 reps as heavy as you can! A cutting workout is usually designed to maximize the oxidation and burning of fat stores in ones body. Big lifts like these work more muscles in less time – pushing your metabolism further than specific bodybuilding workouts where you train 1-2 specific muscles each workout. In other words, cutting is the process of improving your body composition. You might be able to do more if you decide not to lift weights but if you are lifting keep it to 3-4 times per week. Of course the squats. Between exercises take no rest, 10-20 seconds rest, or 25-45 seconds skipping. I can lose fat easier so I usually start a couple months ahead to give myself enough time to get cut. I suggest doing 8-12 repetitions. Timing is an important tool you can use to your advantage. On all chest exercises alternate between Dumbbells and Bars. This means exactly what it says. Cutting is a necessary part of the long-term muscle growth cycle (as is bulking and maintenance periods). Try to keep it as low as possible and only do it on non-workout days, preferably in the evening to speed up the slow afternoon metabolism. Basically you pick an exercise, more often than not people choose running. Cutting The Smart Way. Circuit training is great for cutting because of the fact that it's a heavy cardiovascular workout but also has benefits of weight training such as strength etc. Concentration Curls: 3-4 sets of 10 reps steadily increasing the weight each time. Leave one day of rest. As I mentioned above you can go straight through it which is really tough and I advise only if your in real good shape, or what you can do is take a very short rest say 10-20 seconds and go back at it. In this article we will help you lose fat without losing muscle. Weighted Bench Dips: 2 sets of 4-6 reps as heavy as you can! Close-Grip Bench Press: 2 sets of 4-6 as heavy as possible! If you feel like doing more than go to about 15 repetitions. So, therefore if you prefer another way then go ahead. The definition of cutting is this: Losing body fat. The results you expect depends on your diet! Also for those who have built up muscle, it's important to preserve as much of it as possible through the cutting process. Here's how to look your best! It is coming up to the end of my 1st year of bodybuilding in September (I really only properly started in January) so I think I'll bulk now until next summer with good clean weight then cut. What are some of the drawbacks to this type of workout? So always try to eat foods with a low or medium GI rating and stay away from things like white bread and sugary items. Just remember this during a cutting phase: 1) Weight training is for maintaining muscle. Work out something that suits you, this isn't written in stone. If you're working all week then you could start overtraining. For example instead of doing chin ups try close grip chin ups, or wide grip chin ups, even a rowing exercise for the back. Take shorter rests between sets for example 30-45 seconds so you're working more consistently and therefore using up more calories. The second option is doing low intensity and longer duration cardio. Also, for those who aren't in the greatest shape and want to lose weight, lower intensities are a better option than HIIT. Decline Crunches: 3 sets 10-15 reps, increase weight each set and add a twist at the end to target your obliques. Therefore a lot of people can't keep up the heavy lifting programs they have completed in the bulking session. With this type of workout you can expect to lose weight at a consistent pace. During the cutting phase your going to have less energy because your restricting calories and to add to this most people restrict their carbohydrate intake just not Atkins style. What I'm about to suggest is just that, a suggestion. A cutting workout is usually designed to maximize the oxidation and burning of fat stores in ones body. When you follow the light weight/high reps “muscle definition workout” approach, all you end up doing is providing a weaker stimulus to your muscles which actually increases the chances of muscle loss during your cut. Repeat circuit 1 x 2-3 times for a total of 2-3 circuits. Again keep in mind you might not have as much energy while cutting so try not to overstep your limits. Also a lot of people get confused when they see the word fats. If you do not, you risk a plateau and getting bored with your workouts. This is one workout. So long as you're not doing a professional marathon training program, you should be fine. Workout of the Week is where forum members are asked to answer questions about what they think the best workouts are. Running, biking, elliptical machines, stair climbers, rowing machines, skipping etc. You have to be going for at least 15 minutes so that your body starts using fat as it's energy source. You never want to go into overtraining because that will push your whole cutting phase further back and you won't be able to cut in time. The content on our website is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or to replace a relationship with a qualified healthcare professional. The great thing about this kind of cardio is that it burns calories more effectively than lower intensity but longer duration cardio. It also depends on your fitness as well. Right after just eat a decent meal or a protein shake and you will be fine. Doing cardio in the morning is worse for muscle loss BUT remember HIIT only lasts 15 minutes which isn't a big deal at all. Front Dumbbell Raise: 3 sets of 10 reps steadily increasing weight each set. Of importance here is what type of cardio to perform because there are several options each with its own pros and cons. Which is the definition of cutting. So every month switch from running, to the bike, or some other form of cardio. Since during the cutting phase you can't take on as much work capacity, I recommend doing this 2-3 times per week at the most. Best for people who are out of shape. Also, see what type of sports your doing. It also depends on your genetics, with some peoples bodies programmed to hold onto fat more than others. Even the pros in many sports take a day off at the end of the week to rest and, Tuesday - HIIT Or Low Intensity Long Duration Cardio, Wednesday - Circuit Training Workout Or HST, Thursday - HIIT Or Low Intensity Long Duration Cardio, Saturday - HIIT Or Low Intensity Long Duration Cardio. Cutting as previously stated is an attempt to reduce body fat. Cutting is an increasingly popular workout technique. Your email address will not be published. If you're really out of shape then keep it at 3 times per week. Flat Bench Press: 2 sets of 4-6 as heavy as possible! I mean do you really think you're going to be burning nearly as much calories doing heavy wrist curls as opposed to squats? There is really only one minor issue for some people. This is one set which you do 10 times for a total time of 15 minutes max. Also in the interest of keeping your heart rate up I suggest resting from 25-45 seconds ideally and 60 seconds maximum. 6 DAY WEIGHT/CARDIO CUTTING WORKOUT Main Goal: Lose Fat Training Level: Intermediate Program Duration: 10 Weeks Days Per Week: 6 Days Time Per Workout: 30-45 Mins Equipment: Barbell, Bodyweight, Cables, Dumbbells, EZ Bar Author: Team Muscle & Strength Monday - Chest & Triceps Exercise Sets Reps Repeat x 10: Repeat 10 times for a total of 15 minutes. So as you can see both deal with balancing muscle and fat masses. A period of time when a person strategically adjusts their diet and workout for the purpose of losing body fat in a healthy and sustainable manner WHILE maintaining as much muscle mass as realistically possible. I do recommend going for about 8-12 repetitions. Simple, do two sets with one exercise and one for the other. Because it's low intensity, the main fuel will be fat since the body will reserve the carbohydrates for more intense exercise.2 However you have to be careful not to go overboard because the body has mechanisms to preserve fat levels and if you go over 60 minutes, you will start to use muscle as energy. Nothing too complicated. I also don't suggest going in the low repetition ranges like 2-5 because this isn't a powerlifting workout. Flat Bench Press: 3-4 sets of 10 reps steadily increasing the weight each time. For the exercises I'll choose 7. As you can see, the goal of a cutting phase is to lose body fat, while maintaining or even building muscle mass. Duration is key here. Also for those who have trouble with eating too much, eating more meals a day will help you so you don't over eat. I couldn't imagine doing 9 sets for each body part in a full body workout, you would probably die. If it's too low then you're not going to be burning enough calories, but if you're working way too hard then you're not going to be able to complete your circuits. Sprint 20-30 seconds at 90-95% of max heart rate. For example doing bench press then immediately chin ups so that you don't spend as much time resting. If you start going 20+ you might find that your doing way too many reps, so keep it around 8-12 per set. Before every workout make sure you run for 5-10 minutes. I don't care if you have the healthiest diet, if you keep eating over your not going to lose weight. Let's say you choose running; you start off by doing this for a minute at 60-75% of your max heart rate. As always it is super important to change your exercises. The way I will suggest is simple so you can make modifications if you want. However the effects of weight lifting are long lasting and you will continue burning calories in the recovery phase so that the amount of calories expended is significant overall, not just on the spot. Click Here For A Printable Log Of gigolojo's Second Friday Workout. Understanding the importance of strength training while cutting and developing a program that incorporates heavy strength training, compound movements, and recovery is key. Doing all those exercises in a row is 1 circuit. You will do this 3 times throughout the week. Intensity is everything. Meaning you have your whole training plan and tracking log delivered to you as a hard copy as well as the digital version. In leg extensions you're focusing only on quads. The reason why you hear people changing up their exercises every so often is so that their body doesn't adapt and their results plateau. I’m a big proponent of finding the type of exercise that you personally love, whether that’s a spin class that feels like a dance party, a peaceful hike in nature, or sweating it out in the gym. Click Here For A Printable Log Of gigolojo's First Sunday Workout. Depending on which body type you are, you will cut fat at different rates. This is because of the fact that HIIT combines medium paced intervals with higher intensity bursts even though its short duration. 5777 N Meeker Ave, Boise, ID 83713-1520 USA, printable log of ho_124's Circuit 1 workout, https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/hst1.htm, https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/bobchic3.htm, https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/paul4.htm. This is an area of much debate because some people like to cut their carbohydrates a little bit during cutting while some don't. Try not to put cardio days on the same days as lifting days. That's not the way to go. If so, about when do you usually start to cut? At the end of the minute you do a sprint for 15-30 seconds using 90-95% of your max heart rate (Most people go for a 15-20 second sprint). Getting a lean physique is the goal of every fitness lover; this is where cutting takes place. Many athletes prefer to do it during the heavy winter months. Plan a 12-week cutting cycle. I see people all the time in the gym working so hard and wasting it eating junk. As you will notice in both those lifting programs, the main weakness is that you do. Remember also to warm up each body part once and only once to get the blood flowing so that maximum effort and weight can be applied. For example: no exercises for. If you're eating sugary foods, or foods that have a high GI rating, then your going to be spiking your insulin. Like HIIT, frequency should be about 3-4 times per week. Also if you are going to start lifting, then it's important to keep in mind that you shouldn't attempt a heavy lifting schedule.